
Forget the flowers and candy — Nintendo’s highly anticipated “Wii Fit” video game will debut in the U.S. later this month, and Wal-Mart Stores online division is trying to persuade shoppers to order the game as “a perfect gift” for Mother’s Day.

This weekend, the homepage will be dominated by the Wii Fit — a physical exercise program that uses a pressure-sensing board as a controller — including a link to order the product now, ahead of its May 19 U.S. launch.

Through May 11, shoppers who “pre-order” the $89.74 game, or pay in advance to guarantee delivery when the game launches, will also get a $10 online gift card to use for a future order at

This is, of course, in addition to lots of suggestions for spending your Recession Rebate Check there, too.

  1. andy says:

    be sure to tell her the balance board was specially ruggedized for the american market [read: reinforced for fat people]

  2. John Paradox says:

    Give Mom a ‘Fit’, then she’ll throw one.


  3. jim says:

    I bought this the other day and it’s brilliant. It’s much cheaper then a tread mill and fun too.

  4. joaoPT says:

    Another piece of hardware to keep you in front of the tube. Don´t be fooled by the “exercise” angle…

    People, get off the couch/chair, off the sitcom/chatroom/youtube time wasters and go outside and just WALK. WALK for a regular 45 to 90 min. a day, for crying out loud…it’s all you need to be healthier.

  5. Cinaedh says:

    They could call this the ‘Insensitive Family Spontaneous Ear Boxing Sale’.

    One way or another, Mom will be getting lots of exercise, as soon as she opens this particular present.

  6. Cblank21 says:

    So are you going to tell my Mom she needs to workout. I’ll stand back and wait for the ambulance to come pick you up off the ground.

  7. Uncle Patso says:

    Reminds me of the Amiga joyboard. See it at


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