
“Bishop” John Peter Bushey

MADISON, Wis. (AP) Two children and their mother lived for about two months with the decaying body of a 90-year-old woman on the toilet of their home’s only bathroom, on the advice of a religious “superior” who claimed the corpse would come back to life, authorities said Friday.

The children — a 15-year-old girl and a 12-year-old boy — cried hysterically Wednesday after a deputy who came to their Necedah home looking for Magdeline Alvina Middlesworth ordered them out because of the stench from her body.

When Deputy Leigh Neville-Neil arrived at the house, she encountered Lewis, also known as Sister Mary Bernadett, the complaint said. Lewis, 35, initially refused to allow the deputy to check on Middlesworth, telling her that Middlesworth was on vacation and saying she had to check with her “superior” first.

Lewis told the deputy that Middlesworth had died about two months earlier, but that God told her Middlesworth would come to life if she prayed hard enough.

She said she couldn’t say anything more until she spoke with her “superior” — Bushey, 57, also known as Bishop John Peter Bushey.

She said she propped Middlesworth on the toilet and left the room to call Bushey, who told her to leave the woman alone and pray for her, the complaint said. He said he had received signs that God would raise her from the dead with a miracle.

Bushey and Lewis are scheduled to make an initial court appearance May 19. Aside from the felony counts, Lewis also was charged with obstructing an officer, a misdemeanor.

This is really unbelievable. Read the whole story.

Found by MJ.

  1. bobbo says:

    This religious lunacy is not restricted to unknown back woods location among the illiterate and distressed.

    It is near a majority phenomenon in our very own CONGRESS of the USA.

    Very little difference between proping up a dead person on a toilet and keeping the 60% of her brain has atrophied away Terry Schiavo alive==both cases the believers deny objective reality and are praying for a miracle.

    Sadly, the congress as a majority have applied the same superstitious denial to our national deficit/debt. No good can come from being so stupid.

    For those lambasting Mister Mustard, I hope you do realize he is head and shoulders above your standard nut case? There is a lot of humanism and good will in his oft times caustic remarks. Just read the words for what they say, rather than identify what side of the fence he is on when saying them.

  2. Brandon Bachman says:

    There are stupid people in this world, and thank goodness there are, because we get to eat ’em when there is nothing else left 😛

    But out of all seriousness, this cuts a hole in my hope for humanity. When people believe in reanimation, when it has been proven time and time again it doesn’t work, there is a problem.

    I feel bad for having to eat those people in the future ~_~

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I think MM’s a douchebag too

    Thanks, Mr. Retard. I have the greatest respect for you also.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    #32 bobbo – I really don’t need your help proving to people how great I am.

  5. General Annorax says:

    That guy’s not a bishop, he’s an impostor. I’d bet he’s never moved diagonally, not even once in his life.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    >>That guy’s not a bishop, he’s an impostor.

    According to many of the local militant Atheist spokesmodels here, even a real bishop is an imposter. Anyone with any spiritual beliefs at all is an imposter, a fraud, a charlatan, and most likely a criminal and/ or pedophile.

    It’s their way or the highway. But then again, Atheism is a religion (woops! I meant a “belief system pertaining to the supernatural, accepted on faith) of tolerance and acceptance.

  7. bobbo says:

    #37–Mustard==how can anyone counter you in argument with “There is no proof or indication that god exists and such a concept is logically incoherent.” and not get all the other labels and irrelevant characterizations you throw at them? You do rather lump about “everything” together as if they were the same. Very sloppy thinking, if thinking it is.

    As in your definition of atheism, your concept of an all loving god, and your erection of straw men arguments==you indeed are reaching for the stars.

    Come back to earth and actually engage real posts instead those of your own making.

    You know #36 was making a sly joke in reference to chess yet you wish to respond with slurs against all those not of your ilk. Very christian of you.

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    Give it a rest, Bobo. Take a nap or something.

  9. Glenn E. says:

    There’s just too many people in the religion business. And/or too many businesses allowed to pose as a religion, to hid their profits from being taxed. Congress doesn’t want to be accused of being anti-religious. So it doesn’t reign in these made up religions that spring up like weeds. And yet if it were a diner or hospital, it would have to pass certain safety and sanitary standards. Too bad they can’t do this for these cults, before they end up hurting people. I mean there ought to be stricter standards as to what gets tax exempt status. Then most of the wacky ones would just go away, after a while.


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