(Click photo to enlarge if you can stomach it.)

  1. 888 says:


    To tolerate deviants is not equal to promote them, hhoper.

  2. hhopper says:

    Who me? Promote? No way… and it’s hhopper.

  3. fulanoche says:

    And to think I question my own sanity at times.

  4. Is that Dennis Rodman or Rupaul? Wait! Rupaul is much more attractive. Sorry, my mistake.

  5. gquaglia says:

    Enough already, come out of the closet please.

  6. hhopper says:

    I guess I should have made this one a Caption this Photo.

  7. bobbo says:

    Sometimes, I will part my hair on the opposite side, but that’s s far as I have experimented.

    Some people are more creative.

  8. Miss_X2b says:

    Truly defines: Miss Thing….LOL!!

  9. 888 says:

    Funny 😉 but not true.
    Definition of “miss” does NOT include balls and penis between legs, or does it?

  10. apeguero says:

    Once you go Wack, you never come back!

  11. admfubar says:

    hhhmmmm this tastes like one of bill clinton’s cigars……

  12. Ghost of Rick James says:

    Cocaine is a helluva drug…

  13. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  14. Miss_X2b says:

    @#10 Actually it does include the “naughty bits”…. 😉

  15. Miss_X2b says:

    @#12 Fishy huh? 😀

  16. Jägermeister says:

    Angel H. Wong has nothing to worry about…

  17. Balbas says:

    He’s let himself go… poor baby.

  18. 888 says:

    Somehow I find it hard to believe *it* (as seen on the pic) is still in “the closet” 😉

  19. Busy says:

    OMG I needed a good laugh. Could he be the Monkey’s uncle from yesterday?

  20. gregallen says:

    Let me guess… he’s also a “family values conservative”.

  21. eyeofthetiger says:

    That purse does not match his leopard print dress.

  22. Pierre Larsen says:

    Is it human?

  23. Uncle Ben says:

    That is absolutely disgusting! There really outa be a law against smoking cigars indoors.

    I like his outfit though.

  24. KDF Amar says:

    Old Photo link to the REAL Story http:

    [Please use for overly long URLs. – ed.]

  25. GF says:

    That’a Gangsta dog!

  26. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Rodman would be a great Democratic VP candidate once they sort out the nominee.

  27. Don Coyote says:

    Little Richard, he ain’t.

  28. qsabe says:

    Hey Folks.

    What do you expect from a guy who was given a lot of money just to play with a rich man’s balls.

    Aren’t you the suckers who made a big deal out of how well he could handle the rich man’s balls.


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