This is her photo at the charter boat website. Here are more:

Tiffany Shepherd, a biology teacher at Port St. Lucie High School, learned last week that she will not be asked to return when school starts next year, nor will she finish this school year.

Shepherd doesn’t think it’s her teaching skills that the St. Lucie County School District found objectionable but, rather, her after-school job as a bikini mate aboard Smokin’ Em Charters fishing tours.

As such, Shepherd, a 30-year-old buxom blonde from Fort Pierce with an undergraduate degree in pre-med, performs the usual duties of a mate, but wears a bikini and fetches drinks and sandwiches for the men on board…

Smokin’ Em Charters, a Port St. Lucie-based company, gained notoriety earlier this month when it was kicked out of the Fort Pierce city marina for violating the city’s family-friendly atmosphere. The charter company’s Web site has pictures of some of the bikini mates, many of them partially nude, and says the only job requirement is to look “hot in a bikini.”

Probably not a requirement for her teaching job. But, then – should that get her fired?

Thanks, K B

  1. bobbo says:

    Being intelligent, you’d think she’d know she has to join one socially recognized camp or the other.

    She can be a Movie Star/Charter Babe/Vanity Fair Cover/Whore -or- a Teacher/Nurse/Mother/Angel.

    Lets not muddy the water.

  2. Stinker says:

    So I guess you’re saying she needs to fish or cut bait? 🙂

  3. gquaglia says:

    I never had teachers that looked like her.

  4. Improbus says:

    Who’s complaining? Dried up Bible thumping crones? These hypocritical busybodies irritate me to no end.

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #4 – I’m right there with ya…

    I hope she sues.

  6. Mister Mustard says:

    I think maybe the school board was offended by the grotesquely mutant-like silicone tits. Yuck! Get a breast reduction, hon!!

    And wtf is a “pre-medical degree”?? I’ve spent a lot of time in colleges and universities, and I’ve never seen one that offers a “pre-medical degree”. Kids study chemistry or biology or zoology or something, then apply to med school. But a “pre-medical degree”??

  7. DrBen says:

    I wish I had *HER* for my biology teacher. I h=might have done a bit better. I had the geek with the greasy hair, thick specs, high-water pants and pocket protector.

    A real loss to those children — or at least their FATHERS at Parent-Teach Conference Time (“Don’t worry sweetie, you stay home tonight, I’ll go meet with the teacher…”)

  8. GigG says:

    Many schools have a morals clause in their contracts that specifically ban second jobs that serve liquor.

  9. Mister Mustard says:

    And not only does she have the Chesty Morgan silicone tit-job, but she’s got tats all over. Ewww.

    To boot, she missed 30 days of work. Given a 180-day school year, that’s almost 17% of the time she didn’t go to work; almost once a week. If I ever failed to show up for work almost every week, I’d expect to get fired also.

  10. itate says:

    I grew up in Ft Pierce and the St Lucie school board was consistantly in the bottom third of the state in test scores and one of the tops in dropouts.
    I’m glad I moved away from there back in 95.

  11. JPV says:

    Well, maybe if they payed teachers a decent salary, she wouldn’t need a second job.

    Then again, what do you expect from a government that is intentionally trying to dumb down it’s own populace… and with tremendous success I might add.

  12. jlm says:

    incoming playboy offer

  13. moss says:

    Actually, #7 – “pre-med” is a pretty standard undergrad degree at a med school.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #9 – And not only does she have the Chesty Morgan silicone tit-job, but she’s got tats all over. Ewww.

    I can’t tell from the quality of the pics if her breasts are natural or not, but they surely don’t look absurdly large. And the tats are a matter of taste. Not for you? Fine. Really, they aren’t for me all that much either.

    Our collective take on if she is attractive or not is not at issue, or even remotely important.

    To boot, she missed 30 days of work. Given a 180-day school year, that’s almost 17% of the time she didn’t go to work; almost once a week. If I ever failed to show up for work almost every week, I’d expect to get fired also.

    And I missed that detail…

    The caption under the photo has a link to pictures BUT IS NOT the same link to the article embedded in the text, and the selective quoting led me to believe that this was a clear case of prudish moralistic conservative bullshit.

    Eideard – You know better… The school’s side is that they didn’t even know about the job. There is no evidence to suggest they are lying but if she missed a month of work in a 9 month year with no weekends and damn near every holiday off… then damn… I can’t see why they shouldn’t fire her either.

    I retract post #6. If it could be proven that it was the second job AND the school is lying about the absenteeism… then she should sue them. But really, there are public records involved here and those would be very easy to check. I can’t imagine a school would be dumb enough to try and railroad a woman by faking her attendance records.

    She needs to show up to work to keep her job. So it looks like she’ll have more time to go out on the S.S. Misogyny to serve swill to rednecks.

  15. John says:

    Somebody divorce that??!!

  16. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Actually, #7 – “pre-med” is a pretty
    >>standard undergrad degree at a med school.

    Uhhh, they don’t GIVE undergrad degrees at med schools. WTF are you talking about. Do you even know?

  17. Mister Mustard says:

    OFTLO – They’re fake. Trust me. I can spot those things a mile away. Then I turn and run the other direction. And the tats aren’t really my style (how many pampered suburban princesses end up with tramp stamps and other indelible defacement), but I don’t really care about them.

    It’s the 17% absenteeism that makes me think she deserved being kicked to the curb. In 25 years of working, I’ve probably missed a half-dozen days of work (excluding vacations). Anyone who calls in “sick” almost once a week should be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail. Especially since the taxpayers are footing the bill for her salary.

  18. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #18 – OFTLO – They’re fake. Trust me. I can spot those things a mile away.

    Well, you’re the Christian… So you’d know better than I 🙂

    It’s the 17% absenteeism

    Like I say… I got your back on that point…

    They rest of you guys, read the article… I like a good Prude Vs Lewd case too… But this one ain’t it.

  19. peter_m says:

    She is downright sexy and she has naughtiness about her looks. Do people discriminate against that??? I don’t know. But she is claiming that she missed only 20 days while another teacher missed most of the year due to ulcer problems… Is she bluffing to save face or is she pointing out an error of the school board.

    I her statement is based on facts, it raises the question: If you’re too sexy you don’t get sympathy?

    PS: She is not just hot, she is porno hot! Wish she was my teacher.

  20. WaynePhilips says:

    Smoke’ Em if ya got’Em.

  21. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Well, you’re the Christian… So you’d know better than I 🙂

    Yep. God loves natural boobs. It’s in the Bible!

  22. Mister Mustard says:

    >>But she is claiming that she missed only 20 days
    >>while another teacher missed most of the year
    >>due to ulcer problems…

    Being out on sick leave for an ulcer is one thing. Missing almost a day a week so you can rub your tits and tats in drunken businessmen’s faces is quite another.

    That said, she IS kind of hot (in a slutty tatooed way) for somebody who is billed as having “three young sons”. She must bounce back fast.

  23. 888 says:

    “Shepherd doesn’t think it’s her teaching skills that the St. Lucie County School District found objectionable but, rather, her after-school job as a bikini mate aboard Smokin’ Em Charters fishing tours.”

    It is NOT that she got fired because of her bikini stunts – SHE ONLY THINKS SO.
    For all we know she might have been indeed some crappy teacher.

    2. Hot women in America always have hard time – the rest of women *always* call them sluts (even if their behaviour is beyond any suspicions), and probably half the men who’d like to f*ck them also think of them as sluts too.

  24. Cursor_ says:

    Teachers Gone Wild

    Look for it soon on late night infomercials.

    Then look for Ron Jeremy to do a series called Hot For Teacher.


  25. The Warden says:

    Oh, the biology experiments I would perform with her!!!

  26. Daniel says:

    Friends of mine don’t understand what I have for school teachers… dopes.

  27. Lou says:

    Nice rack

  28. OvenMaster says:

    #10: Personally, I find the tattoos far more offensive than the boobage.

  29. OvenMaster says:

    Wait a second.
    If this woman doesn’t specifically have a “no-moonlighting” clause in her teaching contract, she could (and should) sue the school board for wrongful dismissal. There’s no mention of anything stopping her from a second job or serving booze, as you say.

  30. Brandon says:

    If you find her on the Smokin Em Charters website, (which you can find well enough on your own, I don’t need to link to it), she uses the word “there” as opposed to “their” when referring to one of her pet peeves. Someone who is idiotic enough to make a mistake of that simplicity is simply not fit to be the example for students. Oh, and I could care less about the nature of her second job, my contention is and shall remain that one should do few things well, if the alternative is doing many things poorly.


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