Al Jazeera cameraman Sami al-Hajj has hit out at the treatment of detainees at the Guantanamo Bay military prison where he was held for nearly six and a half years.

He said that “rats are treated with more humanity“, than the inmates, whose “human dignity was violated”.

Al-Hajj, who arrived in Sudan early on Friday, was carried off a US air force jet on a stretcher and immediately taken to hospital…

Al-Hajj, who is originally from Sudan, was held as an “enemy combatant” without ever facing trial or charges.

Al-Hajj was the only journalist from a major international news organisation held at Guantanamo and many of his supporters saw his detention as punishment for the network’s broadcasts.

I doubt that we have to worry about any of the U.S. entertainment media news organizations running the risk of offending the divine power in the White House.

  1. 888 says:

    He forgot to complain that no one have cut off his head when he was in Gitmo.

  2. GigG♦ says:

    There is a pretty good Wikipedia article on this guy. That he was “just” a journalist looks a little shaky.

  3. BillM says:

    Aljazeera…..where beheadings are considered a reality show. Too bad they let him out.

  4. Jägermeister says:

    #3 – BillM

    CNN & Fox News… When reality sucks.

  5. 888 says:

    …because of no beheadings there, obviously.

  6. Jägermeister says:

    #5 – 888

    That’s not the point… try again…

  7. 888 says:

    No need, I get *your* point – you don’t get mine, apparently.

  8. Did anyone miss the detaining without trial or charges part? I don’t like Aljazeera anymore than the rest of the US but some charges against this guy should have been filed over those six and a half years.

  9. JPV says:

    You morons are typical of most of the misinformed American sheeple…

    Think Again: Al Jazeera
    By Hugh Miles

    July/August 2006

    It is vilified as a propaganda machine and Osama bin Laden’s mouthpiece. In truth, though, Al Jazeera is as hated in the palaces of Riyadh as it is in the White House. But, as millions of loyal viewers already know, Al Jazeera promotes a level of free speech and dissent rarely seen in the Arab world. With plans to go global, it might just become your network of choice.

    [The rest of the article was reproduced here and removed… too long for comments. Go to the URL to read the article. – ed.]

  10. natefrog says:


    Good article, but it will be lost on people who only view the world in black and white.

  11. jim h says:

    #2, I understand that point, but it doesn’t matter if this guy was actually a bank robber or even a serial killer. This society claims to treat prisoners humanely. And we should make good on that promise even when there’s a lot of temptation to do otherwise.

  12. jbenson2 says:

    #9 – I wonder if Al Jazeera will give the same non-biased reporting when Sami al-Hajj accidentally blows himself up as he is trying to plant an IED.

  13. Ron Larson says:

    Some hunger strike he has been on since Jan 07. I’d say he failed.

  14. 888 says:

    AlJaz is a propaganda tube no different than CNN, just promoting different point of views – and that’s where the only – but so significant – difference is.

    As a muslim religion propaganda tube AL Jaz is not unbiased.

    “Al Jazeera Is Biased”

    True, but no more so than Fox News or CNN.

    There are no “Christianity is the best” agenda on the CNN nor Fox, while Al Jaz is promoting violent radical islam, you must be either muslim or very stupid not to see it.

    “Al Jazeera Is Censored”

    Not yet.

    It is as censored as CNN or Fox is, the only difference is in the censored subjects.
    You won’t see even a single word against i.e. violence that sprung against westerners after “Mohammad cartoons”. Very unbiased and uncensored news station indeed…

    I could go on and on with examples, but I know that normal people know it all already, while idiots and muslims won’t change their minds even if their god mohammad told them so personally 🙂

  15. Cursor_ says:

    I would love to know how people can call arabs anti-semite when they themselves are semites.

    I guess anthropology is as bad as geography in the US.


  16. bobbo says:

    I had always thought “enemy combatant” meant they were captured during a battle. Guess I overread “combatant.”

    It is easier to have “morals” during war when you have overpowering strength and majority support in the country where the war is being fought. Only exsanguination when both are not present.

  17. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #14, 888

    There are no “Christianity is the best” agenda on the CNN nor Fox, while Al Jaz is promoting violent radical islam, you must be either muslim or very stupid not to see it.

    Uummm, sorry but you missed the bias. CNN is USA centric while FOX is Republican, / KKK / wing nut centric. Unless you share the same fucked up view that FOX does, you see their bias. To anyone outsode the US, CNN’s bias becomes evidence.

    Does Aljazeera promote radicalism and violence? No, but those who get their information from FOX will be told otherwise.

    I could go on and on with examples, but I know that normal people know it all already, while idiots and muslims won’t change their minds even if their god mohammad told them so personally

    Like your samples, you don’t know anything. You haven’t produced ANYTHING to refute JPV’s post except your own bias.

    Please give us an example where Aljazeera promoted violence, a beheading, or anti-Israeli activity.

  18. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #1, 888,

    He forgot to complain that no one have cut off his head when he was in Gitmo.

    Why should he complain? Is that standard practice of those fighting for freedom, for those defending justice, for those who believe in doing what is right.

  19. 888 says:

    Dude, I already answered that, and I’m not going to discuss it with a moron like you.

    Please watch CNN, Fox, BBC, Deutsche Welle or even Al Jazeera if you want – and do trust any of them – why would I care LOL

  20. bobbo says:

    I’ve never watched Al Jazeera except as a short clip attached to some other story==like that well known American Journalist who just quit===I forget exactly why, and his stated reasons wouldn’t be necessarily true.

    888–if you have any actual examples of bias other than your opinion, we would all benefit.

  21. MoparPower says:

    Doesn’t Al Jazeera speak (the real network) Arabic? So 888 knows Arabic. Should I run his towel waring head down with my roadrunner. This is America goddammit

  22. bobbo says:

    #22–Mopar, 888 certainly seems brain damaged enough to make the cleanup to your vehicle not worth the effort? But lets see if he will redeem himself with some actual examples of bias, or just continue on his puerile way.

  23. tallwookie says:

    just shaddup & kill all the A-rabs

  24. 888 says:

    No – its just this blog’s usual idiots haven’t discovered this ‘secret’ yet 😉

  25. MikeN says:

    Last week a Kuwaiti who had been released from Guantanamo blew himself up in Iraq. Keep on believing that these are all innocent people railroaded by King George.

  26. 888 says:

    …and of course it was CIA (or Bush personally) who brainwashed him to blow himself up after release, no?

  27. Greg Allen says:

    Holy smokes Americans have hit a new low, when we pride ourselves as superior because at least we don’t behead people.

    I remember a time when we believed in rule of law and due process, even for the guilty (and who knows if this guy is even guilty of anything?)

    If America really thought he was a terrorist, why did they let him walk? (I don’t know his story, though.)

  28. Greg Allen says:

    >> Last week a Kuwaiti who had been released from Guantanamo blew himself up in Iraq. Keep on believing that these are all innocent people railroaded by King George.

    Some accused are guilty. Some are not.

    That’s what due process is for. Too bad “King George” so trashed due process that it’s hopeless to actually convict any terrorist.

  29. 888 says:

    I don’t mean to crap in your beliefs, but when exactly was it when “we believed in rule of law and due process, even for the guilty”?

    Was in the Dodge City Wild West times?

    Maybe during Indian Wars?

    During Prohibition and Great Recession times?

    Or was it when we fried Sacco and Vanzetti?

    Because I’m sure you don’t think it was during the Korean War, Vietnam War, or “Two Bushes and a Clinton Sandwich” most-corrupted-ever times?

  30. Brian says:

    It’s shocking to me that people are willing to defend the torture going on in Gitmo because of the prisoner’s affiliation with radical muslim extremists.

    I’d have to think that sensible people would be able to realize that everyone is entitled to due process and fair treatment, and if he was being held without charges being filed, that alone should outrage you.

    How much outrage would there be in this country if American civilians were held against their will and without charges as we are doing to others? Why are people willing to excuse this behavior?

    It’s disgusting that not only this type of torturous activities are allowed to go on, and that simple-minded people are so willing to follow in line with the current corrupt administration.


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