Roll one for each of the guys on the clouds!

Pope Benedict XVI has acknowledged that the Vatican’s teaching against birth control was difficult – as he praised a 1968 Church document that condemned contraception.

In a speech marking the 40th anniversary of the document, Benedict reiterated the Church’s ban against artificial birth control as well as more recent teaching against using artificial procreation methods…

“No mechanical technique can substitute the act of love that two married people exchange as a sign of a greater mystery,” Benedict said in his speech.

“Forty years after its publication, that teaching not only shows itself to be unchanged in its truth, but it reveals the farsightedness with which the problem was tackled,” the pope said.

Next month, the Vatican is issuing a document supporting teachings that virgin birth and celibacy are as important, today, as CPM/Basic and Wordstar.

  1. bobbo says:

    I’ve never had a religious experience “but” I had an “out of body” experience for about 2-3 minutes. I put it down to some odd combinations of beer and hormones.

    If you clinically died and then were brought back and had clear recollection of going down a long tunnel to bright light where you met past family members and angels==would you think that really happened or that it was just a combination of drugs and dying?

  2. Mister Mustard says:

    >>you’ll burn your lips.

    The Pope doesn’t like blow jobs either.

  3. Mister Ketchup says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  4. Thomas says:

    That sounds like something akin to what I was told in Catholic HS. Esentially, whenver the Pope sits in St. Peter’s chair, he is said to be infallible. Being a contrarian, especially in a Catholic HS, I asked whether anyone had ever verified this claim. Why ask him softball, open-ended questions and instead ask him to recite the first 100 digits of pi or a “what have I got in my pockets” type question?

    Of course, they will never do that as others have made the mistake of allowing their infallibility to be verified and obviously trounced.

  5. Uncle Ben says:

    Bobbo: If you clinically died and then were brought back and had clear recollection of going down a long tunnel to bright light where you met past family members and angels

    Hard to say really without it happening, much like with religious experiences. If it was that clear cut, the religious experience, then there probably would not be such a conflict.

    But its not, its something you continue to question and wonder about, to talk about and think about, and hopefully you get a better understanding, but sometimes you don’t, or sometimes you think you do then realise you don’t, yet still, for some reason, who just can’t deny it. Maybe it is just chemistry, maybe its just insanity, its hard to say.

    If you read the autobiography of CS Lewis (the guy who wrote “The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe”), “Surprised By Joy” who started off as humanist and eventually became a Christian (but not a frothing at the mouth born-again zealot) I thought he explained it well. I doubt it’ll make you jump up and down singing “I’ve seen the light” but it may help in understanding what people who have had (or think they have had) a religious experience go through.

    The film doesn’t seem to have much in common with the book, so it is better to ignore the film.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    A “cock punch”? Haw haw haw!! wtf is a “cock punch”, you slimy watery puddle of impotent tomatoes? You’re a real tough guy, sitting there in your momma’s refrigerator, with the water puddling up on top of you, eh?


  7. Mister Ketchup says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  8. JimR says:

    Bobbo, all those images are in a persons memory.The most reasonable and logical assumption is that your subconscious is producing yet another dream. If death is imminent, your subconscious is most likely pulling all images of the most imprinted dead people you knew (relatives and friends) as an instinctive reaction and self protective warning to wake the fuck up.

    Seeing that scenario as being supernatural calling from god has no basis in fact, just like the bible.

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    Catsup, your bigotry and hatemongering doesn’t go un-noticed.

  10. Mister Ketchup says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  11. Agency Saper says:

    How is the Pope able to make this statement ?
    Any personal experience or experiences ?
    Would Jesus had made such a comment
    One could say that the whole hierarchical structure of the church goes back by imitation and model to the Romans
    “Son look in your own order book”

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Now go fuck off you self-righteous dick head.

    Heh. Heh heh heh. This is exactly why I’m mustard and you are catsup.

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    Heh. Heh heh heh. And this is exactly my two daddies raised me to be such a turd burglar.

  14. The Pirate says:

    I dunno, I read all this and I’m still going with Fuck The Pope.

  15. julieb says:

    # 3 The Pirate said, on May 10th, 2008 at 9:11 am

    “#1 julie.
    You disgrace yourself and your argument by proposing unfounded allegations. You’re better than that.”

    No, I’m not. I stand by my comment.

    Do the poor religionists feel oppressed here on the blog? LOL. Am I too late for the pity party?

    There is no god, you wacky knuckleheads.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    >>And this is exactly my two daddies raised
    >>me to be such a turd burglar.

    Nice, Catsup. You post messages using my name? Jesus. When are you going to start acting like a big boy?

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    >>There is no god, you wacky knuckleheads.

    Do you know that for sure? Or do you just BELIEVE it? Hmmm? Take it on FAITH?

  18. Jägermeister says:

    #47 – Mr. Hot Dog Condiment

    Prove to me that there is a God and I’ll rest my case.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Prove to me that there is a God and
    >>I’ll rest my case.

    Prove to me that there’s not, Mr. Cough Syrup, and I’ll rest mine.

  20. bobbo says:

    #35–Uncle B==you say: Hard to say really without it happening,” /// Well, I guess my example, or my explanation wasn’t as concrete as I thought it was?

    At #27, you say religion is “like a big crock of shit designed by miscreant power mongers.” unless you have had a religious experience. /// Focus on that thought. Religion is crap except for the experiences BUT the experiences are some combination of drugs, hormones, asphyxia, death, emotions. No one really has to believe in crap or illusions.

    Religion suffers from many well known and oft recited logical impossibilities AND it suffers from the fact that even if god existed as anyone might believe, that in no way justifies gods treatment of us–ie he should leave us alone. I don’t need god, I don’t see why he needs me. We should both leave each other alone.

  21. bobbo says:

    How come no one has yet quoted Marx that RELIGION is the opiate of the masses? If anything is like a drug, in frying your brain making you useless and stupid, that would be religion? Sex seems so life affirming to me.

  22. julieb says:

    No one can prove something does not exist.

    Prove to me there is no Zeus, fairies, flying spaghetti monster, etc.

    The human imagination can come up with a billion things that do not exist and could never be proven.

    If you make the claim something exist the burden of proof is on you. It’s logic 101. Get with it.

    If you REALLY believed in a god you should be EXTREMELY concerned that you may have picked the wrong one, Mr. Mustard. I hear Allah is a mean dude to those who don’t believe.

  23. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  24. julieb says:

    Ms. Mustard?

    Seriously you guys shouldn’t use all these different names to make your argument and confuse things. Just pick a name and stick to it.

  25. bobbo says:

    #53–Ms M==I used to work with a psychiatrist who was a devout Catholic. I asked him one day what the exact difference was between being religious and being crazy. He just shook his head and walked away. Nice guy though.

  26. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  27. bobbo says:

    #53–julieb==I kinda like the clever use of topic relevant nicknames. If you agree there are pro’s and con’s to any policy, I’m sure you considered the con’s of your proposal?

  28. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Ms. Mustard?

    Some asshole is posting messages using a derivative of my moniker. I figured kids gave that up when they got out of elementary school. Maybe I was wrong, or maybe dvorak dot org slash blog is overrun with juveniles.

  29. julieb says:


    I’m not sure I agree there are pros and cons to every policy.

    What are the cons of my proposal? I don’t get it. I just see it as transparency and honesty.

  30. Mister Mustard says:

    >>If you REALLY believed in a god you should
    >>be EXTREMELY concerned that you may have
    >>picked the wrong one, Mr. Mustard.

    Au contraire, Ms B. My God is a benificent force, presiding over all of Creation (and no, that’s not a plug for intelligent design). If you choose not to believe it, that’s your prerogative.

    >>The human imagination can come up with
    >>a billion things that do not exist and
    >>could never be proven.

    Ah, Julie, Julie, Julie. Tens of billions of people have believed in a higher power, ever since the dawn of humanity. It could be that only the hatemongering, bitter, disillusioned atheists are the smart ones and the rest of all humanity are fools. Or maybe there’s something to it. I report; you decide.


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