…says the Philadelphia police commisioner.

POLICE COMMISSIONER Charles H. Ramsey yesterday asked Philadelphians not “to rush to judgment” when watching a video showing baton-wielding cops repeatedly striking, kicking and stomping three young men whom they had stopped after a triple shooting in Hunting Park.

“On the surface, it certainly does not look good in terms of the amount of force that was used,” Ramsey said during a news conference with Mayor Nutter at police headquarters.

Ramsey said that an Internal Affairs investigation is under way. He expressed concern for the mental well-being of the entire force, which is still reeling in the wake of Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski’s slaying last weekend…

“The video is the video,” Mayor Nutter said. “We have no audio. You don’t know what was going on at that moment when the officers approached the vehicle. There will be an investigation and we will move on.”

Does wearing a badge permit you to be a vigilante?

  1. bobbo says:

    Higher than I thought–seems cops are the 8th most dangerous job in USA.


  2. Mister Mustard says:

    >>That’s why they were forcefully taken down.

    And then they were handcuffed, and then kicked, beaten, had their testicles stomped on, and dragged face-down across the asphalt while manacled. Man, those cops must be REAL MEN!!

  3. pat says:

    Okay here’s a question that needs to be answered (don’t care about mindless comments).

    So, these 3 fine, upstanding citizens were hanging out with a 4th person who is a murderous scumbag.
    Scumbag shoots 3 people and runs. Did any of these 3 fine, upstanding citizens promptly call the police to turn in this scumbag whom they knew the ID of?

  4. Michael says:

    #92 “And then they were handcuffed, and then kicked, beaten, had their testicles stomped on, and dragged face-down across the asphalt while manacled. Man, those cops must be REAL MEN!!”

    Let me ask you a question – would you mind one little bit if these three accessories to attempted murder were beaten after shooting at you or your loved ones? Nope, me neither.

  5. Alex says:

    “So, these 3 fine, upstanding citizens were hanging out with a 4th person who is a murderous scumbag.
    Scumbag shoots 3 people and runs. Did any of these 3 fine, upstanding citizens promptly call the police to turn in this scumbag whom they knew the ID of?”

    It’s not about them being fine upstanding citizens. It’s about the police going way above what they needed to do to place these men in custody. Once a suspect is on the ground with handcuffs, there’s no reason whatsoever to continue to pummel them about the head with kicks or stomp on anyone’s privates. (I would argue that there’s no reason to stomp anyone about the head or on their privates regardless of whether or not they were subdued, but I may just be a softie that way.) All you gotta do is frisk them for weapons and put them in the patrol wagon, move on.

    This type of violence does nothing but stir up controversy and turn the public against you, thus increasing the danger. Now every two bit criminal is going to be scared that the cops will simply toss him to the ground and beat the everloving shit out of them, so they might as well do some escalation of their own and put some hurt on the cops instead of going quietly. It’s both bad police work and bad policy.

  6. Michael says:

    “every two bit criminal is going to be scared that the cops will simply toss him to the ground and beat the everloving shit out of them”


  7. pat says:

    #95 – Remember, no mindless comments in response to the question asked.

  8. bobbo says:

    #97–pat==why would you put your families bread winner at risk of being executed “gang style” for turning snitch when it was only a rival gang member horning in on your friends territory?

    There is no legal requirement to turn in people you know did crimes==morals to very based on how much you value your life?

  9. RBG says:

    89 O. Re-read 88 RBG to find that they were involved.

    Is that all cops killed in the line?

    Politics before family, huh? How many of your “family” of cops murdered is ok for you then? I know of some families who might have a different opinion than yours.


  10. pat says:

    #98 – A yes or no is required to play. Justifying homicidal behavior earns no points.

  11. bobbo says:

    #100–pat==yes you are an idiot.

  12. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #96, Michael,

    “every two bit criminal is going to be scared that the cops will simply toss him to the ground and beat the everloving shit out of them”


    I am more worried that the cops will become open season now. Shit, they don’t care about upholding the law, so just fucking shoot the next bastard in blue that gets in your way.

    Is that the spirit you want?

  13. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #94, Michael,

    Let me ask you a question – would you mind one little bit if these three accessories to attempted murder were beaten after shooting at you or your loved ones? Nope, me neither.

    There is a difference between doing what is right and doing something in anger. In our society of Law and Order, we trust in the courts to decide someone’s guilt. We recognize vengeance as wrong and illegal. Using the concept of “he hit me first” is wrong and childish. Like your outburst.

    So grow up, crawl up the stairs, get out of mommy’s house (but leave her undies) and try to live in the real world.

  14. noname says:

    I agree with #90, Jopa. What we need is more cops with steroid rage.

    Life would be so much safer. The fact is, their anger can always be justified in a court of law.

    That is why we have Judges and Juries, to justify police rage and brutality.

    Come on Sheepeople, give me an AMEN or Sieg Heil.

    We are all good Americans here, we demand order and obedience.

  15. noname says:

    If you want to stop lot if not most Police brutality, any cop involved in civilian beatings should be tested for steroids.

    No different then me or your being tested for alcohol. Fair is Fair.


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