
Will Obama win because of early voting in Indiana like this article says? Or will Hillary tip the even polls there to her and surge from behind in North Carolina? Is Obama toast over his apparent dissing of working-class whites? Or does that even matter since Clinton can’t make up the delegate count with supers abandoning her right and left?

Tell us what you think.

  1. Joe says:

    at this point, it doesn’t matter. Both candidates have beaten each other so badly in recent months that come time to face Mccain, they won’t stand a chance. Obama won’t ask clinton to be his running mate, and thats gonna piss off a lot of women voters, if Clinton wins, the Dems are gonna lose the entire black vote. Mccain picks a evangelical running mate and those clinging to “guns and religion” will vote McCain.

  2. Sean O'Hara says:

    The Republican Party.

  3. jbenson2 says:

    Operation Chaos has already won.

  4. andy says:

    split – but obama will win more delegates. seems like an easy question to read even though the first 3 people seemed to have trouble.

  5. kanjy says:

    What’s with the CAPTCHAs here? I liked it better before you implemented them. They are REALLY slow to load, like more than 30 seconds sometimes. It’s not like I ever see any spam in here; is this really necessary?

    [Register and you won’t get it. – ed.]

  6. Mister Mustard says:


  7. kanjy says:

    WHAT? I didn’t even fill in the CAPTCHA for my first post (#5). I went back and entered in how long it took, and THEN I posted it (#6). It isn’t even necessary to fill in these CAPTCHAs, so why are you presenting them to us?

    [Register and you won’t get it. – ed.]

  8. Mister Mustard says:

    Kanjy, I see no CAPTCHAs. Perhaps that’s because Mr. Lawd Almighty is on my side. Or perhaps you’re persona non grata? Nyuk nyuk!

    Stop whining, and just fill in your response to the poll!

  9. ArianeB says:

    I think Obama will win both states, but Indiana will be close.

    I’m not so sure that this race is necessarily bad for Democrats. Lots of money and advertising was spent in Pennsylvania, and the state residents are very familiar with both.

    Pennsylvania is a must win state for the GOP though. McCain is behind there.

    But this is where it should end. If Obama does win both, he will be guaranteed a majority of regular delegates, and a majority of popular votes. This is where Clinton should drop out. There are no major states left, and continuing to pressure the superdelegates to override the people could keep Clinton from major leadership posts, like Senate Majority Leader.

  10. Chris says:

    #1 – this article is pure speculation. The pundits have turned this whole pot of tea into a tempist.

    I belive that in California, early voting helped Clinton, since Obama was unknown here, and the Latino vote tended to distrust blacks. The polls show that the Latinos have come round to the Obama camp, so its possible that California would have gone for Obama if the primary hadn’t been moved. This is doubly true when you consider that many early voters wasted their votes on candidates who dropped out.

    As to McCain, the hand-wringing is mostly punditry. Consider the negatives for McCain:

    1 – He’s a warmonger. All he wants is to continue war. Commentator Ed Schultz said it best: “If someone sells fish, they are a fishmonger. If someone sells war, they are a warmonger.” Americans are sick of this.

    2 – He’s senile. There have been several incidents of his forgetfulness and we aren’t even in the run up to the general election yet.

    3 – Flip flop flip flop flip flop!

    4 – He’s brain-dead on economics, something that may cause the “true conservatives” to sit this election out.

    5 – His notorious temper has caused most military people to back away from him. I can just see the “3am phone call” ads now: do you want a hothead answering that call?

    6 – They are already calling him “John McSame” since he supports all the bush policies that have gotten us into this mess.

    7. – He was one of the key players who created the savings and loan disaster many years ago.

    Whoever wins the Democratic nomination is going to be using those negatives vigorously in the campaign. The media has pretty much given McCain a free ride. That will end in the fall.

    Incidentally, the Limbaugh plan to create another ’68 fails to note the differences. In 1968, the Democrats ran an unpopular old-school candidate named Hubert Humphrey. Humphrey refused to renounce incumbent Lyndon Johnson’s Viet Nam policy. Now, the Republicans are running an unpopular old-school candidate who refuses to renounce Bush’s Iraq policy. Think about it.


  11. joaoPT says:

    @10 You’re on to something. I think Obama WILL be the next US President. Even if Mr. Dvorak says it’s Un-electable. It has to be. Other than that, America will just dwindle into the aftershock of it’s right wing savage capitalism. There’s few stuff being made in the US, other than Weapons and planes, that could benefit from a weak dollar. McCain is just more of the same of Bush. Re-heated Bush if you will. And he has given you nothing more than Xpensive Gas (pun intended).

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>3 – Flip flop flip flop flip flop!
    >>6 – They are already calling him “John McSame”

    Yep. He’s like a sober, slightly more articulate, yet demented, version of Dumbya. Flip flop flip flop flip flop! That’s John McSame for ya.

  13. David22 says:

    Obama – near term and future.

    If he gets elected by a critical mass I suspect that his time will be unprecedented in history.

    Hope and inspiration does elevate – the capable come forward standing on its shoulders.

  14. Bil says:

    Real Americans are warmongers. Didn’t you ever see Patton?

    McCain will win. Bush was right! Get over it.

  15. Jägermeister says:

    Jesse Ventura?

  16. 888 says:

    “Tell us what you think.”

    2 words:

  17. David says:

    Obama will be toast when the Republicans are done with him. Notice the kind of ads they’re already running in places like North Carolina. Not only have they painted Obama as inexperienced, he’s now an elitist as well. If Hillary does better than expected there, I have a feeling it’s going to get much worse in the general election.

  18. Mister Mustard says:

    #17 – Obama may have less experience than some (just like JFK did), but McSame is running on empty. He’s ready to become fossil fuel for the Republican party. Too old, too settled in his ways (the sixties and seventies), and that stupid gas tax “holiday”? Christ. Yeah, like 18 cents off of five-dollar gas is going to solve all our problems. Give us a break.

  19. raualarnando says:

    Clinton needs over 68% in every remaining primary to finish ahead in pledged delegates. There is no way that she will win by 68% in any of the remaining primaries. However, the extended primary is forcing Obamaites to organize in every state months before McCainians even get started. I live in Kentucky, and for the first time in history we are getting campaign material with the primary date on it. Because of this supposedly disastrous extended primary, when Obama finally secures the nomination he will be months ahead of McCain in grassroots organizing. We will be canvassing and making phone calls all through the summer. What will result from this whole thing will be a new Democratic party made up largely of former Independents and Republicans.

  20. ECA says:

    Who cares..
    the next president is only a scape goat.
    The person will look bad, and BOTH sides will say..
    SEE, (women/blacks) cant run a nation.

    How many of you understand that IF’ congress and the representatives DONT want to HELP… The Prez is SCREW’d.

  21. Mister Mustard says:


    See, I voted twice. So that when the Repubs scrub my first vote, at least I’ll have gotten one in.

  22. moss says:

    Well, uh, Obama won Guam, today.

  23. Timuchin says:

    I just wonder when Hillary will try the murder card. That’s the only way she can get the nomination.

  24. 888 says:

    2008 elections: the (yet another) elections without any REAL good candidates 🙁

    Deconstructing America at work as usual – only at higher speed after this elections.

    As seen on some forum:
    “Who the f**k in this country really wants a clueless bitch, a clueless halfbreed or an old clueless sap to be the next president?”

    Amen! 🙂

  25. Hmeyers says:

    Hillary wins Indiana; Obama win NC by maybe less than expected.

    One reason I expect Obama to do less well is election fatigue … this has already dragged on maybe 3 or 4 weeks after the excitement disappeared.

  26. Mister Mustard says:


    Where do you get those white sheets you use to cover your heads, O Grand Dragon?? Are they 300-count Martha Stewarts, or what?

    Burned any good crosses in halfbreeds’ yards lately?

  27. 888 says:

    Mustard, the guy who said it is black, not white 😀

    But keep on mustarbating over it…)

  28. Mister Mustard says:


    Oh, the guy who said it “on some forum” is black, not white, eh? Please post a link, or take responsibility for being a Latter-Day KKK guy, huh?


  29. 888 says:

    Nice try, religious asshole, but you’ve got to try harder than that.

    keep on mustardbating, it is more funny 😉

  30. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:


    Don’t worry about 888. His mommy is about to make him come up from the basement and go find a job.


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