
It’s low in fat, low in food miles and completely free range. In fact, some claim that Sciurus carolinensis – the grey squirrel – is about as ethical a dish as it is possible to serve on a dinner plate.

The grey squirrel, the American cousin of Britain’s endangered red variety, is flying off the shelves faster than hunters can shoot them, with game butchers struggling to keep up with demand. ‘We put it on the shelf and it sells. It can be a dozen squirrels a day – and they all go,’ said David Simpson, the director of Kingsley Village shopping centre in Fraddon, Cornwall, whose game counter began selling grey squirrel meat two months ago.

At Ridley’s Fish and Game shop in Corbridge, Northumberland, the owner David Ridley says he has sold 1,000 – at £3.50 a squirrel – since he tested the market at the beginning of the year. ‘I wasn’t sure at first, and wondered would people really eat it. Now I take every squirrel I can get my hands on. I’ve had days when I have managed to get 60 and they’ve all sold straight away.’ Simpson likens the taste to wild boar. Ridley thinks it is more a cross between duck and lamb. ‘It’s moist and sweet because, basically, its diet has been berries and nuts,’ he said. A glut of back-to-the-wild TV programmes featuring celebrity chefs such as Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall has also tickled the public’s palate, but squirrel is still unlikely to be found in the family fridge. The Observer’s restaurant critic, Jay Rayner, said he had never tasted squirrel, but if he did have it for dinner ‘it would have to be a big, fat country squirrel and not one of the mangy urban ones you see in cities’.

Are there ANY religious groups that worship squirrels? Because, I do NOT want to to see this served on an airline.

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    >>It can be a dozen squirrels a day – and
    >>they all go

    A dozen squirrels? That sounds like about enough meat for a couple of shish kebabs. Unless they’re giant mutants, like the one being stood over by the soldiers in camo duds.

  2. julieb says:

    I have eaten squirrel several times, it’s not bad.

    Mr. Mustard has a point though. You need a lot of them to make much of a dinner.

    The soldiers in the pic are Russian; the pic was taken near Chernobyl.

  3. julieb says:

    Oh yea, what does low in food miles mean?

  4. andy says:

    is redneck the new gourmet?

    a little something for the veggies

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Oh yea, what does low in food miles mean?

    Green. You know, like Al Gore.

  6. qsabe says:

    No good old boys in this crowd I see.

    Stew is squirrel cookery.

  7. Ron Larson says:

    Almost USD$10 for a squirrel? Wow. You can buy a roasted chicken that will feed the whole family for that much at Costco.

  8. Charlie says:

    Not every one eats as much meat as we do here in the states.

  9. hhopper says:

    Florida gray squirrels taste a little gamey.

  10. amodedoma says:

    Back in the 70’s recession we supplemented our diet pretty well with game meat and I still remember eating squirel frequently, it’s quite tasty. These squirels were all stuffed with acorns and quite healthy in the fall when the cold keeps them free of parasites. Game food is an ancient human tradition I hope is never lost.

  11. Uncle Ben says:

    Won’t be many gray squirls left, apparently they are being killed off by mutant black squirls:

  12. Derek says:

    Good job men! Lets get this to the cook so he can put it on the chow line. Semper Fi.

  13. admfubar says:

    now in book stores everywhere!
    Asphalt Annies “Cooking with Roadkilll”
    Rachel Ray, Mario, Emeril, Symon, or the legend herself Childs, can hold a candle to Annies squirrel stew.

  14. Peter iNova says:

    Dude, get out your Desaturate tool for the photo illustration. The article mentions GRAY squirrels, this one is a RED squirrel.

    Everybody knows that red squirrels taste a little like chicken.

  15. Billy Bob says:

    Apparently times are tough in the UK.

  16. Mr Diesel says:

    #7 Ron Larson –

    Almost USD$10 for a squirrel? Wow. You can buy a roasted chicken that will feed the whole family for that much at Costco.

    About the same as a gallon of fuel. I think I can burn squirrel in my truck and I’ve got plenty of squirrels until the tree huggers or People for the Eating of Tasty Animals (PETA) start their whining.

  17. rabsten says:

    Hey, for once West Virginia is on the cutting edge! We Mountaineers loves us some squirrel.

    The traditional method is to par-boil the tree rat first, then roll in corn meal or flour and pan fry. Personally though, I braise them in a foil pouch with some cheap red wine then reduce the leftover liquid into a barbecue sauce, brush the cooked meat, then finish under a broiler or over a grill. Tasty. And goes nicely with a hoppy pale ale or IPA. Great Lakes Burning River is a good choice.


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