Warning: Audio is very high on this clip.

  1. Lou says:

    Another good reason not to live in Bama.

  2. Glenn E. says:

    So how does that “remain in your car” advice work again, when something like this comes alone? Yeah, only if it can dig its own hole, and bury itself (see the movie “Damnation Alley”, aka self-burying Landmasters). This may be the indirect results of improving gas mileage. By lighting up the vehicles to use less gas. Whereas an all electric car would have lots of heavy battery cells weighing it down.

  3. Greg Allen says:

    >>So how does that “remain in your car” advice work again, when something like this comes alone?

    Last time I was in Oklahoma, I read in the newspaper that some people seriously question that conventional wisdom about staying in the car.

    This video will convince them!

    Still, even in this case, a person would be safer in the car than standing there in the open.

  4. Libertican says:

    First, not all of the cars were tossed, so I like my chances inside of an upholstered cage then outside of it.

    Second, did he say S&M Equipment? The tornado ‘whipped’ right through there.

  5. andy says:

    pretty awesome

  6. c says:

    i’m not sure they showed the same video clip over and over enough times.

  7. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    I think staying in the car would be the safer idea. Remaining belted in of course. You will be protected against flying debris much better. If the debris hits you in the car, just think of how more it would hurt if it hit you laying on the ground.


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