1. tallwookie says:

    works every time

  2. MotaMan says:

    I love those kids.

    http://www.southparkstudios.com – These guys put the entire series online.

  3. Cinaedh says:

    It’s amazing ADHD appeared only after my mother and father’s generation got too old to clobber people.

  4. Balbas says:

    #4: My mom was on a school board (elected) and discovered that when spanking was reinvented as child abuse, wild kids started appearing in schools.

  5. brianbairn says:

    I have a grandson who has ADHD. Whenhis parents stopped using force and started reasoning with him his behaviour improved no end. He has, at twelve years old, became a well mannered, compasionate boy. He has an IQ that is in the top three percentile of the school children in his area.
    I know that there is meant to be humour in the video but anybody with an ADHD child should not give up hope. Beatings are not the answer.Seek help.

  6. hhopper says:

    I think what readers are alluding to is that many children who don’t get discipline, due to the current politically correct times, are diagnosed with ADHD when they don’t really have it and are just spoiled rotten.

  7. Lou Minatti says:

    “many children who don’t get discipline, due to the current politically correct times, are diagnosed with ADHD when they don’t really have it and are just spoiled rotten.”


  8. Timuchin says:

    The real authority on kids is Caesar Romero, the Dog Whisperer.

  9. ECA says:

    The problem comes from NO BODY IS HOME…The parents have to work, and no one is there to HELP, monitor, TALK to the kids.

  10. brm says:

    ADD is real, and there are several plausible physiological explanations for the condition. It’s also believed that there are genetic markers for ADD.

    However it’s probably true that many people are diagnosed with the condition who really don’t have it. This unfortunately leads many people to believe that ADD is fake, and those diagnosed with it are simply socially maladjusted. This could very well be the case with misdiagnoses.

    Of course, you have to think that being forced to sit still for hours at a time is a relatively new activity for humans. ADD probably wasn’t a disadvantage when we were hunting and gathering.

    If I remember correctly, adults diagnosed with ADD tend to have slightly higher intelligence than normal. Could be wrong, but it’s something to look into.

  11. bobbo says:

    #13–brm==good review. Most if not all issues are discussed/understood as if there was only one variable amounting to right/wrong positions being argued.

    Some kids need physical discipline, others need talking, others need medicine.

    Some kids are harmed less by bad physical discipline than by bad talking and VERY often by bad medicine. And same with the other combinations.

    Kids survive even very bad parenting as long as the parents are “consistent.” The WORST harm is for some do-gooders to intervene, change the parents behavior for a short time, then stop that intervening support, and the parent reverts to prior practice.

    Kiddies are worse than pets because you can’t put them down when they cease being cute. Unless you are willing to take over the 100% cost of alternative care, support the parents, even when they are totally wrong==short of violating the law.

  12. steve says:

    Unable to pay attention to what ? Archaic teaching methods that demand sitting still while you are molded into a compliant sub-human that sends out comments like, “Political correctness
    forces teachers to stop hitting kids to make them sit still and pay attention.”.

  13. Stu says:

    If parents do not teach the law of big and little their children will have a very hard life.

  14. 888 says:

    #8, #13
    If it is “real”, how will you explain its existence only among undeniably spoiled kids, and only in the “western” countries?

    HHave you ever heard of kids raised and living in Palestine, Chechnya, or anywhere in Africa, who had ADD?

    ADHD is one of the “illnesses” created by drug industry and corporations simply to sell more drugs through our corrupted healthcare systems.
    I don’t blame either – their business is to *sell drugs*, not to cure anyone (actually it is conflict of interest, obviously).
    But there is something unbelievably wrong with the *parents* who may even think for a second that their spoiled brats need drug(s) instead of a good spanking when they don’t want to listen to them!

    Doesn’t it make you evenwonder how the mankind could have lasted that long, through much more harsh times in its history, yet without any behavioural drugs?

    Not necessarily.
    Growing a bastard child in current USA or Europe is actually desirable. Its the “proper* kids that may have a hard time.
    Let’s compare:

    No education? – NO PROBLEM! They can still have much better living (way better!) than most of the world’s population just by collecting welfare checks.

    Educated kids – well, where do I start: find a job, give most of your income to govt (so they can keep uneducated lazy bums alive), pay your bills, worry that he/she make not enough to raise and secure future for self and their children… and that’s just tip of an iceberg 😉

    “Bad kids” – NO PROBLEM! Even if they get into problems with the law, for as long as they are underage they can steal, rape, rob, kill and do whatever they want, because they are untouchable 🙂 Absolutely worry-free lifestyle, full of “fun” (at the expense of others of course, but what do they care), which can continue like this through their adulthood and entire life.

    “Good kids” – they only worry if they do something wrong or get low grade in the school, they are usually defenseless against “bad kids” and suffer, etc etc

    So, who actually is better off? 😉


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