W, Oliver Stone’s contentious drama about George W Bush, will launch in US cinemas before the presidential election.

Distributor Lionsgate announced that it will release the film on October 17, three weekends before American voters go to the polls on November 4.

The film has already drawn fire from Republican supporters after a copy of the screenplay was leaked to the press. The script revealed how Stone plans to portray Bush as a churlish, foul-mouthed recovering alcoholic who is deeply resentful of his father, the former President George Bush.

Just another Oil Patch Boy trying to do his bit for God, Country and the fulfillment of biblical prophecy.

  1. Jägermeister says:

    W must be the sequel of V… common theme… take over the world.

  2. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    Why do the wing nuts object? Are they afraid that if the truth is summarized into a two hour movie they will be cast in a bad light?

    The past seven years have indeed been a dark period for Americans and America. While most of us want to get past this, I propose that we make the first Tuesday of every November a day of remembrance. A day the nation hangs its collective heads in shame at how we allowed our country to forsake its spirit of law and order, of consideration, of justice, of helping those worst off than ourselves, of equality, and of the truth.

  3. Fratm says:

    Why would anyone really want to go see this movie? I bet it has the lowest box office sales of any movie this year.

    I honestly don’t give a carp about this moron of a president, and have no desire to see any movie about him.


  4. Pmitchell says:

    the liberal Hollywood fools are gonna try Fahrenheit 9/11 again (because it worked so well )
    Oliver Stone has become a laughing stock with his past few movies of so called historical fiction

  5. jbenson2 says:

    Looks like another Hollywood financial flop. They keep trying, but they just can’t find the formula for a winning political movie.

  6. moss says:

    Never realized before (today’s commenters) that nutball neocons know nothing about movies. Either.

  7. Tom McMahon says:

    Let’s see, since 9-11, we’ve won two wars and liberated millions of people from monstrous regimes. Only to the Left and Oliver Stone would that be considered a failure.

  8. InThe West says:

    Tom McMahon said:
    “Let’s see, since 9-11, we’ve won two wars and liberated millions of people from monstrous regimes.”

    Looks like you’ve lost your bearings Tom. Last time I looked we are stuck in two seemingly endless wars with nearly 4000 of our finest killed, the economy is in the toilet and respect for the USA is at an all time low. I guess to a republican that seems pretty good. At least he didn’t get a BJ in the oval office.

  9. eyeofthetiger says:

    Everyone knows Hollywood is controlled by the Jews and Washington is controlled by the Saudi-tent.

  10. MikeN says:

    Looks like Tony Snow.

  11. MikeN says:

    Is he gonna show Laura Bush as a drug dealer, like in the last election?

  12. Jägermeister says:

    #9 – Tom McMahon

    Stay the course.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    >>since 9-11, we’ve won two wars and liberated
    >>millions of people from monstrous regimes

    What on earth are you talking about, Tomster?

  14. andy says:

    I’ve always been impressed by how fast republicans get their panties in a bunch over things they haven’t seen, haven’t read, haven’t heard or don’t know.

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    This is the best thing McCain could ask for.

    This movie isn’t going to motivate those against the Republicans to vote, that’s already taken care of (courtesy of BushCo).

    This movie will certainly be a wash with the independents because of Stone’s past misfires (JFK, anyone?).

    This movie will become a rallying cry for everyone else. Oliver Stone and his movie will become the face of the Democratic Party.

    Not Hillary or Obama alone. But Hillary/Obamba, Stone, “Lambs for Lions”, with a touch of Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, and Howard Dean for good measure.

    Ergo, this movie will become a focus and rallying cry for those who are disgusted/afraid of the Democratic Circus.

    As I said, the best thing that could happen for McCain.

  16. Thomas says:

    Laura Bush has to be somewhat thrilled as she gets portrayed by Elizabeth Banks. Nothing will encourage the youth of America to get into politics more than the hopes of having a hot first lady.

  17. ECA says:

    FAKE, or FLOP??

  18. ECA says:

    If this is REAL,
    I wouldnt want them to TELL the truth…and it would be killed before it hit the theater..

  19. andy says:

    19, they’ve already built sets so unless Oliver Stone “commits suicide”, it looks like it’s happening. when it gets released is another matter.

  20. Carcarius says:

    I think Will Ferrell would have been a better choice to play W.

  21. andy says:

    will ferrell hasn’t crossed that skill threshold where we stop laughing and are supposed to take him seriously. then again…

  22. RBG says:

    Just another Spoiled Hatchet Boy trying to do his bit for Hollywood, Country and the fulfillment of liberal prophecy.


  23. Awake says:

    Finally a comedy that makes you cry at the same time. Laugh at the fools that voted for this guy, and cry for America and what it has become under this administration.

    $4 / Gallon = “Mission Accomplished”

  24. Steve-O says:

    # 25 Awake said, on May 10th, 2008 at 3:01 pm

    Finally a comedy that makes you cry at the same time. Laugh at the fools that voted for this guy, and cry for America and what it has become under this administration.

    $4 / Gallon = “Mission Accomplished”

    Yep, by tree huggers and democrats.

  25. Mister Mustard says:

    >>and the fulfillment of liberal prophecy.

    Having America suffer though eight years of the Chimperor-in-Chief will do more for the future fulfillment of liberal prophecy than all the movies ever to come out of Hollywood.

    It may have been a hard lesson, but at least now the country knows that Radical Right Retards like Dumbya belong back on The Ranch clearing brush, not in the Oval Office.

    Mission Accomplished!!

  26. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Yep, by tree huggers and democrats.

    Naw, we want improved mass transit and electric cars, stuff like that.

    It’s only President Cheney and his Secret Energy Cabal that are profiting from exorbitant fuel prices.

  27. Steve-O says:

    #28 Mister Mustard – I would like mass transit that worked or that went somewhere I actually want to go as well.

    As for who makes money from the 8.3% profit margin by the big evil oil companies I don’t care. I do know that it’s the shareholders like teacher’s unions and other retirement funds and I’m sure I have stock in an evil oil company as well so the who is getting shit doesn’t wash by any stretch of the imagination.

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I would like mass transit that worked or that
    >>went somewhere I actually want to go as well.

    Well, wait a while. President Cheney and his dummy-in-chief will be out on their kiesters soon, and we can put some of their ill-gotten gains towards making that dream a reality.

    >>As for who makes money from the 8.3% profit
    >>margin by the big evil oil companies I don’t
    >>care. I do know that it’s the shareholders
    >>like teacher’s unions

    Uh, you’re talking about capital gains from owning the stock. I’m talking about the money that the oil companies actually MAKE…. you know, the stuff that goes into the pockets of Dick Cheney and his Secret Energy Cabal. As to the 8.3% profit margin…..aw, boo frickety hoo! Yeah, I’ve always heard that the oil business was unprofitable (snicker)


  29. Steve-O says:

    #30 MM- I am surprised at you. Post a simple graph with no frame of reference. Shame on you. Is that something you just whipped up in Excel?

    Why don’t you do a little research into how much the big evil oil companies actually make after pumping the profits back into R&D.

    By the way, capital gains on the stock ownership directly relates to how much a company makes. The companies sole purpose is to make money for share holders. Not make people feel good or give someone a job. Make money and that’s it.

  30. 4:20 man says:

    Watch out Steve-o, the truth don’t go over well here.


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