Yes, yes. Not all Muslims agree with this, but I bet if there were Martians we would have an easier time Americanizing them than Iraqis who do. And that is, ultimately, what we want to do there because it makes getting their oil easier. This leads to a larger question: should we morally superior Americans try to change them just because our beliefs are better and as strongly held as theirs? Would we be willing to change if things were reversed?

‘My daughter deserved to die for falling in love’

For Abdel-Qader Ali there is only one regret: that he did not kill his daughter at birth. ‘If I had realised then what she would become, I would have killed her the instant her mother delivered her,’ he said with no trace of remorse.

Two weeks after The Observer revealed the shocking story of Rand Abdel-Qader, 17, murdered because of her infatuation with a British solider in Basra, southern Iraq, her father is defiant. Sitting in the front garden of his well-kept home in the city’s Al-Fursi district, he remains a free man, despite having stamped on, suffocated and then stabbed his student daughter to death.

Abdel-Qader, 46, a government employee, was initially arrested but released after two hours. Astonishingly, he said, police congratulated him on what he had done. ‘They are men and know what honour is,’ he said.
‘Death was the least she deserved,’ said Abdel-Qader. ‘I don’t regret it. I had the support of all my friends who are fathers, like me, and know what she did was unacceptable to any Muslim that honours his religion,’ he said. […] ‘That girl was a mistake in my life. I know God is blessing me for what I did,’ he said, his voice swelling with pride.

  1. bobbo says:

    Killing within your own family group because of culture/religion can be dealt with in a society–simply enforce the law.

    When it comes to contesting culture/religion willing to kill other to impose their culture/religion on other, then simply that is WAR.

    In war, many innocent people die==just like preventing avian flu. You kill many in order for all not to die.

    There will be blood.

  2. Tordenflesk says:

    Shit like this is what convinced me that religious people are a step behind the rest of us in the evolution of the human race.

  3. julieb says:

    Is it really true that not all muslams believe this is wrong?

    Can anyone find a muslam who will publicly declare that this is wrong?

    I bet you would have a hard time finding one.

  4. bobbo says:

    Uncle Dave==we will win in the Middle East when we pull out and become energy independent. If we continue our 40 years of lack of carbon free energy production and do nothing, this will occur all on its own in about 50 years max when the Middle East runs out of oil and returns to a sand economy and everyone else in the world forgets how and why they had any influence at all.

    With our supplies, Israel can stand or fall on its own.

  5. William08 says:

    I agree with number 4. The only reason we care about these barbarians is that they have oil. If we escaped the prison of oil dependency, the whole area would become irrelevant. AND Israel would have no trouble defending herself as the only civilized nation in the area since, once oil was out of the equation, who’d be pouring modern weapons into the hands of these folks?

    The middle east is plagued with primitive, tribalist cultures that need to grow up, evolve to something more human. Without our greed and oil addiction propping them up they would have remained small and meaningless.

  6. pat says:

    The western world is now paying a price for giving
    the primitive cultures technology they weren’t ready for. The best way to handle this is to pull out of these areas, quarantine them and wait until the day that they are civilized.

  7. TomB says:

    I know one and he is actively working to get these women out of the ‘stans, get the clerics out of the mosques, and get the schools updated to US standards. And he is doing this WITHOUT gov aid — everything is done through donations.

    He’s lived in the US over half his life and is a US citizen. He votes at every election.

    He is married to a Catholic woman (which, in his words, made family reunions “tense” in the beginning). Their two boys are taught both religions in the hopes they will choose for themselves which one to follow.

    His father has four wives so he is a good example of what a decent education can do. He said the biggest problem over there is they don’t educate their women and resist educating their men. So when this cleric gets up on stage and starts preaching hate, they don’t have the background to know whether that is the truth or not.

    He likes to joke that one of his goals in life is to start a franchise of turban-wear with sports team patches sewed on them (that way they can put them in the back windows of their cars :-). He’s afraid it won’t go over too well, though. He jokes, “Some of those guys spend way too much time in the sun and would find little humor in it. Nothing gets the blood boiling faster than the Pakistani sun except jacking with a Muslim’s turban.”

    I would trade any 20 random members of congress for one man like him.

    I will not post his name as it is not my place.

  8. jbenson2 says:

    Honor Killing is not restricted to only Middle East oil producing countries.

    Even if we reached the status of energy independence, the number of honor killings would continue to increase in quantity and expand to other locations.

    Just Google honor killing [insert country name] to see how this horrendous Muslim lifestyle has entered daily life in developed nations all over the world.

  9. bobbo says:

    #8–Tom==Its too close to call. Take your choice:

    1–Yes, you know one reasonable Muslim. Isn’t that exactly the problem?


    2..I saw a Bear once that could ride a tricycle.

  10. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Yes, you know one reasonable Muslim. Isn’t
    >>that exactly the problem?

    How many Muslims do YOU know, Bobbie? I know a handful of them, and they’re ALL reasonable.

    You take the worst aspect of any religion (honor killing, burning at the stake, beheading, making people eat fish pie on airplanes, etc.) and try to smear the billions of reasonable people of faith with that same dirty brush.

    Tsk. Tsk, tsk, tsk. I’d have expected better from you.

  11. bobbo says:

    #11–Mustard, you raise a fascinating question. Are “groups” best characterized by their leadership that actually can command action, or by what the majority of the group would do if left alone? You seem to imply that the average opinion of good germans should have been trusted in 1939 instead of Hitlers Leadership. Interesting. We’ll both still be in the first group to go.

    How to best view a contesting ideology is a key question that all Western Societies will have to come to grips with. Is the question at all telegraphed by all the intolerant things the Muslims are doing in Minnesota these days==refusing to taxi people who carry duty free home from the airport, single women out on their own, etc?

    I’ve known 2 Muslims in my life. One was a flaming asshole who thought Israel was on par with Nazi Germany, and another who wanted to become a Sufi. He very quiet but in reality when dealing with religious types, how can you ever tell who is more nuts?

  12. julieb says:

    See what I mean here?

    No one knows a muslam who will PUBLICLY denounce this behavior.

    Where are they? Are they too chicken? They are afraid they will be killed next!

  13. Jägermeister says:

    We can all laugh and be stunned at the primitive thinking of Muslim fundies, but then again, we live in a society with Christian and Jewish fundies (thanks, JPV). Are our society that more advanced when it comes to religion? Isn’t it pathetic that a country prints “In God We Trust” on the their currency? Or having a President who leads the country to war because God told him so?

  14. Jägermeister says:

    Or having women kill their kids because God told her to do so. Or having a military that has embedded priests? Or consider a person more trustworthy if he’s a man of God?

  15. Mister Mustard says:

    >>No one knows a muslam

    That’s because there are no “muslams”. Get a spell checker, Jule. You keep spelling it wrong.

  16. Cursor_ says:

    Yet we live in countries where we are asked by our secular governments to offer up our children to death and dismemberment and no one bats an eye at THAT.

    But stick an illusionary sky man into the equation and they are terrible and primitive.

    As far as I can see any human that signs off on killing is a good thing is still only one step above a neanderthal.

    They are still throwing rocks. Just they are metal ones and at higher speeds.


  17. bobbo says:

    #17–cursor==I am in sympathy with your sentiments but no one offers up their children in the USA. Aren’t they all adult volunteers making their own decisions?

    And few in the USA would claim that killing is “good”–only that it is necessary for a greater good.

    And yes, I do believe homo sapien is just one step above neanderthal–from a slightly different set of stairs, but still only one step above.

    I recall a recent film making the point that the reason neanderthal died out is they would not kill the homo’s. Very sentimental. Truth is they just couldn’t kill homo’s as efficiently as we killed them.

    Life is like that.

  18. The Warden says:

    If only this act was carried over to the radical islamo fascists where people find these nuts and kill them in the same way.

    But then again, Islam is a religion of pieces.

  19. Thinker says:

    The larger issue here I think is that we have two things going on here.
    One is how we deal with these things when people are here on our soil and under our law.
    The second is how another sovereign country deals with its citizens under its legal system.

    This does nothing to change how abhorrent such acts are, but one is more clear cut, and the other limits how we can act.

  20. RBG says:

    Hopfully we can make those barbarians more like us and properly confine honor killings to sticking out wars in foreign lands.


  21. RBG says:

    er.. hopefully.

  22. Kemal says:

    “Honor” killing [sic] is greatly spread here in Turkey as well. It was such a shock on my first years here. They have no problem killing someone because (the victim) “insulted my wife” or “spread rumors that my grandfather was gay” – the latter unfortunately continues to be a deadly (…) sin in Turkey.

  23. Ron Larson says:

    I’ve noticed that there is a lot blame about Islam demanding this. I think that it is cultural, not religious. A lot of people confuse the two.

    I am convinced that even if Islam had never been invented, this problem would still be there. I has everything to do with tribalism. This pre-dates Islam.

    Why tribalism took root, I don’t know. I think that it has always been there. I suspect that it is, at its roots, mans’ nature when competing for scarce resources. If you notice, tribal culture is mostly where one group can only succeed or even survive at the expense of another. The idea of “a rising tide lifts all boats” is totally foreign. Instead, it is based on a zero-sum gain.

    The religious tolerance or approval of such acts is simply the faith being molded to fit the culture.

    Education, and exposure to outside alternatives is the solution. However, the tribal culture is self-reinforcing, and thus hostile to the cure. That is why to most extreme think that education for women is wrong. That is why allowing someone from another “tribe”, or allowing one of your tribe, to mix is wrong.

    How to break this cycle? I don’t know. I don’t think it is going to be done in our lifetimes.

  24. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I think that it is cultural, not religious.

    Better watch out, Mr. Larson. The mantra here on dvorak dot org slash blog is “religion is responsible for all bad things that plague humanity”.

    I happen to agree with your position (after all, the Qur’an never mentions honor killings), but I’m used to taking an imaginary beating from the militant Atheists on the blog.

    I also agree that the cycle won’t be broken in our lifetime. Poking our noses into other people’s cultures can only lead to the kind of heartache and disgrace we’ve suffered in Iraq.

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    >>#25 does it hurt?

    Of course it hurts. Having a mentally-challenged monkey as “president” of my country just breaks my heart. The horror! The horror!

    But hey, November is coming, and all will be good. It’s been a long, hard slog, but at least the Chimperor-in-Chief can go back to clearing brush full time.

    Or, if you were asking if the imaginary beatings hurt, of course not. They’re only imaginary. The only thing that hurts is reading those interminable, confusing, long and winding posts from Mr. Bobbolina. And, unlike the long and winding road, they seldom lead anywhere.

  26. Mister Mustard says:

    Who the fuck is Kuzco? The cartoon guy? Do you live at Disneyland or something?

  27. Ah_Yea says:

    Remember, Kuzco is Hugo Chavez. I also agree that the biggest problem with Islam is the Arab culture. I have also known a few Muslims in my time and not a one was either a wacko or a creep. Some were Arab and some were Asian. A huge difference, effectively like two entirely different religions.

    We hear a lot of problems coming from the Arab side is Islam, but rarely hear anything from the Asian side. And when you do hear something about the Asian side, it’s always because an Arab got in the mix.

  28. scottelsdon says:

    What a solution, simply get every woman in Iraq to talk to these sexy British soldiers, their parents kill them, and that’s it, no more women, no more Iraqis in a generation, and the US of A can just stay there and claim squatters rights on the country. Brilliant strategy. Use their privative beliefs against them.

  29. admfubar says:

    religion is a mental illness

  30. Mister Mustard says:

    >>religion is a mental illness

    Wow. Now THERE is a compelling argument. Perhaps you should go back into the jungle with the chimps. I understand they have no religion.


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