Elizabeth Halverson is a judge. But the way courthouse staffers see it, she expects to be treated like a queen.

Her former bailiff, for example, says Halverson made him feel like a “houseboy.” He says the judge — who is obese and uses a motorized scooter to get around — made him put her shoes on her feet, massage her back, cover her with a blanket for naps and make sure her oxygen tank was filled. He says she asked him, “Do you want to worship me from near or afar?”

Halverson also surrounded herself with her own hired guards, saying she did not trust the courthouse security force to protect her. Another time, she allegedly had her husband sworn in so that she could ask him under oath whether he had completed chores at home.

Since then, the 50-year-old Nevada district judge has been locked out of her Las Vegas courtroom, suspended from the bench and brought up on judicial-misconduct charges that include not only misusing her position and treating her staff like personal valets but also tainting juries and falling asleep on the bench…

Many lawyers are unwilling to talk publicly about the case because of the powerful figures involved, but expect the proceedings to be entertaining, to say the least.

How did we ever beat Uncle Dave to this one…?

Thanks, K B

  1. Mister Mustard says:

    >>He says she asked him, “Do you want to
    >>worship me from near or afar?”

    Gak. Looks like she was searching for a chubby-chaser bailiff. I guess her chore-shirking hubby wasn’t servicing her adequately.

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    “How did we ever beat Uncle Dave to this one…?”

    Live in Vegas for a while. Things like this just don’t seem weird after a while.

  3. bobbo says:

    Popular Majority vote by the citizens is not the best method of decision making in many areas.

    Judge selection is one of them.

  4. JPV says:

    That’s actually a relatively flattering picture of her.

    She really looks a LOT more like Jabba the Hut…

  5. bobbo says:


    I thought the expression was “Justice is Blind.” Not: “Justice makes you wish you were blind.”

  6. Zybch says:

    Must have been a Bush appointee…

  7. bh28630 says:

    JPV said,

    “She really looks a LOT more like Jabba the Hut…”

    She is morbidly obese and that is not attractive to you or me but it’s pathetic you choose to perceive the issue in terms of her appearance. If she were black, would refer to her as Aunt Jemima?

  8. gox says:

    Undoubtedly. I know I would.

  9. JPV says:

    Yawn… I chose to describe her in a deriding fashion because I found her behavior to be repulsive.

  10. JPV says:

    Oh, and what in the FUCK does race have to do with it, Mr. PC Police?

  11. JPV says:


  12. D Huber says:

    Cripes, I’m just shocked (and happy)a story like this for once wasn’t from my state, Florida.

  13. Brother Angelico says:

    “JPV said
    She really looks a LOT more like Jabba the Hut…”

    She is morbidly obese and that is not attractive to you or me but it’s pathetic you choose to perceive the issue in terms of her appearance. If she were black, would refer to her as Aunt Jemima?”

    Well, if she were black, I would refer to that bloated turd as Aunt Jemima the Hut.

  14. ArianeB says:

    Is this the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland?

    “Off with their heads”

  15. Sying Flaucer says:

    “She is morbidly obese and that is not attractive to you or me but it’s pathetic you choose to perceive the issue in terms of her appearance”

    Her appearence is most of the problem.
    Probably 20 years ago she was a hottie and everybody thought it was great when she did and said silly things. Now she looks like “Jabba the Hut” and she’s a menace.
    Comments on here are just a reflection of attitudes in society.

  16. gquaglia says:

    Probably 20 years ago she was a hottie and everybody thought it was great when she did and said silly things.

    Doubt it.

  17. Steve-O says:

    #15, gq,

    Personal knowledge?


  18. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    Her size should not make any difference unless they had to reinforce the loading docks and build her one of those construction grade elevators at taxpayer expense so she could get to work.

  19. NewOil says:

    The new source of fuel : human blubber.
    Harpoons ready !?!?-)

  20. Jägermeister says:

    #2 – Uncle Dave – Live in Vegas for a while. Things like this just don’t seem weird after a while.

    #5 – bobbo – I thought the expression was “Justice is Blind.” Not: “Justice makes you wish you were blind.”

    #6 – Zybch – Must have been a Bush appointee…

    #11 – D Huber said – Cripes, I’m just shocked (and happy)a story like this for once wasn’t from my state, Florida.

    #17 – Mr. Gawd Almighty – Her size should not make any difference unless they had to reinforce the loading docks and build her one of those construction grade elevators at taxpayer expense so she could get to work.

    *laughing hard* Thanks guys! 😀 A good way to start the day. 🙂

  21. Said says:

    Please pass me the eye bleach!

  22. dream1958 says:

    Our local Circuit Court Judge passed out drunk on the bench and then defecated in his drawers.

  23. sdf says:

    there isn’t enough jesus juice in the world

  24. floyd says:

    #2: I lived in Las Vegas for 4 years. It is indeed the weirdest city I’ve ever lived in. The strange judge and here odd demands are almost on the normal side of weird compared to some of the strange goings-on in that town, like the gang battle that erupted in a locals casino a couple of years ago, or the many very odd people that almost live in their favorite casinos.
    Maybe the casinos attract people that are particularly weird to live in LV. Doesn’t say much for Uncle Dave and me,though…

  25. gquaglia says:

    Nothing beats the judge who used to masturbate on the bench.

  26. MJ Hopper says:

    Remember the saying “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas” Let’s hope that she does stay in Vegas an not hop on her scooter and head to Florida!

  27. andy says:

    i’m at a loss for words – and my lunch

  28. Glenn E. says:

    From the state that first gave us “C.S.I.” the Tv series (not the cult). Nevada. We also get this kind of judge voted into office. Are the citizens of NV totally out of it? It’s most likely the casino owners who keep her in office. She most know what skeletons are in who’s closets.

  29. bob says:

    # 7 bh28630, it’s not pathetic. It’s normal, natural, obvious. She’s repulsive, and there is no avoiding the fact that her UTTER REPUSIVENESS is part of the story. Pretend otherwise all you want, you’re just whistling dixie.

  30. MotaMan says:

    She’s always been ugly, at least on the outside.



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