BBC NEWS | Asia-Pacific | Japan worker in 780,000 porn hits — In the USA he would have been fired, sued for sexual harassment, branded a sex-offender, put on a watch list and possibly sent to Gitmo. In Japan he gets a salary cut. Interesting difference in cultures.

A local council employee in Japan has been punished after it was discovered he had accessed porn websites at work more than 780,000 times in nine months. His superiors were alerted to the problem only when his computer became infected with a virus.

The 57-year-old man, who has not been named, works for the city of Kinokawa in southern Japan. He held on to his job, but has been demoted and his wages have been cut by about 20,000 yen $190; £80 a month.

Each day he would turn up to work, but once in his office it seems unlikely he got much done. A council investigation found that he viewed more than 750,000 pornographic websites in nine months. His habit reached its peak last July when he surfed for porn more than 177,000 times during office hours. That works out at almost 10,000 pages a day, or more than 20 each minute he was at his desk.

Found by Terry Love via Twitter.

  1. Ian says:

    Wow, it never got boring for him.

    $10 says he was looking for blondes.

  2. Jennifer says:

    I love porn!

  3. Ah_Yea says:

    20 pages per minute? Something fishy here. That comes out to 3 seconds per page. Can you even load a page in 3 seconds, much less view it?

  4. John Paradox says:

    Wonder if he was using ‘tabs’ to open multiple pages at once.


  5. prophet says:

    #2 – Ah_Yea – The have really good broadband in Japan.

    I just hope he was using some lotion; if not, that is a hell of a lot of chaffing!

  6. Ah_Yea says:

    Really, really, really good broadband!

  7. mike cannali says:

    Now the company health plan must pay for carpal tunnel too.

  8. oil of dog says:

    I hope they discarded his keyboard!!

  9. Derek says:

    Not surprising John. Japanese society is still in the dark ages when it comes to gender equality and it extremely chauvinistic. That’s why you have hordes of Japanese women wanting to marry a foreigner and get the hell out Japan. And wasn’t there a posting the other day about birth rate is going to go down because Jap men jerkoff too much and can’t come inside a women?! So yeah, maybe work place ethics in NA is not so bad after all, although we still have a long way to go for proper gender equality.

  10. Ron Larson says:

    I saw this news story and something about it doesn’t seem right. There is simply too much traffic. Either they are exaggerating (eg. each thumbnail and image on every page is counted as a page), or his machine was infected by a virus designed to boost hit counts (they do exists).

    When a website gets paid for views, there is a strong incentive to to get as many looks as possible. A virus can be instructed to fetch web pages all day long without the user seeing it (except for the traffic impact) on a computer with enough horsepower to to multi-task.

    Anyhow… it reminded me of the case where the substitute teacher was prosecuted as a sex offender when the classroom PC was infected with a virus and started opening up popups to porn sites. Overblown hysteria by clueless idiots.

  11. bubba says:

    #9, you forgot the part how the worker was not productive for 9 months…? There was an investigation…?? No denial on the part of the worker…??? This doesn’t sound like overblown hysteria to me.

  12. terry_l says:

    I wonder if when he used to go home at the end of the day he used to complain about having a hard day at the office…

  13. says:

    I have to agree with #9. There is just way too much traffic. This really sounds like bot activity. I bet he came in in the morhing, turned on the computer, then went to sleep for the whole day, never realizing what his computer was doing.

  14. brendal says:

    He should apply for a job at LFP.

  15. Johan says:

    #8. What the heck has gender equality to do with porn? He might have been surfing for some man-on-man action you know. Porn itself doesn’t hurt anyone. If some people want to have sex on tape, and some other people want to watch it, I don’t think anything should stand in there way. I realize that there are some bad things going on in the adult films industry, but that’s a problem with the industry and not the the actual films.

    By the way. Mailorder-brides are not typically Japanese, but come from far worse economically challenged countries.

  16. 888 says:

    780k sites in 9mths = ~3000/day (m-f)…
    That means he visited 375 sites per hour(assuming full 8hrs/day)…
    which means he viewed each site for just 9 seconds only.

    I call BULLSHIT on this article

  17. Eric says:

    Should of used a Mac


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