President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of Indonesia said Tuesday that his country was considering quitting OPEC because it was no longer a net oil exporter.

Our wells are drying,” he said in a nationally televised speech, adding that the country needed to concentrate on increasing domestic production, which has dropped to less than a million barrels a day even as consumption rises.

Indonesian oil output has declined steadily from the 1.5 million to 1.6 million barrels produced a day in the mid-1990s. It produced around 860,000 barrels a day of crude oil last month and recorded a deficit of $794 million in its oil trade accounts.

How many governments are run by politicians who don’t comprehend the economics of finite resources?

  1. MikeN says:

    How many governments are run by politicians who don’t comprehend property rights and believe that all resources belong to the government?

    Perhaps if these countries would let people own the oil on their land, you would discover more oil.

  2. andy says:

    i blame vegans

  3. Roger says:

    Maybe if the goverment allowed drilling in tourist locations? No wait, the President’s brother might not get re-elected Governor if Florida’s beaches were suddenly covered by oil derricks. Yeah, yeah. Jeb is out of office. Unfortunately the village idiot is still ‘in-charge’….

  4. bobbo says:

    This site tells a different story. Aging fields with declining reserves and new fields delayed due to negotiations is whats at play. No mention of corruption only slow to bargain is implied.

  5. Dr. Wally says:

    Well the actual problem is that governments are for the most part a reflection of the people who put them into power — in our case voters. And voters rarely want to deal with “tomorrow”, only “today”.

    Everybody “knows” we are going to run out of oil someday, but that is not a problem they absolutely must deal with today, so forget about it. Let’s whine about gas prices instead.

    Just like we “know” social security is going to go bankrupt. Do you see any politicians saying they want to raise taxes to prevent that? Would anyone vote for them if they did? There are only two solutions: write smaller checks or put more money in the pot, but no one wants to accept that simple truth and instead engage in all sorts of wishful thinking and “magic solutions”.

    We know who America’s greatest enemy is — everybody look in the mirror! We want everything (gas guzzling SUVs) without giving up anything ($$ at the pump or the environment). Ask someone what they would give up to have $2 a gallon gas and watch them struggle for an answer. Amusing. (You won’t hear “Don’t drive three days of each week.”)

  6. Peter iNova says:

    Any country that decides its own resources are best applied to its own survival has to confront decisions like this.

    I don’t see the USA selling oil to Indonesia. So what if Indonesia looks at their oil as a resource for Indonesians?

    Does the OPEC membership still serve the function it started out as? The oil fields don’t operate the way they did when OPEC was formed.

    We want the status quo, but the quo has lost its status. Time for either revision, transformation, mutation, adaptation or change. Pick one.

  7. Hey, my redneck family believes there is enough oil in Alaska to make us independent. So, why don’t we just tell the world to take a hike?

  8. Mister Mustard says:


  9. grog says:

    um, the oil is going to run out. period.

    what is there to discuss?

    drive your suvs while you can, and do not under any circumstances work toward finding alternatives, or engage in any activity that might conserve remaining supply, especially if it is inconvenient in any way.

    you don’t want your children driving your insurance, do you?

  10. TatooYou says:



  11. Sea Lawyer says:

    “How many governments are run by politicians who don’t comprehend the economics… ?”

    You should have ended your sentence there.

  12. chuck says:

    When will the OPEC countries realize that the best long-term objective for the U.S. is to make sure that we use up the oil from foreign countries before the oil in our own country is used up.

    Indonesia just figured it out.

  13. MikeN says:

    #11, they’ve been saying that for decades. The Club of Rome report said we’d run out of gold and so many other metals. Oil was going to be scarce. Paul Ehrlich predicted mass famines in the 80s and 90s. Nevertheless, proven oil reserves keeps rising. It would go up even more if we let people own the oil under their land. The US has had that policy, so now we have all the oil wells. Africa would probably find plenty of oil if they had those policies.

  14. bobbo says:

    #16–Lyin Mike==wiki says we reached peak oil around 2004.

    What pretty charts do you have?

  15. jbellies says:

    I suspect that the President’s statement is the prelude to a political manoeuvre.

    Sports teams make trades all the time. “What I wouldn’t give to have your problems!” Maybe Iraq and Indonesia should trade Presidents?

  16. Mark Derail says:

    They probably just need to pump sea water into the wells, like the Saudis did in the eighties, when their oil wells started drying up.

    This news would explain why the barrel traded at over 123$ today?

    I’m glad I got out of my mini-van when it was worth full value. It’s fill-up was 75$ two years ago, at 0.99 per litre.
    Price avg in Montreal today is 1.36 per litre.
    My Prius fill-up was 48$ (for 30 litres).

    Plus I do more kilometres driving the same way. Sure, I can only carry 5 adults instead of 7, but that was so rare with the mini-van.

    I’ll just rent one for those times in the year.

  17. Peter Pferde says:

    well it’s the time of oil peak
    we have to prepare for another subtitution instead of oil
    but not the bio-subtitution…
    electric car?
    I saw a great dokument “Who killed the elektric car”. I recommend to watch. It’s show the other side of oil.

  18. Rabble Rouser says:

    Oil is OVAH!
    There needs to be a Manhattan Project style effort to get off of petroleum, and on to alternatives. Alternatives are out there, they just have to be used.

    The other thing we should do is make it illegal for anyone to drive a truck, SUV, or any other large capacity vehicle without at least half half capacity of said vehicle being used. I see too many people driving one person in an SUV or truck, when they could use a small car. One person I know who is vertically challenged states that he will never own a small car, because his F-350 makes him feel bigger. Yep, we have to get rid of the fallacy that has been fed to people that a big truck is a substitute for missing anatomy, and I don’t just mean height! We have to make it sexy to own small cars that don’t have to be refueled so often.

  19. Esteban says:

    With all of the tsunamis and earthquakes and volcanoes and whatnot, I have to wonder, does anything good ever happen to poor Indonesia?

  20. pat says:

    #21 – “There needs to be a Manhattan Project style effort to get off of petroleum, and on to alternatives. Alternatives are out there, they just have to be used.”

    France is well on its way. No need for a “Manhattan” program. Both sides have been paid/bought by the oil companies. Read some the material from Dr. Patrick Moore, founder Greenpeace.

  21. MikeN says:

    #17, bobbo, you’ve reinforced my point. People keep claiming that we are running out of oil, or some other resource. Your chart only mentions non-OPEC, non-Soviet countries. I don’t know enough about the oil biz to explain that, but even if it represents all countries, all that means is we have another person claiming oil is running out. On the other hand, Venezuela just increased their proven oil reserves by 30 billion barrels.

  22. MikeN says:

    We could also drill in ANWR for some more oil. This would lower gas prices a little.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Oil is OVAH!

    Not as long as Dumbya and President Cheney have a rattling breath left in their chest.

  24. Gori!n says:

    For almost 30 years the country was under the Suharto dictatorship which -by the way- was enthusiasticaly supported by the US. So, what do you expect? Support local economy? Care about the local interest? Welcome to planet earth.

  25. Thomas says:

    So, you are ok with people driving gas guzzlers as long as as they are small gas guzzlers?

    The free market economy is taking care of people that drive fuel inefficient vehicles: they pay more at the pump. If someone wants to pay $200 per tank and fill-up every week, then let them. It is their money; they can spend how they wish. If Jo-Bob Hick wants to drive a F-350 when it costs him a grand a week to fill-up, then that is his decision.

  26. billy says:


    “We could also drill in ANWR for some more oil. This would lower gas prices a little.”

    You can’t say that in here!

    This is Dvorak dot org slash blog.

    Half the people in here have a clown suit and a gas mask in their trunk and they’re just waiting for some fool to suggest drilling in Anwar.

    Use some common sense man!

  27. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #21 – Legislating away someone else’s freedom of choice sounds like a compensation for inadequacy to me.


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