Thanks MJ.

  1. SJP says:

    Why is this guy is in the penitentiary?

  2. That guy is so the new bitch in town.

  3. andy says:

    i thought that was gwb’s voice at first

  4. ¢ says:

    Swedish add for lifeinsurance…


  5. noname says:

    I don’t get it.

    How is this prison dude going to afford life insurance, really 🙂

  6. SJP says:

    #5, No Shitz. The only possible reason this guy is in prison is for failure to pay child support; or maybe he attempted to rob someone and during the line-up when asked to repeat the words “Give me all your money”, he blurted out, “That’s not what I said.” Maybe, just maybe, his loving wife, i.e., Bertha, would be willing to cut back on weekly KFC’s buckets to finance some future stability.

  7. noname says:

    #6 SJP, you sound mean; assumption, assumptions and more assumptions.

    I am sure Bertha is a good and honorable lady.

  8. Chris Mac says:

    “What the hell #7.. That was a classic #6 post”, said #8.

  9. SJP says:

    Noname, your right. Just because “The New Guy” wanted to make something big of himself, doesn’t mean Bertha did. Bertha, I apologize. I promise to send you a ham this Christmas, if your Christian, otherwise a dradel, or whatever.

  10. SJP says:

    Since I’m “Forrest Gump” stupid, I would ask all here from now on to accept that if I type “your”, I probably mean “your are”.

  11. SJP says:

    BTW: I have to apologize to my 4th grade teacher, coincidentally named Berta, for making this your, your are, mistake. She taught us better.

  12. anonymous says:

    Someone’s about to make a large “friend”.

  13. Cinaedh says:

    You know, I’m sure I’d sell that guy life insurance but I already know the company wouldn’t pay off. Just look at that pre-existing condition in the bunk beside him!

  14. hhopper says:

    My question is… how many seconds does that guy have to live? No time to buy life insurance.


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