Pope Benedict will text message thousands of young Catholics on their mobile phones during World Youth Day in Sydney in July, hoping going digital will help him connect better with a younger audience.
The Pope will text daily messages of inspiration and hope during the six-day Sydney event while digital prayer walls will be erected at event sites and the church will set up a Catholic social networking Web site akin to a Catholic Facebook…
“We wanted to make WYD08 a unique experience by using new ways to connect with today’s tech-savvy youth,” Bishop Anthony Fisher.
I’m not certain which is sillier? The Pope latching onto McLuhan’s assertion that “the medium is the message” – or thousands of young Catholics turning over personal info to their church?
Got that RSS feed. Tee hee.
No doubt there are plenty of priests waiting for that list of cellphone numbers.
Oh Good Christ.
I really don’t get the fascination with the pope. Most of my family is technically catholic and none of them, except for possibly one great aunt, is obsessed with the pope or all things catholic. I just don’t get it. He’s just creepy to me.
Maybe the Vatican should start a monthly service like Jamster to get some of their child rape lawsuit money back.
If you want the “Pope on a rope” wallpaper send text message to 77701. If you want the “Popemobile on dubs” wallpaper text message to 77702. If you want the prayer of the day sent to your phone send text message to 77703.
Waddup. Jesus Lv U & die 4 ur sins. xxx Pope B16
Great…pope spam…
I would love to have Marshall McLuhan handy – to come out of the wall- just like in the Woody Allen movie Annie Hall to hear Professor McLuhan’s comments