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On Wednesday afternoon, the House had just voted, 412 to 0, to pass H. Res. 1113, “Celebrating the role of mothers in the United States and supporting the goals and ideals of Mother’s Day,” when Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-Kan.), rose in protest.
“Mr. Speaker, I move to reconsider the vote,” he announced.
Rep. Kathy Castor (D-Fla.), tabled Tiahrt’s request, setting up a revote. This time, 178 Republicans cast their votes against mothers…
House Minority Leader John Boehner, asked yesterday to explain why he and 177 of his colleagues switched their votes, answered: “Oh, we just wanted to make sure that everyone was on record in support of Mother’s Day.”
By voting against it?
Read through the article. I think the Republikans are just plain losing it before the elections.
These types of “holidays” are dumb anyway.
It is because a majority of Republicans never had a mother. Some queer spit on a rock and the sun hatched them.
I always wanted to know how W got his moms picture on a one dollar bill.
Funny how Eideard and the Washington Post missed the fact that the entire bill was created and promoted by Republicans in the first place.
Not to mention that the recount had nothing to do with being against mothers, but was a stalling tactic to keep the Democrats from pushing through legislation on the mortgage crunch without a full debate.
The headline could as accurately say “Democrats throw their mothers under the bus to push mortgage legislation!”
You beat me to it, Ah_Yea, but i might be able to add to that.
“But the dilatory maneuvers continued, and the Democrats finally announced that they would postpone the vote on the mortgage bill until Thursday, thereby pushing a war spending bill to next week.
And with that, House Republicans were delighted.”
Geez, it took a bit of doing to actually get the real story here. It wasn’t going to come easily from the reports by so-called journalists.
The deal is that they all voted for Mother’s Day to go on record, then switched it as part of their continuing political filibuster. Even more Mom-&-apple-pie is the hallowed American tradition of filibuster. So, yeah, puppies would have been next.
The kicker here is that, I believe, Mother’s Day began as an anti-war protest by mothers after the Civil War.
Ahhh… the truth surfaces.
Mother on the one dollar bill?? Har!
Never let the truth get in the way of a good story for the Washington Post! They run neck and neck with the NY Times as a newspaper with an agenda.
Yeah, it’s juts a typical “procedural” move by the Republicans…
The Washington Post’s Dana Milbank reports that this move was a procedural tactic to “bring the House to a standstill.”
Nothing to see here… move on.
Again, try doing better research guys. It took me all of 2 minutes to find this info.
If anyone doesn’t undestand why, they have to visit and talk to southern baptists who are afraid mothers day is too close to accepting the sacred mother such as the catholics. Im serious. Maybe if there was a holiday that celebrated the union of southern baptists and sunnis, they would vote for that.
>>They run neck and neck with the NY Times as
>>a newspaper with an agenda.
Yeah, to present all the news that’s fit to print. Where else ya gonna go? The Washington Times to get the Moonie’s view on things? World Hate Daily, to see what venom Ann “Two-Dollar Whore” Coulter is spewing?
Even people who profess to hate the Post and the NYT go there when they need to find out what’s happening. So the Times fucked up when they stupidly pimped Dumbya’s trophy war. They apologized. Everybody makes a mistake sometime.
So did or did not republicans vote against the bill? What’s that you say? Against?
Nothing was reported incorrectly in the article here.
all newspapers push an agenda, wether you are talking about washington post, ny times, dallas morning news or the wall street journal. it is just a question of what particular agenda the paper believes in. as far as the ny times pimping the iraq war, i believe the were suckered to a large degree by dick cheney slipping nuggets of information (or disinformation, when needed) to ny times reporter judith miller. the source was so “in the loop” that the times coulndn’t resist not publishing. then the kicker would be when vp cheney would appear on sunday morning news shows refering the the stories he himself planted. and when the truth comes out, judith miller is disgraced, the ny times is embaressed, and dick cheney shows how he is the master. the kgb disinformation machine could not have done better.
#10 MM – But the Washington Post is the correct place to quote if it supports your tin-foil hat position about Cheney?
Yeah right.
>>But the Washington Post is the correct place to
>>quote if it supports your tin-foil hat
>>position about Cheney?
The Washington Post is the correct place to quote for most things, as it’s a responsible journalistic source. Just like the New York Times. I was lampooning the Washington TIMES, brainiac. You know, the Moonie’s “newspaper”?
>>as far as the ny times pimping the iraq war,
>>i believe the were suckered to a large
>>degree by dick cheney
Of course they were. The NYT is a responsible journalistic source, and Judith Miller was an imbecile to fall for Cheney’s disinformation campaign.
Better watch out saying stuff like that around here, though, Steve-O and other right-wing flakes will start asking you if your tinfoil hat is on too tight.
11 Brian. …nothing except missing one of the 5 “W”s of Basic Journalism 101: Why.
The Washington Post is one of the BEST newspapers in the world. There was nothing incorrect reported here.
BTW, the Republicans did vote against Mother’s Day. After they voted for it. I think this is what the Republicans call a FUCKING FLIP FLOP. Wow, triple “F”.
And I’m a jerk.
In other Headlines…
Will Obama Up It? Hillary to get Cheney Spot!
Repuks Aghast!
I realize now that I am an idiot.
Why were the Democrats supporting it, since their liberal friends at the UN are against the celebration of Mothers Day? They consider it discrimination against women, a violation of CEDAW, and browbeat (poorer) countries about it.
Isn’t anyone else interested to know if Republican John McCain voted against his Mom’s Day?
#21, Well, he told us he was all for it but then voted against it and said that he was for it.
No surprise the Repukes vote against Mother’s Day – Apple Pie, and the Flag are next !!! The Repukes know their days in the Congress and Washington are numbered !!! The People will CLEAN HOUSE OF REPUKES at the next GENERAL ELECTION !!! A “Reward” to the Repukes for their “MISERABLE FAILURE” of the last seven years of DISATERS – The Illegal War, the FAILURE TO “GET OSAMA”, the RUINED ECONOMY, the Price of Gas !!! Expect to find Repukes on the ENDANGERED SPECIES LIST ( which they also tried to kill !!) after the Elections !!!
Can some one please explain to me how a party that’s in the MINORITY in both houses can vote down a resolution?
Still more from the do nothing Congress.