Things We Actually Like: “Charlie Rose” by Samuel Beckett — Who are we not to jump on this bandwagon and run this vid? Every blog is doing it.

Slightly creepier than Charlie Rose talking to someone else, its Charlie Rose talking to Charlie Rose [who, my editor wants me to remind you, is a PBS talk show host]. Filmmaker Andrew Filippone Jr.s debut YouTube video got on todays Very Short List and now its appearing on every blog ever. It deserves this attention, since it is the dark cousin of “Pretty Much Everywhere, Its Gonna Be Hot.”

  1. Cursor_ says:

    Not as good as I hoped for.


  2. andy says:

    kind of lame. dvorak has had a grudge on rose for a while.

  3. bobbo says:

    I wonder who did the first split screen/self interview? Colbert did it last year but it is “so obvious” that others must have done it?

    I don’t see C Rose as creepy, but he does step all over too many of his interesting guests trying to beat them to the question he asked. Cardinal rule of interviewing violated??? Shows how poor a job the media in general does when he stands out for excellence.

  4. impala79 says:

    So this is what Sam Beckett was doing right before he invented the Quantum Leap accelerator!

  5. thefreakytiki says:

    Gotta agree with the masses… lame.

  6. Maybe I should develop a POST TAKEDOWN order..somehow.

  7. floob says:

    funnier when Glenn Gould did it.

  8. Joe says:

    Did Charlie say cunt at the 38 second mark?

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #6 – It wasn’t lame… It wasn’t knee slapping comedy. It was funny like Barton Fink or Waiting For Godet was funny.

    I liked it like I like Igmar Bergman’s early films.

  10. RBG says:

    Yeah, I remember the first time I discovered video editing software…


  11. joaoPT says:

    It’s too much artsy in its form to deliver such an obvious subtext.

  12. Mark T. says:

    For some reason, this reminds me of the worst Star Trek: TNG episode ever – the one where they keep repeating “Darmok and Jilad at Tanagra”. This vid is almost as confusing and annoyingly repetitive.

    At least this vid is meant to be funny.

  13. BillyBob says:


    I wet myself.


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