A U.S. court’s decision to shoot down the patent infringement claims of a U.S. battery maker has ended a lengthy case against Chinese battery manufacturers and marks the first victory of Chinese enterprises in trade disputes such as this.

Energizer Holdings, the second largest battery maker in the U.S., in 2003 filed complaints against more than 20 companies, including nine Chinese manufacturers, claiming they had infringed on Eveready’s zero-mercury-added patent.

The U.S. Court of Federal Appeals for the Federal Circuit in late April affirmed a previous ruling by the US International Trade Commission (ITC) that Energizer’s claim was not valid. It is the final decision on the case since this was the second time Energizer appealed.

Energizer used to ask Chinese manufacturers for $1 million as patent fees plus 2 to 3 cents on each battery sold. “That was unacceptable since we earn only 1 cent on each battery,” said Wang Jingzhong.

I think the Energizer Bunny is a dork and a crackhead, anyway.

  1. qsabe says:

    And the rabbits NiMh batteries are designed to run down at a rapid rate. This was the reply from the engineer who answered my query when my new batteries were discharged in a couple weeks, used or not.

  2. edwinrogers says:

    “I may not get your money, but I can still bag your bunny”, (Victor Quartermaine, The Curse of the Were Rabbit)

  3. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    Sometimes, life can be such a bitch.

  4. BubbaRay says:

    Here’s a good article on the patent system, which has apparently messed up big time. Seems many infringement suits since 2000 could be tossed since the judges were unconstitutionally appointed.

    I wonder if this is one of them?

  5. hhopper says:

    Yeah, very interesting post on Cage Match. This could be big.

  6. Glenn E. says:

    I’ve got some really old Energizer batteries in my toolbox, that have never leak! But they are the steel encased ones. It’s the celophane and paper tube Energizers that they made later, that leak and ruin your flashlight. In fact they start to leak before they fail. So you have no warning that they’re in trouble. I’ve notice that many a foreign made battery still has steel (tin) cases. So the US companies aren’t doing us any favors with their brand monopolies.


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