Unapologetic fans

MLB talks to White Sox about playing with dolls :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: White Sox — This is an eye-roller of a story.

Before the Sox played the Blue Jays on Sunday, two inflatable female dolls — one with a bat inserted in its backside, purportedly to prop it up — were in the clubhouse. A ”Let’s Go White Sox” sign adorned one doll, and the other wore a sign reading, ”You’ve Got to Push,” playing off the rah-rah phrase popularized during spring training by third-base coach Jeff Cox. Bats were pointed at the dolls, a move designed to snap the team’s offensive slump.

Speculation has centered on Nick Swisher being the instigator behind the display.

Found by Robin Schwartz.

  1. pat says:

    batteries not included.

  2. Jobie says:

    Ironic that the guy who came up with the slogan had the last name of ‘Cox’.

  3. Bear3931 says:

    They might do better if they had players in dugout rather than dolls.

  4. martymankins says:

    I wonder how many of those dolls have been to second base with one of the players.

  5. jamiebdy says:

    From the Chicago Suntimes as well…
    Before the game, four female Chicago news gatherers stood talking in the Sox clubhouse: the very pregnant Peggy Kusinski of WMAQ-Channel 5, WBBM-Channel 2’s Megan Mawicke, Comcast SportsNet’s Kerry Sayers and Fox-32’s Jill Carlson.

    Outfielder Brian Anderson approached Sayers, whom he knows.

    ”Did it offend you?” he asked of the doll thing.

    ”I thought it was funny,” the reporter replied.
    link to original – http://tinyurl.com/5mbx46

  6. Brandon says:

    #4…. Ouchburn…

  7. Tenkey says:

    You know, most of the time I think that Guillen is a lunatic – at the same time sometimes it is very nice to see someone stand up and say “get over it”. This is one of the most asinine ‘scandals’ I’ve ever seen. If they would have used rope to hold the doll up (as opposed to the bat) would we be hearing about bondage in the clubhouse?

  8. GigG says:

    #5 Well we are talking about the White Sox so at least we don’t have to worry about home runs.

  9. jamiebdy says:

    #9….To bad you don’t know what you’re talking about, At the present moment, Home Runs are the only thing keeping the Chicago White Sox in it. They are 3rd in all of Baseball with 42 HR’s. The Sox problem at this point is the fact that they are hitting all of these homes runs without any runners on base. And when they do get runners on 2nd & 3rd with none or 1 out, they aren’t driving those runners in. This whole blowup Doll “scandal” is a totally joke. These are baseball players – grown men playing a kids game. We pay them to act like kids, and when they do, even in the privacy of their own clubhouse, people get theirs panties in a bunch.
    For another perspective,

    [Please use TinyUrl.com for overly long URLs. – ed.]

  10. Ivor Biggun says:

    Was at least one of the dolls dressed as an AL umpire?

  11. AC says:


    Probably the one with the bat inserted!

  12. hhopper says:

    Come on people… doesn’t anyone get a joke anymore? Why in hell does something like this become mainstream news?


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