And then of course he retracted the statement…

“No, no, I was talking about that we had fought the Gulf War for several reasons,” McCain told reporters.

One reason was Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait, he said. “But also we didn’t want him to have control over the oil, and that part of the world is critical to us because of our dependency on foreign oil, and it’s more important than any other part of the world,” he said. “The Congressional Record is very clear: I said we went to war in Iraq because of weapons of mass destruction,” he said.

It was the second time in two days that McCain had to clarify his comments. On Thursday, he backed off his assertion that pork-barrel spending led to last year’s deadly bridge collapse in Minneapolis

Um, he should have stuck with the first statement.

  1. MRN says:

    Oho another flip-flopper for president, eh?

  2. Ah_Yea says:

    Everyone should immediately see that he answered the question correctly because the question had two answers.

    So let me ask, when McCain said, “One reason was Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Kuwait”, which war was he talking about?

    First Gulf War.

    When he said, “weapons of mass destruction”, which war was he talking about?

    Second Gulf War.

    And at the very least he is willing to say that we went to war over oil.

    Was he wrong to say that pork barrel spending was responsible for the bridge collapse?
    Much of the pork comes out of the transportation budget. The more pork, the less for maintaining the infrastructure. After all, look at how much the Big Dig in Boston costs! And this is only one of dozens of projects.

    It’s that simple.

    McCain’s biggest flaw is correcting himself. His first “from the hip” response always seems to be the right one.

  3. Cinaedh says:

    I don’t get it. Is he saying the war in Iraq was the right thing to do for the wrong reasons or the wrong thing to do for the right reasons?

    Either way, I guess he has all the bases covered.

  4. RBG says:

    And I, for one, hope he succeeds in eliminating our dependency on Middle East Oil so we’re never again forced to defend against invasions upon our oil-rich strategic allies like Kuwait & Saudi Arabia.


  5. Mister Mustard says:

    >>And I, for one, hope he succeeds in
    >>eliminating our dependency on Middle
    >>East Oil

    Errr, the Repubs don’t have much of a track record in that area.

    >>our oil-rich strategic allies like
    >>Kuwait & Saudi Arabia.

    Hey, didn’t the 9/11 hijackers come from Saudi Arabia? Oh, I forgot our “president” told us they were all from Iraq, operating under the orders of Saddam. My bad.

  6. The Powers That Be don’t really want to eliminate our dependency on foreign oil. They want to control it.

    Bush 1.0 didn’t invade Iraq in the early 90s because he knew it would destabilize the region. Also, during the Regan/Bush regime Saddam was our buddy. The first Gulf War was a smack down. That’s it! Our old buddy was getting uppity.

    Bush 2.0 had oil buddy’s telling him that everything would be OK after bumping off Saddam. There was no post-invasion strategy. Just more oil for the US and under Washington’s control.

  7. kanjy says:

    I’m getting mixed messages here. There is a “John McCain for President” ad banner just left of the video.

  8. andy says:

    so he was for it before he was against it? the adult world is a big complicated place i guess, right bushies?

  9. Miss_X2b says:

    The war in Iraq has been about oil. So what did he say that was so wrong? Did he offend all the suburbanites? Too bad. You want to live in the suburbs you’ll have to pay more for the honor. Get ready for really high gas prices.

  10. Miss_X2b says:

    The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of the American Dream

  11. Brian says:

    9- You are obviously missing the point. It’s not about the cost of oil that people are upset about, it’s McCain’s continued insistence on being on both sides of every issue. He was against extending Bush’s tax cuts for the rich, now that he’s the nominee, he’s for them. He says one thing then goes right out and contradicts himself.

    It seems someone is quite envious of those ‘suburbanites’ having homes, having success.

    McCain is a fool. He a blathering idiot who wants to ‘bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb-iran’, he wants to kick Russia from the G8, he has NO idea about foreign policy or economics.

    And this is the best republican nominee?

  12. a says:

    #9 It was not about oil, but petrodollar

  13. Miss_X2b says:

    @ #12, McCain is a politician. Why are you surprised that he rides both sides of any issue? Show me a politician other than Ron Paul who isn’t full of $hit and rides both sides of any issue….LOL!!!

    What makes you think people are not upset over the price of oil and gasoline?

    I never envy anyone who has more debt than me so for you to imagine I envy a suburbanite, well, you imagine it.

  14. ArianeB says:

    So much for the straight talk express.

  15. RushL says:

    You liberals just don’t get it. Okay, so what if WMD’s weren’t the true reason we went to Iraq? However, there is nothing wrong with GW helping his oil buddies raise the retail price of oil to US consumers by destablizing the region. GW knows very well how important it is for the economy that oil companies are highly profitable. As a side benefit, Dick’s business of reconstuction reaps financial benefits as well. So, I think GW has done an excellent job in helping those 2 overlooked sectors. Just as important is the the soldiers who lost their lives are probably not somebody who would have contributed to the Republican cause anyway. So how is the Iraq war bad? You people must not love America.

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    #15 – Good points, Rush! Now if only Halliburton would stop killing American kids

    Or would it cut into their profit margins to do the work properly, possibly leading to a collapse of the worldwide economy??

  17. 888 says:

    not to mention that the war in Iraq is the only thing helping us delay complete crash of our “free” market…

  18. Jack Ewing says:

    John McCain stated that oil was the reason for the war in the Middle East. He later waffled stating he meant the first Gulf (Persian) War.

    The first Gulf (Persian) War was a coalition force from 34 nations authorized by the UN. The only objective was the expulsion of Iraqi troops from Kuwait. It took six weeks to accomplish the mission. The coalition force stopped at the Iraqi border, not going into and invading or occupying Iraq.

    The Second (Iraq) War was started for erroneous motives that later proved be fabricated by those ordering the invasion . It was a unilateral and preemptive attack.The invasion phase of the war took about 40 days. We have been occupying the county and manipulating the government for five year since with no plan of withdrawal.

    Which of these two wars would more likely have oil as a true objective?

    John also has a problem remembering who the Shiite, Sunni, and Hamas and Hizballah are. This happen after 70yoa, been there and do that.

  19. Erik Blazynski says:


  20. 888 says:

    Well, for whats it worth, they all shoot at our soldiers and equally hate America, so do we really care who shiite, sunni, hizbollah or hamas are?
    Just different names for same turd.

  21. RBG says:

    5. Mr. Mustard. “Hey, didn’t the 9/11 hijackers come from Saudi Arabia?”

    The very same ones. And the same ones trying desperately to overthrow the King & country. Take your pick.


  22. Miss_X2b says:

    @#13 Oil, Petrol dollars. Six of one, half a dozen of the other.

  23. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:


    Well, for whats it worth, they all shoot at our soldiers and equally hate America, so do we really care who shiite, sunni, hizbollah or hamas are?
    Just different names for same turd.

    HOLY GOOD FUCK !!! I found that guy that supports Bush !!! Wow, who the hell ever thought that one guy would ever visit us here.

    Wow, a Bush supporter. Wow !!!

  24. andy says:

    #16, RushL
    I’m kind of a moron who needs an obnoxious fatherly figure to guide my opinions and shepherd my hateful ways. I don’t like to think for myself and seek the comfort of other like-minded idiots. Can I subscribe to your newsletter?

    p.s. I have no teeth, is that ok?

  25. fahrquar says:

    Gaff=Freudian Slip. We are only dependent on their oil until it runs out and then ours will be worth a lot more! Deleting competition one oil field at a time!

  26. 888 says:

    I never knew there is anyone dumber than bobbo on this blog, but hey – live n learn 🙂

  27. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #27, ½ ½ ½,

    Ya, but we won’t hold that against an idiot like you. Then, calling you an idiot is an insult to the rest of the idiots of the world.

    You know, at your age, you really should get out of your mommy’s basement and find a real job. Being a Bush supporter should qualify you for military service. Oopps, forgot, The military does have standards, as low as they are. Maybe you could get a job as a fund raiser for Hagee.


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