A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey indicates that 71 percent of the American public disapprove of how Bush is handling his job as president.

No president has ever had a higher disapproval rating in any CNN or Gallup Poll; in fact, this is the first time that any president’s disapproval rating has cracked the 70 percent mark,” said Keating Holland, CNN’s polling director…

CNN Senior Political Analyst Bill Schneider adds, “He is more unpopular than Richard Nixon was just before he resigned from the presidency in August 1974…”

The poll also indicates that support for the war in Iraq has never been lower. Thirty percent of those questioned favored the war, while 68 percent opposed it.

The numbers on the Iraq war come on the five-year anniversary of Bush’s “Mission Accomplished” moment on board the aircraft carrier USS Abraham Lincoln, when he proclaimed that “major combat operations in Iraq have ended.”

I wonder how those percentages are reflected among our readers?

Thanks, K B

  1. Janky-o says:

    “I wonder how those percentages are reflected among our readers?”

    I suppose the more intelligent of readers opposed dubya from the get go and opposed the iraq war as soon as they realized that was dubya’s big goal.

    Your more fatuous readers stand with Harriet Miers and her “you’re the bestest governor ever!”

  2. Max says:

    I’ve always wondered how the “Disapproval Ratings” were calculated. Ask me this question – “Are you satisfied with the President?” and I’d say, “Sure.” Ask me “Are you satisfied with the way the President has handled the war effort?” I might say “Yep.” Ask me “Are you disappointed in the way the war has gone?” And I’d say “Yep.” First two questions, and I might be marked down as “Satisfied”. Ask me the last one, and I might be marked down as “Dissapprove”. Statistics are a funny thing – depending on the question, they can say different things… Then the media get’s a hold of them and can distort them.

    “A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey indicates that 71 percent of the American public disapprove of how Bush is handling his job as president.” What part did they disapprove? Liberals (AKA Bush Hatters) probably disapprove of everything. Conservatives (AKA Reaganistas) probably disapprove of his handeling of immigration reform and spending, but probably don’t disapprove of him as a President.

    I don’t like these polls – or these stories – since they don’t provide the data – only the conclusions that some weenie with a keyboard contrives.

    My $0.02.

  3. JimD says:

    What else would you expect from the Presidential Usurper ???


  4. Tkwj says:

    And isn’t it true that the Congress has an even lower approval rating? Not that I would ever defend GWB but it is the job of Congress to overrule the president on the issues or throw him out.

  5. Tech_1 says:

    Actually: The presidents disapproval rating = 13%.

    And congress’s disapproval rating = 11%.

    And those apposed to the war = 84%

    Handle it.

  6. Just Sayin says:

    Hmm, I don’t remember hearing about it when the disapproval rating for Congress cracked the 70% mark. But I suppose to be fair, that’s only happened 8 times so far this year, so that’s only twice a month or so.


  7. Cursor_ says:

    #2 Max,

    Ok please list the things Bush did right in his tenure?

    I don’t need a poll to see we have another bad president (we’ve had mostly bad). And another bad war (we’ve had many of those too).


  8. Better Than The Alternative Fuel Candidate says:

    I suppose those people would have rather had that BAFOON who parades his Global Warming float in the Gay Parade’s, you know, the one who uses 100 x more energy than the average cup of Joe, running around the movie circuit saying the icebergs are falling…….ROFL. Bush is way better. People just pay attention to all the drama. They don’t watch C-SPAN and see the STUPID questions the reporters ask. They don’t listen to the long boring sessions in congress and senate hearings and get at least some facts, no, they listen to TV drama which distorts almost everything presented about Bush. Although no President is perfect, he is a very strong man and has done the world good.

  9. gquaglia says:

    If you want to blame someone, blame the Democrats for picking 2, unelectable douche bags to run against W. Both elections were a choice between turd sandwich and giant douche. America chose the sandwich.

  10. jpz says:

    #9 – didn’t Americans, by popular vote, elect the other guy both times?

  11. Chris says:

    Congress’ approval is very low. Individual members of congress tends to have higher approval, within their district. There is a connection. A member of congress gains approval by proving they can get money and projects for their district. Collectively, this “pork spending” looks bad, so we disapprove of the congress as a whole while liking our own.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>he is a very strong man and has done the
    >>world good.

    Holy shit! You must have been snacking on ‘shrooms and acid. Among people that I know, even the most die-hard, red-necked, moronic bubbas (sorry Mr. Ray, I’m not talking about you) aren’t even saying that!!!

    Most intelligent folks have recognized Dumbya for what he was right from the get-go…a lilly-livered chickenhawk ignoramus who can’t put together a a coherent sentence, and who has probably done more damage to America than all other presidents combined. Sheesh.

  13. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #2 Max, the questions may indeed be as you say, but they have been asking the same questions since Truman, or before. So it’s all relative….don’t worry about the %, worry about it being higher than anyone else.

    #8, can I have some of that juice you’re drinking?

  14. GigG says:

    #7 Acoording to Bono…

    “President Bush has every reason to be proud of what he and so many others have accomplished in Africa. From AIDS treatment once thought impossible, to millions of bednets to keep kids from dying of a mosquito bite, to new African jobs created with trade policy, to billions in old debts erased.”

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #2 – AKA Bush Hatters

    People who fantasize about placing hats on Bush?

    #8 – They don’t listen to the long boring sessions in congress and senate hearings and get at least some facts, no, they listen to TV drama which distorts almost everything presented about Bush.

    Judging from the quality of your writing, I find it hard to believe you have the wherewithal to listen to and understand the “long boring” session of Congress either.

    #9 – blame the Democrats for picking 2, unelectable douche bags to run against W. Both elections

    We get tired of reading your cut and paste canard about the Democratic candidates. In both cases their losses were razor thin and controversial, and preceded by a lifetime of accomplishment, education, experience, and in both cases, military service. These guys were highly qualified and very electable.

  16. J says:

    kind of ludicrous statement about CNN poles and other presidents.
    I’m pretty sure CNN didn’t exist during Nixon’s term

  17. gquaglia says:

    We get tired of reading your cut and paste canard about the Democratic candidates. In both cases their losses were razor thin and controversial, and preceded by a lifetime of accomplishment, education, experience, and in both cases, military service. These guys were highly qualified and very electable.

    We?, you mean You. The same could be said of your bullshit. But to your second point. Gore was a stiff, career politician, who has since proven himself to be a bit of a wack job. Kerry was a flip flopping, New England elitist who thumbed his nose at his military service and is just as big a douche as W.

  18. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Kerry was a flip flopping

    Kerry is a flip-flopper!?!?!? Haw haw. Obviously, you don’t know your “president”. Dumbya is the biggest flip-flopper of all time!!


    As to Gore, he be a little “stiff”, but at least he wasn’t a ventriloquist’s dummy like Dumbya. If Dumbya didn’t have somebody with his hand up his ass, making his mouth move, he’d be about as animated as Charlie McCarthy after Edgar Bergen died. And every bit as intelligent.

  19. Thomas says:


    > In both cases their losses
    > were razor thin and controversial,
    > and preceded by a lifetime of accomplishment,
    > education, experience, and in both cases,
    > military service. These guys were highly
    > qualified and very electable.

    To add to #16, it would seem apparent that neither were electable (as President at least). The Republicans won in ’04 because the Democrats put up the bigger loser. Much like Bush I will forever be remembered for “No new taxes”, Kerry will forever be remembered for “I voted against the war before I voted for it.”

  20. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Kerry will forever be remembered for “I
    >>voted against the war before I voted for it.”

    Do you Dumbyaphiles really think that if you repeat that nonsense long enough, it will become true??

    What Kerry voted “for” (and Hillary, for that matter), was to give the “president” the authority to take action against Saddam under the appropriate circumstances. Not carte blanche to invade before the inspectors had finished inspecting, until all diplomatic options had been exhausted, etc. If Kerry and the other “supporters” can be faulted for anything, it’s for erroneously assuming that Dumbya would act like a responsible grownup. The last 8 years have shown us that the assumption was horribly, horribly wrong. Christ, the guy is 61 and he still can’t speak as well as most second-graders.

  21. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #16, gq,

    In both elections the polls were rigged to give Bush the win. Either candidate would have been far and away good Presidents and this country would not find itself in near the mess it is in today. Not to mention that 2,000 military people would still be alive and an untold number with all their limbs and sanity. Hell, we might even have had bin Laden’s head served on a platter by now.

    How anyone can prefer Bush to either Gore or Kerry is beyond me. How anyone can defend Bush rightly deserves a mental health evaluation. But gq, you never have been known for your intelligent or insightful comments.

  22. gquaglia says:

    #20 if you have some indisputable proof of this, not conjecture, theory or conspiracy, they you have a case, otherwise you can stuff your comment in the big bullshit bag along with Bush orchestrated 911 and Islam is a religion of peace.

  23. Mister Mustard says:

    >>if you have some indisputable proof of this..

    Do you doubt it? Does ANYONE (other than maybe Anal Cyst Limbaugh and Two-Dollar Whore Coulter) doubt it?? Sheesh.

  24. M Garrett says:

    And yet, had the war gone better (even though the surge is working now), would you still be blaming him? I bet you would. Frankly, I don’t think it really matters whether it was true or not. Or even if success is part of the equation.

    You Democrats BY DEFAULT wouldn’t believe him.

  25. gquaglia says:

    #22 I doubt it as do most Americans that don’t wear tin foil hats. If there was any proof, there would have been indictments, trials, public outrage, the works. There has been none of that, proving that your and your like have nothing but conspiracy bullshit.

  26. RBG says:

    “The record holder for highest approval rating? President George W. Bush, who topped out at 90% in the immediate aftermath of 9/11. His father is the runner-up, with an 89% rating during the first Gulf War.”

    So it all averages out…


  27. Carcarius says:

    Here’s an interesting read:


    The Bush Administration at least handled the war incompetently or handled it in such a way on purpose. Who knows for sure. I know that during Bush seniors tenure as Prez Cheney was the Sec of Def and he never had any military experience. I am quite sure he had a lot of input in our current war as well. Incompetence or “as planned”… does it matter if the result is the same?

  28. TVAddict says:

    #24 “Surge is working”…ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…ROFFLMYFAO. You been drinking the Kool-Aid. Have you not been paying attention the last few days? Violence is way up. That place is full of quick sand and the US has alienated everyone that could give us hand to get out.

  29. Chris says:

    “And yet, had the war gone better (even though the surge is working now), would you still be blaming him? I bet you would. Frankly, I don’t think it really matters whether it was true or not. Or even if success is part of the equation.

    You Democrats BY DEFAULT wouldn’t believe him.”

    The surge is not working for the simple fact that it is doing nothing to prepare Iraq for long term stability.

    And the war would have been immoral no matter how it turned out.

  30. Ian says:

    Somehow I knew before he even got sworn in. I already had my “Not My President T-Shirt” and I stick by my original gut feeling.

    8 years later, I have spent almost my entire 20’s with this administration. If that doesn’t jade the you I don’t know what will.


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