

  1. Maleman says:

    Well, I’ve seen better…

  2. Erik Blazynski says:

    Dvorak, here comes your next article!!

  3. Pinkerton says:

    Hey, I just got idea, go get banana.

  4. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    Ya, it does look just like an 888.

  5. Scott M. says:

    Patiently waiting for the next killer app idea.

  6. Blues says:

    Wow! The TSA really cleaned him out.

  7. ECA says:

    Thats a HICKEY all right..


    NOW thats a good tattoo of Bush..

  8. 888 says:

    Don’t even think about it!
    Mr. Gawd Almighty was there!

  9. Chris Mac says:

    Can someone please pick a winner?

    #12 – Is it the red wire or the blue wire?

  10. 888 says:

    My vote goes for #39:

    “Okay, Mr. Dvorak, you can board the plane now.”


  11. Cblank21 says:

    So that is where Senator Obama has been getting his speeches from!

  12. oz4me says:

    Shouldn’t THAT be in Calcutta

  13. ECA says:


    I got the BESt one…


  14. ECA says:

    Insert Peg A’
    Into Slot B’

    WHAT slot B?

  15. ECA says:

    If we move it this way..
    we get a better picture..

  16. 888 says:

    “OMG, you got a hole where your balls should be!”

  17. mellonball says:

    …and here you see Fox talk show hosts waiting for the next republican talking point to drop, err, I mean print.

  18. DDub says:

    “Yeah, we’ll believe that when humans fly out of your butt!”

  19. Ignis33 says:

    ECHO! Echo! echo! echo..

  20. ECA says:

    This is what you get for eating the PITS in the watermelon…

  21. shrinemaster says:

    Trained monkeys at Nintendo find a new Wiimote attachment.


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