477a.jpg Correspondent Bill Reising caught this gas price sign in San Mateo, CA. If you see the first $5 buck a gallon sign we want to see it! Then on to $6 and $7 and $8!! Send in your sign pics!

  1. miamiandy says:

    If you look at marina gas. Which is the same gas, Unleaded 87. It is about $5-$6 per gallon at the moment down here in miami. And that is with station gas that is $3.80 or so at the average station.

  2. Skippy says:

    Oh boo friggin’ hoo. Here in Canada, we pay the equivalent of $5.36 per gallon, and it’s even worse in Europe.

    America’s still got pretty good gas prices.

  3. Joedone says:

    Ok people this is absolutely ridiculous. We invaded a bunch of middle-east or whatever countries and enslaved all these dudes in order to steal the oil. That means CHEAP OIL FOR US! And this is what we get? What is happening here? I guess the problem is with the Chinese these dudes suck up lots of oil so lets take them out of the picture and then prices will get low as they should be.

  4. Barovelli says:

    Trip down the coast – The tiny burg of Gorda boasts the highest price in the state. It was $5 back in November when the rest of CA was at $3.50

    example one

    example two

  5. Brianflys says:

    Ah, but you missed the point. We ARE fighting in these other oil-rich countries. But the goal is to grab cheap crude oil (that is, for the oil companies to get the cheap crude). That way our refinerys can take that cheap oil and refine it to very expen$ive gasoline and diesel! The proof is in the profits. Buy oil stock!

  6. JPV says:

    Bear in mind that the dollar hast lost 44% of it’s value since the year 2000.

    That would put gas at $2.50 or so, in adjusted dollars, based on the average price of a gallon of gas in 2000.

  7. eyeofthetiger says:

    It may sound like a truck stop bathroom graffiti cliche’, but isn’t $4.00 a gallon and record profits for the oil industry “Mission Accomplished” for a “War President”? No, I don’t think the current President orchestrated this kleptocrac strategy. Disassociating is the common emotional trait of victims who have been robbed.

  8. JPV says:

    Some idiot said:

    Take a look at this site, a little old but still relevant.

    And stop your moaning


    Yeah, there are countries that only pay $0.17, $0.33, $0.45, $0.79, $0.86, $1.19, $1,70, $1.92, $2.08, $2.32, $2.34, $2.44, $2.50 and $2.59 a gallon on that chart.

    What’s your point?

  9. Uncle Ben says:

    $9.25 a gallon in the uk (£1.20 – £1.30 a liter).

    I can’t believe that only did the British prime minister blindly follow Bush to war in Iraq, but we don’t even get cheap fuel as a result! What was the point of that?

  10. JPV says:

    Sometimes I wonder if one of the reasons for war with the Middle East, other than appeasing Israel, is to insure that LESS gas comes out of it, in order to keep supplies low and prices high.


  11. ECA says:

    UK gallon = 4.54 liters..

    US=4.91LBS at 1.30 per liter
    and USA Dollars would be $9.53 per gallon US.

  12. ECA says:

    If you look at MOST countries…50-70% of GAS pricing is in TAXES…
    In the USA, Taxes for State and Federal are about $0.70 out of $4.00 WHICH is less then 25%

  13. fnberger says:

    over here in europe gas prices are more like 10 USDollars per gallon (or 1,50 Euro per liter), and people are driving around in cars all the time. maybe not in trucks, preferably in smaller cars, but all the time. no big deal.

  14. ZZ says:

    Iraq needs oil money to rebuild. The best way to get the money is to charge $200 per barrel instead of $25. Othervise it would be the US tax payers paying for it, with the high oil prices, everybody is paying for it. How much money does it take to rebuilt a country after being in war for 30 years?

  15. Uncle Ben says:

    ECA: USA Dollars would be $9.53 per gallon US.

    Which is pretty much what I said (given that that the price and exchange rate vary, I think we can + or – 25 cents….)

  16. Tabasco says:

    To be honest the oil price “needs” to get up a lot more in the US to reflect the damage burning fossil fuels does to the environment and to force a change in what cars you guys drive and how the whole society is built upon everyone using cars to move around.

    Sure it hurts, and I can understand it’s painful, but that doesn’t make it any less necessary.

    Most (if not all) European countries has gas prices over 8$/gallon and have been for many many years. This has led to fuel efficient cars, and a healthy planing and use of public transports.

    If people in the us was driving the same fuel efficient cars we do in Europe you shouldn’t have to meddle in the middle east, you could almost be self sufficient on oil.

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    >>This has led to fuel efficient cars, and a
    >>healthy planing and use of public transports.

    I guess that’s reflected in the traffic levels one sees in London and Amsterdam, hm? 😉

  18. JPV says:

    Or Paris.

  19. ECA says:

    Is that in OTHER countries the COst of oil, is like $2 per gallon with $2 taxes ON TOP..
    IN the USA, $0.70 is TAX and $0.30 is COST, and the REST is PROFIT…$3..

    To put it into perspective..
    In the UK, at $9 per gallon..
    $4.50 is the PRICE of gas and $4.50 is TAX..
    I HOPE you folks in the UK, are ASKING, where all the money is going.

    Basic price analysis..
    Lets figure that an average of 1,000,000 galons PER State, Per day is sold.
    THIS is HALF(1/2) the profit margin of 1 corp(BP) LAST YEAR $17,520,000,000, when GAS was $2.?? AND our gov got $525,000,000 in taxes..

    AND that 70-80% of the OIL in the USA comes from?? Canada, Alaska, and S. America.. AND most of OUR OWN, we SELL, to other countries.. FOR MORE MONEY..

  20. This is great!! I really mean that. Look around … SUV sales are down … small car sales are up. This is what it takes to make that happen. It’s a good thing. Let’s hope the candidates stop the stupid gas tax holiday thing and start moving us in the right direction, higher CAFE standards, electric vehicles, and the rest.

    I’ve posted this before. We were paying $15/gallon in 1998. We just don’t pay it at the pump. Instead, we pay it in our income tax bill, meaning that those with more fuel efficient vehicles subsidize the fuel for the Humpers, Land Hoovers, Land Bruisers, Naggravators, Path Grinders, and the like.


  21. #21 – ECA,

    Perhaps the taxes are going toward their national health care system to cover the costs of illnesses caused by air pollution. That’s a nice thought. Perhaps it goes to fund mass transit.

  22. wb says:

    No-one has a right to cheap oil.

    If it gets too expensive for you, fond another means of transport. Or is it just easier to complain about it and hope someone else does something?

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I welcome higher prices.

    Fuckin’ A right, Scottie. Drop the subsidies to oil companies, let people pay at the pump, and maybe there will be fewer nitwits driving the Humpers and Naggravators and the other penis-envy “cars” that clog the roads and foul the air.

    Of course, on the other hand, that’s going to necessitate an upgrade of mass transit, development of cars with good fuel economy, getting people to walk or ride bikes, etc.

    As long as Amurrica is run by fools like President Cheney and his Secret Energy Cabal, I’m not too optimistic about that happening here anytime soon.

  24. JimD says:

    Well, it’s “Market Pricing” when the Market is CONTROLLED BY CARTELS !!! What else would you expect with “Oilmen” (Even those that couldn’t find Oil in Texas!!!) in the White House !!! STEALING IN ALL DIRECTIONS – IT’S WHAT REPUKES DO !!!

  25. Uncle Ben says:

    ECA: I HOPE you folks in the UK, are ASKING, where all the money is going.

    We know exactly where all that money is going: it all goes to improve the UK’s superior road and transportation system, and our transport network really is the best. At least, if you like paying a lot of money for a shit roads, huge traffic jams, and trains that are usually delayed I don’t think you find anything better in the world.

    As and side, just above your shift key (the one on the left) there is a button called “Caps Locks”… you seem to keep hitting it by mistake. You might want to watch that… it makes your post look really funny. JimD seems to be having similar problems. Maybe you two could talk to each other and find a solution.

  26. Mr Diesel says:

    I get 8 miles per gallon in 7 ton military vehicle that runs on used motor oil, veggie oil, gasoline, diesel, kerosene, fuel oil, baby seals, polar bears and small furry animals so I’m doing good.

    It sounds sweet and blows black smokey soot wherever I go so I’m doing my part to increase temperatures as well so it’s a win win.

  27. Uncle Ben says:

    wb If it gets too expensive for you, fond another means of transport.

    Ahh, but here is the problem with the cost of fuel. Its not just driving the kids to school and getting you to work. It is also harvesting corn, plowing fields, shipping fruits and veg all over the world, and bringing us all those lovely little doodahs from China.

    And petroleum based products go way beyond fuel. It is used in almost all plastics, which pretty much covers we use, as well as all sorts of cosmetics and other things.

    Without petroleum we risk getting knocked back to the 17th century, with most of us spending most of our time out in the hot backing sun trying to grow enough to eat.

  28. gquaglia says:

    In other news, Exxon-Mobil’s CEO has just purchased his 3rd house for a cool 10 million. Its a bit of a shack, but you know, the recession and all.


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