
Charlotte Business

MIAMI — The instructions are simple: Read the Prayer … Drink the Water … Believe in God! Believe in Yourself! Spiritual Water, the faith-inspired venture of two Sunrise, Fla., businessmen, offers its drinkers clearer focus, positive thinking and connection to a higher power. The 11 bottles in the company’s collection bear prayers and impressively detailed images of Jesus Christ, St. Michael and the Virgin Mary. Spiritual Water joins a broad slice of feel-good products — Testamint, Bible Gum and other bottled waters — emerging at the intersection of religion and commerce, entrepreneurship and pop culture. “There is a great history of people using religious images to sell products,” says Daniel Sack, an administrator at the University of Chicago Divinity School and author of “Whitebread Protestants: Food and Religion in American Culture.” “You are talking about combining the great American traditions of religion and consumption.”

“Church is on Sundays, but people need something to help them through the week,” says Taieb, 33 and CEO of the company. “… The whole idea is for people to feel better and to know God is with them.”

Spiritual Water’s message is delivered in a 16.9-ounce plastic bottle that sells for $2. The Formula J’ variety carries the image of Jesus in a crown of thorns and the Fatima prayer: “Oh My Jesus, forgive us our sins. Save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls into heaven, especially those in need of the mercy. Amen.”

“You drink it, and you just feel like you are in church,” says Cecilia Joseph, a Sunrise real estate agent who liked Spiritual Water so much she became a distributor. “The pictures are so beautiful. You look at them and read the prayer, and it just feels good.” Taieb, who spent several years in the pest-control business, had been thinking about a faith-based venture for more than a decade. He looked at several products through which to deliver his message of spiritual enrichment.


  1. John Paradox says:

    and just a TOUCH of LSD?


  2. holy crap says:

    Great idea, but when you hear someone became a distributor, it sounds like it’s another multi-level marketing scheme you want to crucify.

  3. What a bunch of crap says:

    I guess the suckers, er, believers that will pay close to $14 per gallon of this water won’t mind $4 gas. Whatever gets them through the week and “feels good.”

  4. andy says:

    “You drink it, and you just feel like you are in church,”

    that;s what michael jackson said

  5. McCullough says:

    #4. “You drink it, and you just feel like you are in church,”

    So like, I’m looking at my watch constantly, or what?

  6. andy says:

    5, basically you keep hoping it will be over soon

  7. Jägermeister says:

    More like: Read the Prayer … Drink the Water … Believe in God! Relieve Yourself!

  8. Jägermeister says:

    * Elicko Taieb & Eitan Peer – Christian holy water
    * Ben Stein – Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed
    * Amnon Bar-Tur – Bible Theme Park

    What do they have in common?

  9. julieb says:

    I bet it wont work on me.

    Like I have said before, the one good thing about religion is that it is not copyrighted and anyone can make money off it.

  10. hhopper says:

    Hey, don’t knock it. I had a Jack Daniels® and Jesus™ just the other day. It wasn’t bad.

  11. Improbus says:

    Does the water turn itself into wine if you pray hard enough? Maybe they should sell Kool-Aid™ instead of water.

  12. Jägermeister says:

    #13 – Improbus – Maybe they should sell Kool-Aid™ instead of water.

    Or wine making kits.

  13. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    Are you sure Jesus didn’t already pee in the water?

  14. Brandon Bachman says:

    Right spewed forth from the mouth of julieb, and it did nothing to curtail the trend of religious stupidity.

    This right should be spoken far and wide, and it shall drown the believers of wrong in the very water they are drinking.

    Go forth, believers of right, and save as many as you can! May god be with the ignorant unwilling to change.


  15. Li says:

    At least they aren’t selling indulgences. . .yet.

    The point about religion being free of copyright was very good. 🙂

  16. JimD says:

    “Jesus Juice” OR “Snake Oil” – What’s the difference ??? The HUCKSTERS know there’s a SUCKER BORN EVERY MINUTE !!!

  17. MotaMan says:

    fuck that guy

    I bet he spends to money on Coke and Hookers (boy hookers?).


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