Kyodo America — Now this is a good use of technology.
With the introduction of the LawnBott LB3500, KA Home Robotics has raised the bar in home robotics for lawn care. The LB3500 is the world’s first Bluetooth compatible home robotic device. The owner can program and directly control the LB3500 through any Bluetooth compatible cell phone or PDA type device!
“Now this is a good use of technology.” But, is it bear proof? I don’t think so.
vegan conspiracy
Perfect for use with astro turf.
I don’t know. Cell phones and PDA make for really, REALLY annoying remote controllers.
Does this strike anyone else with a Roomba as not being a particularly well thought-out idea?
AP, Dallas TX While attempting to decipher the instruction, “You are please to press remoted cellfone key #”, BubbaRay discovered the LB3500 can handle slopes up to 30° as he and his lawnchair were…
Seriously, this looks very cool. I hesitate to ask how many illegal aliens this will replace.
300 lines of basic.. I’d love to see the assembler version.
Whats my wife going to do for entertainment
I had her so well trained to use the garden tractor. I even got her driver’s insurance to drive it on the road – Manitoba gov’t autopac and all .She even has driver merit points and a low deductible
It will be funny when this gets hacked over the net. The neighbourhood geek will get it over at his place cutting the lawn.
Let me say ahead of time, if I see a bluetooth lawnmower I am going to learn how to hack into it and make it chase people down the street. Not saying it’s right, just that I may not be able to avoid the temptation…..
#10: Or get it to mow a selection of obscenities on the lawn and then do into “hibernation”…
Oops, that should read: go into “hibernation”…
This thing will be buried soon as it starts eating little tykes feet and pet paws.
Isn’t mowing the lawn the only physical exertion left for mankind other than sex?
This is the worst invention since the TV remote control.
Yeah, right. Imagine how long it would take to mow this lawn.
Paradoxically, Lawns are not GREEN !!! They use too much water, and are the reason for the spreading of chemical fertiliziers and pesticides all over the suburbs !!! It’s a HAZARDOUS CHEMICAL CARPET !!!
This robot will be responsible for more FAT TEENAGE BOYS and more Juvenile Crime as Boys without Paying Lawn Jobs try to steal what they want !!!
Wow they have had these things for over 4 years now.
And it JUST made this blog?
This is great for lazy asses like me. Does it cut grass in the rain? Now that would be really convenient.
I bought one back in 2000 from friendly robotics the robomow with the same technology. One had to bury a perimeter wire around the yard to give it the invisible fence. The unit would zig/zag across the lawn in random pinball patterns, which was fine. The idea was that you mow ever few days and the randomness would get all grass. I liked it and the first version was fine, but then I had problems, got the next version of the mower under warrentee.
It had a different weight ratio and would stick on grass where version 1 did not. But the killer was when the perimeter wire got cut and had to be reattached. For some bizarre reason, that break, though fixed, would cause the unit to intermittently think that there as no perimeter wire and stop.
I liked it when it worked, but noting pisses one off than starting a unit, only to have it stop five minutes later saying there was no wire…when there was…grrr.
With GPS getting cheaper, a unit that figured a yard out w/o the wire is the better way to go…
Is there any “Decepticon” disclaimer included?
I’ve got a similar type of lawn mower, except we call it “geese”. The best thing is the lawm mower not only reproduces itself every year, but also produces a lot of extras which are much more tasty roasted than any robot will ever be.
It produces huge tasty eggs for three or four months as well!
And to save even more money, by not employing american labor, these will be assembled in China and sold thru Malmart (kidding, but maybe true). What I’d like to know is, how do these thing defend themselves from being tossed into the backs of pickups, cruising for unattended lawncare gear? I can bet a blackmarket for them will soon happen.
Another thought. Can these Roombas with blades be taught NOT to slice thru the evening paper, that gets tossed onto the lawns by the guy with the speeding 4×4 truck (even paperboys are obsolete)?