A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey indicates that 71 percent of the American public disapprove of how Bush is handling his job as president.

No president has ever had a higher disapproval rating in any CNN or Gallup Poll; in fact, this is the first time that any president’s disapproval rating has cracked the 70 percent mark,” said Keating Holland, CNN’s polling director…

CNN Senior Political Analyst Bill Schneider adds, “He is more unpopular than Richard Nixon was just before he resigned from the presidency in August 1974…”

The poll also indicates that support for the war in Iraq has never been lower. Thirty percent of those questioned favored the war, while 68 percent opposed it.

The numbers on the Iraq war come on the five-year anniversary of Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” moment on board the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, when he proclaimed that “major combat operations in Iraq have ended.”

I wonder how those percentages are reflected among our readers?

Thanks, K B

  1. the answer says:

    who are these 30% and why haven’t they been flogged?

  2. Davec says:

    “Why should make it any difference if Al Gore did indeed win the popular vote? The candidates did not wage a popular vote campaign — they waged an Electoral College campaign. The popular vote was, therefore, wholly irrelevant.” -Kip Esquire

    Some of you need to get past this 2000 election.. it’s 2008..gore lost, end of story..2004 kerry lost..end of story.. 2008.. better have a better canidate than Hillary Clinton or you’r sure to lose to a 71 year old idiot!

  3. MikeN says:

    #19,20 you both have it wrong. Kerry said I voted for the 87 billion before I voted against it.

  4. Brian says:

    Gotta love the white house spin on the ‘mission accomplished’ banner: it was referring to the ship that he was speaking on and the particular mission they had carried out (even though dubya referred to major combat operations in Iraq ending).

    It’s sad that there are still people in this country who think the president was justified in invading, that the war is noble, that we should be in the middle east, spending $12 billion a month, meanwhile our country is in a death spiral.

    Wake up people. Your gas is over $4 a gallon as a direct result of this illegal and immoral war.

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #16 – We?, you mean You.

    I mean we… I just don’t know who all is included in we.

    The same could be said of your bullshit.

    Except that my bullshit is backed up by history.

    Gore was a stiff, career politician, who has since proven himself to be a bit of a wack job.

    Rather than stiff, he’s actually quite warm and personable… but who cares? We shouldn’t be electing people based on how animated we perceive them to be.

    He is a career politician. That’s is only a liability when the the guy is in the other party. Your guys are career politicians too.

    “Proven” to be a whack job? Rather painted as a whack job by the right, and their vested interest in maintaining the status quo of the energy industries (except solar and wind, of course).

    Kerry was a flip flopping,

    According to Karl Rove. In reality, Kerry cast ballots based on information available at the time, and quite reasonably changed his positions as new information emerged. The sign of a thinking individual, not rigidly and stubborning connected to a idea, no matter how bad it is later proved to be… like say, the current president.

    New England elitist

    Just an FYI, Bush wasn’t born in Texas…

    Further, Bush is a nepotist silver spoon baby, spoiled son of privilege, whose decision to quit acting like a drunken playboy came only a few short years before deciding to become a career politician (like daddy) and that’s when he went from hard drinker and cokehound to dry drunk Bible thumper.

    Bush is the elitist. Kerry just has the good fortune of being wealthy, but (like JFK before him) he didn’t use his wealth to shirk responsibility. Rather, he stepped up to the plate to serve.

    who thumbed his nose at his military service and is just as big a douche as W.


    Kerry served in Vietnam and earned three purple hearts. Then, after paying for his right to free speech, spoke his conscience about the war, as is the right and responsibility of every American.

    Bush pulled strings to get a cushy guard position to keep him safe at home, then shirked even that duty to play political aid with some of Daddy’s friends.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #19 – Do you Dumbyaphiles really think that if you repeat that nonsense long enough, it will become true??

    They did repeat it enough that it became true… That’s the sad truth. Karl Rove can not only lie… he can lie outright in the harsh light of day, under the watchful gaze of the media… and even be called out for lying as he does it… But the American Idol obsessed American public will still be duped into thinking the lie is true.

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #22 – #20 if you have some indisputable proof of this,


    Congressional Record not clear enough for you?

  8. AlanB says:

    #28 TVAddict) I’m with you. #24. You haven’t been paying attention.

    The surge may have had initial success simply because there are more US military personnel there, not because there was any plan behind the surge. It was a change that the opposition had to adjust to.

    If we surged to the point where we have one US military person with a gun to the head of every Iraqi man women and child it would likely stop the violence, or at least reduce our human losses. That is, until regional neighbors get ticked and start showing up.

  9. andy says:

    it’s amazing the diversions and smokescreens the bush apologists pull out of their asses to defend this piece of human filth.

  10. JimD says:

    Gee, I wonder when Bush will go shopping at Wal-Mart to “boost the economy” and buy some tube sox like his daddy !!!

  11. JimD says:

    P.S. to #40 – If the Repukes are smart, the ought to brief Dumbya on the existence of Optical Scanners at the checkout !!!

  12. pat says:

    #35 “Rather than stiff, he’s actually quite warm and personable… but who cares?”

    Gore didn’t carry his home state. I don’t remember the last President who didn’t. I think that says something on him being “electable”.

    Now, electable is not equal to being good for the position but,…

  13. tweak-me says:

    Reading this goes to show how pointless it is to have comments on an opinion poll about a “person”… rhetoric about how people feel, leading to comments about how people fell… and on and on…

    Anybody else get tired of this?

    Can I talk about the guy that lives next door now? or how about griping about my boss?

  14. MikeN says:

    Well he only undid about half the CLinton tax increase, so Mission Unaccomplished.

  15. Eric says:

    My father and I sat in a bar just before the start of war in Iraq and both agreed, this was the wrong course for the wrong reasons. Little did we know how prophetic we would turn out to be. I still remember the feeling of being in the sparse minority. Now, it seems, everyone else apparently was “right there with us”. While I don’t mind those who finally came around, please don’t continue to insult those of us who had to take the “anti-american” crap then by saying that those of you who were originally slinging it at us are now claiming to have been standing next to us taking it. Revisionist history sucks, and it only takes 5 years for people to recreate their own.

  16. BubbaRay says:

    1) Mr. Mustard, no offense taken
    2) Most of you know I rarely jump into political debates. I just don’t think the popularity question is that important. I’d like to see these 2 yes/no questions in a poll, and the results.

    * Are you better off today than you were 7 years ago?
    * Is the USA better off today than it was 7 years ago?

    “Let’s not bicker and argue over who killed who. This is supposed to be a happy occasion!”

    Just my 2 cents (2 new gold dollars) worth.

  17. J says:

    # 16 J

    Did you forget to change your Username before posting as me?

    I can only guess how many time you have done this on other threads.

  18. bobbo says:

    I do dislike Bush and his policies since BEFORE he was elected the first time. Rich Boys who don’t want to fly jet airplanes or travel outside the country are===very stupid.

    I thought at the time he was being promoted as “the candidate you most wanted to have a beer with.” How cute. MORE PEOPLE should have paid attention to that typically american voting point. Bush wouldn’t actually have a beer with you because he was a born again recovering coke addict.

    With this background, it was an easy 100/100 bet he would either fall of the wagon and abuse drugs or dive deeper into his one on one relationship with god. In either case, those who worship money/power would have control of the presidency.

    I also find my lack of support reaches on average about 71%. The rest of the time, I am asleep.

  19. Lou says:

    The funny thing is you retards voted him in for a second term. He He.

  20. RBG says:

    Keep flogging a dead horse. Meanwhile in Arizona…


  21. jescott418 says:

    I don’t like George Bush, but just because we get a different president next year. Does not mean things will get better. The real problems are with the Congress. They have done little to address the economy early enough to do any good. They were just bickering. It would not surprise me that in 5 years we will be looking for another President.

  22. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #42 – Wow… Think about what you guys are saying…

    Two guys… Gore, and the Asshat, both running for office and both take 49% of the vote… Nader bleeds off a small percentage from both, but presumably more from Gore because, and lets be honest, who is Nader really more like?

    The difference in the vote comes down to a ridiculously narrow margin, a few wild cards, and on top of it there is a controversial issue that bordered on a constitutional crisis in Florida.

    And you guy want to say he was “unelectable.”


    It was so close that if the wind had blown a different direction that day we would probably have seen a different outcome.

    Claiming he was “unelectable” is revisionist history… aka: The Republican’s Forte…

    I don’t care if you guys on the right don’t like Democrats. But they are no more “unelectable” than Bill Clinton was.

  23. bobbo says:

    #52–OFTLO==don’t forget the 80K or so old jewish folks who voted for Buchannan because they got confused ((that indeed raises a different set of issues)) or the 100K black folks who’s could not vote because their names disappeared from the eligible voters list. Much the same thing in Ohio.

    I don’t know how the Dem’s let the repugs get away with this fraud. Makes me think “it might not be true” or there is some kind of “gentlemen’s agreement” that you must be a club member to understand.

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #53 – I won’t ever forget it. Yes… I am certain Bush stole an election and crashed our country. What has happened to us since that day is unforgivable.

    But it happened, and no one in Congress had the balls to do something about it, so its over and we have to look forward and focus on fixing the nation.

    That the rich boy and his puppet master will retire to a life of luxury in Dubai, and that stings… But we have a failing infrastructure, a collapsing economy, a military stretched too thin in a quagmire of bullshit, and law enforcement agencies getting drunk on power, not to mention the looming threat from the religious extremists of all flavors. I’ve made peace with the fact that Bush will never stand in Hague and only want to repair the dying nation.

    However, since I am keenly aware of how much the right longs to rewrite history, I am willing to tilt at this windmill about Gore and Kerry being electable.

    Look up unelectable in the dictionary and look at the picture of Walter Mondale or Mike Dukakis. Gore and Kerry were perfectly electable, and according some, one or both actually were elected.

  25. bobbo says:

    #54–OFTLO==so we basically agree, except Bush won’t retire overseas, nor in Texas. Thought I read he already had his spot picked out somewhere on the East Coast?

    Congress and its constitutional role has been completely corrupted by our two party system.

    So, the “real” question remaining is why don’t the Dems act more agressively? Train the brain dead retirees on how to vote? Sue to get blacks back on the voter roles. Followup after the fact to prevent the same thing next round?

    The insider game has deteriorated to the point that while the rules have changed from who gets the most votes, to how can we win and not get caught cheating. Its like carrying in Basketball or holding in volleyball. Rules haven’t changed, but the game has.

  26. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I don’t know how the Dem’s let the repugs
    >>get away with this fraud.

    You’ll have that, when the “supreme” court is stacked with repug lackeys.

  27. gquaglia says:

    Gore and Kerry were perfectly electable, and according some, one or both actually were elected.

    If that were so, then how come neither has tried to run again. Reason, the party higher ups know neither could mount a strong campaign, based on their prior showing.

    You’ll have that, when the “supreme” court is stacked with repug lackeys.

    “Your team” would do the same thing, get over it

  28. bobbo says:

    #56–Mustard. The Supreme Court did rule incorrectly and suspiciously in Bush v Gore (not to be cited as authority==wtf?) BUT the incomprehensible lack of agressiveness of the Dem party on its own quest for power remains a puzzler. Instead of running ads, why don’t they do a forensic audit of voter registration “revisions” and sue those who act illegally? Many good results from this, but no action. Why not?

  29. LtJackboot says:

    It’s not like this ‘approval rating’ matters at all. You didn’t vote for the numbskull but he’s STILL your leader. Twice!

  30. gquaglia says:

    just because we get a different president next year. Does not mean things will get better. The real problems are with the Congress.

    Answer that one Mister Shithead and OhFortheLoveOfBullshit. “Your team” controls the congress and have done absolutely nothing since taking control. You think “your” guys are so great, incorruptible and almost “god like” yet they haven’t done a damn thing. Who on earth will you cry about next year if your guys control all three bodies of congress.


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