• Sony thinks GTA IV will drive PS3 sales? PC World calls it GTA Bore.
  • AT&T to launch cell phone TV. Testing in 58 USA markets.
  • Abobe now pushing flash on mobile phones.
  • Starting to see the story about Blu-ray sales falling off over and over. Three days of this so far.
  • Safari usage tripled.
  • Look for lots of blocking patents in and around the memrister.
  • Sezmi gettting a lot of dubious ink.

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  1. Zybch says:

    No surprise that safari use increased threefold after apple dishonestly installed it as an ‘update’ on millions of iPod owning user’s PCs without their explicit permission.

  2. floyd says:

    Safari as Sneakware ticked me off. I actually EMailed Apple a nastygram about that practice. They must have gotten the hint from me and many others, as the sneaky installers disappeared about a week later. If the browser is really that good, people would hear about it and download Safari themselves.

    And by the way. Safari really sucks as a browser, based on experience with it on my wife’s Mac. If I ever buy an Apple Mac (which I might, just for the BSD Unix goodness inside), you can bet I’ll have Firefox installed for browsing.

  3. andy says:

    i don’t care for safari, and this move was sleazy. let’s face it – the reason most people are using explorer is because IT’S THERE. i don’t care what all the bloggers say, the typical computer user is not kevin rose.

    the fact is companies will continue to push users like this until outrage hits the boiling point or they simply acquiesce in exhaustion.

  4. andy says:

    [Duplicate comment deleted. – ed.]

  5. GigG says:

    Sneakware my ass. It came up as a download OPTION on the updater. BFD.

  6. 888 says:

    Gods never apologize.
    It was Jobs’ clone.

  7. Justin From Penn says:

    >>Gods never apologize.

    Perhaps they should!

  8. hhopper says:

    #6 – It became an option shortly after people complained.

  9. Uncle Patso says:

    Re Why Google complains about closed social networks: Aren’t they working on some social networking initiative? My guess is they’ll soon be offering some kind of social networking application framework and that they will push hard for social networking sites to adopt so there can be lots of interoperable applications/utilities that will work on all or most of the sites.

    Oh, and “Ticonderoga” — When I heard that joke it was “Swan/Saskatchewan”…


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