Did you think they meant some other bird?

At least one of Britain’s birds appears to be coping well as climate change alters the availability of a key food.

Researchers found that great tits are laying eggs earlier in the spring than they used to, keeping step with the earlier emergence of caterpillars…

The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) commented that other species are likely to fare much worse than great tits as temperatures rise.

Yes, I know the bloody story is about birds. I just couldn’t pass up the headline!

  1. JimD says:

    Cock-a-doodle-doo !!! Also a bird story !!!

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I feel like I’ve been tricked into reading this story by a headline designed to prey on my more prurient interests.

  3. admfubar says:

    and here in the states all we have are tuffted titmouse………….

  4. Glenn E. says:

    Too bad the G.W. isn’t responible for an increase in what some of us first thought this was about. It would have made G.W. as a bad thing, a really hard sell.


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