1. 888 says:

    What this kid needs is *normal* parents teaching him right from wrong, thats basically all (and a week or two in any of the asian child labour manufacturing camps making Nike shoes wouldn’t hurt either).

  2. bobbo says:

    From the video: “We just want to get him into the system so we can get him some help.” /// I wonder what that help will be?

    Was it this blog 2-3 days ago or tv where someone quoted Chris Rock: “When you call your grandmother “mom” and your mom “Lanessha,” – – you’re going to jail.

    Hard to suggest just what “should” be done.

  3. Miss_X2b says:

    The Palm Beach Gardens police want to get the kid “into the system so they can get him some type of help”. Yeah, like maybe driving lessons….LOL!!

  4. 888 says:

    Apparently he was too young to shoot him 🙂

    BTW: if YOU were the cop, what would you do?
    (just remember: he is way underage, you can’t just shoot him)

    What’s with the *racist* title?
    I bet if the kid wasn’t black the title would have never been “how to raise a car thief” 😉

  5. jbenson2 says:

    888 wants to know why the title is “How to Raise a Car Thief”.

    Probably because the kid stole a car. Duh!

  6. Ron Larson says:

    No video games for the weekend as punishment?

    The grandma has it right… that kid needs a good whupping. I’m sure he’ll get one too as soon as the cameras leave.

  7. dangerfantastic says:

    that kid needs to have some respect pounded into him.

    don’t get me wrong I am not a proponent of child abuse, but it looks to me like if this kid is allowed to progress like has been doing, he is probably gonna end up killing someone or getting killed. I reckon a little corporal punishment might be just the thing to get this brat in step.

  8. hhopper says:

    #4 – Gimme a break! The kid’s color has nothing to do with it. I posted this because of what a seven-year-old kid did, regardless of his color. There are plenty of white car thieves being raised today too. Parenting is becoming a lost skill. And it’s too bad his grandmother is afraid to spank the tar out of him because she “would be arrested.”

  9. 888 says:

    #8 hhopper
    I have only stirred the shit, don’t take it so personal 😀

  10. bobbo says:

    So, what should be DONE. Not just for this kid, but all the little god’s gifts that grandmothers are raising all over America?

    I’m thinking extensive physical education during school and after school. Team sports. Individual excellence. Day care of a sort. I can see lots of pluses to using school resources that are already in place.

    Course, that would mean more taxes and repukes only get a charge when the money is spent 20 years later to incarcerate for life.

    Any other ideas?

  11. jbenson2 says:

    #9 – 888 says: “Don’t take it so personal”.

    That’s why kids like this go off the beaten track. 888’s attitude is so typical. There is no one who takes it personal.

    Where’s dad?
    Where’s mom?
    Where’s grandpa?

    When someone does express concern, 888 falls back on his teen-age comments.

  12. fulanoche says:

    We’d all be better off if he crashed and died. Including his “mom”.

  13. Brian says:

    Jesus christ…’I just wanted to do hood stuff with my friend’.

    And a weekend without video games? Really? How about a year of being grounded, a year of going to school, and coming home right after, no fun, nothing. Put his fat ass to work around the house, earning back the thousands of dollars his behavior cost.

  14. Chris Mac says:

    #4 It just seems racist cause it’s true.

  15. Chris Mac says:

    But if you ask me.. this and the dennis rodman post rate high on my BS meter

  16. 888 says:

    read #12 – that’s my opinion as well

  17. sh says:

    I would beat the living shit out of this kid if he were mine no ands if or buts. If the system was so stupid to put me in jail so be it.

  18. Bill R. says:

    What hhopper said in number 8… Too bad the grandmother is afraid to do what that kid needs.

  19. Saper says:

    No accident here
    Let him come to Manitoba – we treat “young offenders ” here with kid gloves
    Repeat car thieves – nothing happens to them
    They even get damages and benefits from the state auto insurance monopoly wheras the car owner’s get heat
    If a car with a factory immobilizer gets stolen – no coverage – it is not possible to defeat
    Must be your 10 year old kid sir
    In this case they would be correct – only its a seven year old

  20. Cursor_ says:


    Lost skill????

    Was it EVER a skill????

    The situations we see now with children are exactly the same ones we saw between 1870 and 1910 in industrial cities around the world.

    At that point children ran amok on the streets due to either:

    A) Both parents working at some mill or factory
    B) One or both parents dead from working in a mill or factory

    The stories of street urchins and poor behaivour was noted in many a novel or short story of the day.

    Because we don’t LEARN from history, we repeat it.


  21. Uncle Ben says:


    I never thought I’d say this, but I agree with you entirely on this one. Except maybe the ‘costing more’ bit. One delinquent kid will costs more in taxes than a coach and some balls will ever cost!


    I am also with you on this one 100% too. In order to parent, parents need time to parent. If you are both working 8am to 8pm, you can’t parent (I know, I’ve tried).

    It also doesn’t help the amount of men out there who either ignore their children or are excluded from their children’s lives, meaning that one parent is trying to do it alone.

  22. 888 says:

    “In order to parent, parents need time to parent. If you are both working 8am to 8pm, you can’t parent (I know, I’ve tried).

    It also doesn’t help the amount of men out there who either ignore their children or are excluded from their children’s lives, meaning that one parent is trying to do it alone.”

    That is assuming we want to have some kind of perfect society. I have 1 word for it: Utopia.

    If I’m wrong correct me – but AFAIK mankind history, people have been always “working 8am -8pm” and they had the time to raise their children. The only difference is that throughout history people always taught their children responsibility, and kids always saw it first hand what happens to murderers during public executions, what happens with thieves, etc etc.
    Only very intelligent people learn from being told “in theory”, majority of average humans learn always on examples (usually their own).

    This particular kid in this video learned it exactly that way: television and games showed him how fun it can be to roam through the streets worry-free in someone else’s car, the “hood” taught him well the thugs are basically above the law, and his grandma probably never even spanked him once, so its not any surprise its not a big deal (for him) to take someone’s car, crash it, and be “punished” with “no videogames for week”. He has no clue what being responsible means. I don’t think he will ever learn it either. Most likely in few years he’ll go for drive-by shooting for pleasure and fun, and if he’ll kill few “bros” he may be sad for few minutes, while he won’t see anything wrong with shooting “whiteys” (rap music will brainwash him that they are the enemies, if he already doesn’t think that).

  23. GF says:

    This is a Grand Theft Auto commercial isn’t it?
    I want to play Gary Coleman!

  24. jbenson2 says:

    #21 & #22 – Excellent points about the men who abandon their children.

    A picture is worth a thousand words.
    Where’s my dad?

    (Click photo to enlarge.)
  25. read says:

    In addiiton to all the other comments, the kid need some dietary help and a little exercise wouldn’t go amiss.

  26. Cinaedh says:

    This child obviously has ADHD. He should be massively medicated, to the point where he can’t even remember his name. Then we’ll see how many cars he steals!

  27. qsabe says:

    Hey folks, what’s the bitch?

    The kid just got the latest “Grand Theft Auto” game and had to live the experience.

    If you were allowed to raise your own kids, like in the past, then they wouldn’t want to be like Bonnie & Clyde, Oh that was in the past. Ooops..

  28. Uncle Ben says:

    888. If I’m wrong correct me – but AFAIK mankind history, people have been always “working 8am -8pm” and they had the time to raise their children.

    There a couple of important differences between all those times before and now:
    1. Most parents can’t bring their kids to work with them, through most of human history they could.
    2. Most parents are required to send their kids to school, through most of human history there weren’t schools for most children.
    3. Most parents throughout history had two choices: work or starve. Today most parents have a different two choices: work or watch TV all day.

    Since the industrial revolution started (and most kids where moving cattle, lifting hay, fixing fences, and pumping water all day) there has been wild kids roaming the streets and causing troubles.

  29. bobbo says:

    #28–Uncle Ben==gee, seems to me I agree with you about all the time? Is that a paradox, or am I thinking of someone else?

    Anyway, “mankind history” covers a lot of territory raising two main issues in my mind.

    Mankind used to have large extended famlies with kiddies being raised by older kiddies and other adults in the family?

    AND–kiddies used to be independent and working to contribute to the family and no longer a kiddie around age 7-8? In fact, today “school” is not so much about education and socialization but rather a holding pattern to keep the kiddies occupied and out of the job market. This is declining somewhat as our society has exited the manufacturing stage and declines to a service industry before totalling collapsing back to farming and subsistence.

    Ahhh, the karmic wheel.

  30. Uncle Ben says:


    We were bound to agree at some point :-D. Actually, I think it is just religion that we disagree on.

    The nice thing about the karmic wheel is that it is slightly different each time. So where the last time we were all living on subsistence farming we had a few nice little comforts, like fertile soil and water, next time we probably won’t have either, which will make the experience a whole new and interesting one (in a Mad-Max kinda way)…..


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