This is her photo at the charter boat website. Here are more:

Tiffany Shepherd, a biology teacher at Port St. Lucie High School, learned last week that she will not be asked to return when school starts next year, nor will she finish this school year.

Shepherd doesn’t think it’s her teaching skills that the St. Lucie County School District found objectionable but, rather, her after-school job as a bikini mate aboard Smokin’ Em Charters fishing tours.

As such, Shepherd, a 30-year-old buxom blonde from Fort Pierce with an undergraduate degree in pre-med, performs the usual duties of a mate, but wears a bikini and fetches drinks and sandwiches for the men on board…

Smokin’ Em Charters, a Port St. Lucie-based company, gained notoriety earlier this month when it was kicked out of the Fort Pierce city marina for violating the city’s family-friendly atmosphere. The charter company’s Web site has pictures of some of the bikini mates, many of them partially nude, and says the only job requirement is to look “hot in a bikini.”

Probably not a requirement for her teaching job. But, then – should that get her fired?

Thanks, K B

  1. MikeN says:

    Take a look at the charters website. Some of the other girls are downright ugly.

  2. funkdigital says:

    What kinda lure does she offer? I’m taking.

  3. Mister Mustard says:

    #30 but she lists one of her likes as “playing with my monkey”. Har! What do you suppose THAT’S all about? I wonder if she sells videos….

  4. Shadow says:

    Wow Mister Mustard, it must be really tough doing god’s job now. I didn’t know his job was up for grabs. Good thing a perfect employee like yourself has taken over his job. We wouldn’t want any slackers or anyone with the slightest of alterations to their body to do his job, would we?

    Christian’s should be thankful you have taken over.

  5. Mister Mustard says:

    #35 – I don’t mind the T&A photos, I don’t even mind the tramp stamps and other asssorted tats. Hey, I don’t even mind that she’s showing a little nip in one of those photos on the charter boat web site. That should spice up her 18th-Century European Literature class!

    But when a SCHOOL TEACHER randomly misses almost a DAY OF WORK PER WEEK, it’s time to end the contract. Jeez. I had HS teachers who were drunks, stoners, or all-around fuck-offs, and none of THEM missed th at much school!

  6. OvenMaster says:

    Holy crap! So that’s where Teri Weigel went…

  7. 888 says:

    Its not in his vocabulary, stop confusing him 😉

  8. Yo says:

    Several items of note here…

    1) Unions are so solid that there is NO WAY she could have been fired for moonlighting, even if her other job was somewhat questionable. State courts have already established and set precedent for this in several ways. The action of the teacher must cause such a ruckus in the community that it becomes interruptive of the school’s learning environment. That would hard to prove in this case.

    2) “She will not be asked to return” implies that she does not have tenure. That means she is probably 1st or 2nd year in the classroom. If she is missing 20 days in year one or two, she’s done. There is no reason to allow a person like to gain the firm grip on a job that most union contracts allow. Better to dump her dead ass before she is tenured. She clearly doesn’t care enough about her job to bother showing up, no matter the reason.

    3) No one gives a f*** about your tats sweetie. Quit playing the “boob card.” Face it : you are bad at your job, so go find a new one.


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