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Today’s Guests:

  • Sebastian Rupley, Co-Crank,
  • Tim Bajarin, President, Creative Strategies
  • Tom Merritt, Executive Editor, CNET

The Topics:

  • Will Microsoft Bail on Yahoo!?
  • Security Vendors Slam Defcon Virus Contest
  • What’s Up With Mozilla’s Fennec Mobile Browser?
  • Whip Up Ethanol in Your Backyard–Avoid the Gas Pump

  1. ECA says:

    Security on sites..
    cheap security says…
    Load picture QWERTY.jpg
    Password = QWERTY.jpg
    considering the NAME is the password..Its easy to snoop the site and GET the password..
    also MOSt Pictures use BLACK to show the Latter/numbers, which is Easy to use OCR on.

    world pricing SUCKS..
    something Exported in the USA, is UNDER priced to other countries, they Rise the price and also Force the price in the USA up..
    As the prices on metal and Wood we send to China.

    Other countries sell to the USA at LOW prices, and we INFLATE them and the CORPS get the money… and it has NO increase in most of those other countries.
    As in most ANYTHING sent to the USA, including electronics.

    The problem is that the USA is sending alot of materials to those other countries, and its INFLATING the prices in those countries..

  2. andy says:

    why did dvorak cut the skullet?


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