Associated Press – May 1, 2008:

A college student apparently called 911 from her cell phone shortly before she was killed but a dispatcher hung up, failed to call back and never sent police to investigate, authorities said Thursday.

The dispatcher failed to call the number back as required under the department’s policy, Norwick said.

Norwick said he was investigating the incident and reviewing whether policies should be changed and employees should be disciplined. But he also said, “I don’t think there’s anything to apologize for at this time.”

The local police chief is laying the blame directly on Dane County Public Safety Communications Director Joseph “Pass the Buck” Norwick:

At a press conference this afternoon, Madison Police Chief Noble Wray responded to the growing media feeding frenzy over the Brittany Zimmermann case by tossing a body to the assembled hungry reporters. His name was Joe Norwick.

  1. I am all for substantial and significant discipline of 911 operators who are too stupid to do their job properly. You hear about a problem with a 911 operator several times a year.

  2. mbpc2duser says:

    And people still have a problem with concealed carry laws? To me it never looks like the “authorities” are ever doing there job. Even if its a only 1% of the time deal, 1% is still way too much when it comes to peoples lives.

  3. Janky-o says:

    I would add that my town charges a fortune for all 5 of my family’s phones to pay for such service. I’ve never used it. It would be nice if, on the one occasion in 20 years that I do, if it were actually worth something.

  4. dugzor says:

    Did I miss something? Why did this operator hang up? Seems to me that such a scoundrel should not be employed by so important a company.

  5. Personality says:

    The dispatcher tried several times to get an answer from her…. Maybe the killer was in the next room and she didn’t want to make any noise. Duh.


    As this has happened in my hometown it is striking even a bigger chord as the whole community is following the tragedy of this story. Brittany Zimmermann did not deserve to die like that (or any way for that matter) but now that these details are coming out it jsut makes it that much worse.

    Ever since this issue with the 911 Operator hanging up came to light there has been some very interesting discussions going on and how irresponsible and unbelievable it is that a friggin’ 911 operator would hang up on a call like that even. The mere fact that there seemed to be no one on the other end is warrant enough to stay on and have it investigated.

    And the moronic Director says there is nothing to apologize for? I tell you it will be a comfort (though somewhat empty considering it revolves around the death of an innocent random victim) to all when head roll from this. And rightfully so.

  7. green says:

    The killer made the call after the fact. Duh.

  8. GigG says:

    The 911 operator should obviously be fired but what makes you think that the girl wouldn’t have been murdered even if police were dispatched?

  9. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #8, Gig,

    what makes you think that the girl wouldn’t have been murdered even if police were dispatched?

    Nothing. But, that is something we will never know. Will we?

    Sort of like the “concealed carry”. We’ll never know how many innocent people will / have died because of the proliferation of handguns that wouldn’t have died from someone wielding a golf club.

  10. B. Dog says:

    There’s a bunch of incompetence here. The town has piles of violent thugs. It would be politically incorrect to remove them. The police chief is just putting up a smokescreen. His department has a lot of criticism to deal with lately. There were loads of 911 hangups that day, and everyday.

  11. Jetfire says:

    #8 Police could have got there in time to catch the killer maybe or maybe help save the girls life even after she was stabbed.

    We just got a new phone system here and have Vonage as our provider for voice service. Vonage likes to but extra 1 at the begining of the caller ID (1+1+513+555+5555)so when I selected to call back the caller the system dialed 9+1+1+513+5555. The 9 being added to get an outside line. Well our systems dialing plan was set up that dialing 911 on the went straight to 911 without having to get an outside line first ex 9+911. I saw on the phone that it dialed 1+1+513+5555 so I hung up. Not knowing it dialed 911. Cops showed up a few minutes latter. Came in and asked everyone if everything was ok and not just the front desk either. I realized what happened and explained to the officer. No problem, thanked him for showing up and also apologized for it. I than changed the dialing plan so you have to dial 9+911 to get 911.

    Kind makes 911 useless if you call and no one shows up.

  12. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Sort of like the “concealed carry”.

    On the other hand, we’ll never know how many could-have-been victims were never held up at gunpoint, raped, robbed, and murdered, because the criminals didn’t know whether or not their potential victim might be carrying concealed, and would blow the thug’s fucking brains out rather than be the victim of a crime.

  13. derspankster says:

    We live in a world of incompetence. This is just another tragic example. We have no pride in ourselves, our jobs, and I might sadly add, our country.

  14. natefrog says:


    Actually, we do know. Guns (concealed or otherwise) are used in an almost statistically insignificant number of justifiable self-defense cases.

  15. mbpc2duser says:


    Hey, concealed carry undoubtably saved my brother and fathers lives, and if you ask me those two alone weren’t insignificant. So fuck you and your inability to understand the value of a human life.

  16. Personality says:

    #15. Nice!

  17. Mac Guy says:

    Perhaps the Madison cops were too busy busting underage drinkers.

    As usual.

  18. Ah_Yea says:

    I had a similar experience as #11 Jetfire.

    One of my kids, all of 2 years old, accidentally pressed the 911 speed dial then hung up.

    Maybe 3 minutes later, we had a couple of cops on our doorstep.

  19. Alex says:

    To play a little devil’s advocate and come to the defense of the 9-1-1 operator:

    It’s not unusual for 9-1-1 operators to have any number of prank calls on any given day. So if you call and then the operator doesn’t hear anyone on the other line, I wouldn’t necessarily call it grossly negligent for them to consider the call either a mistake or a prank call and just hang up. (I was about to throw in a “After all, there could be a real emergency going on!” in there as a lark, but yeah, seems a bit crass.)

    Could more have been done? Maybe – I dunno what the 9-1-1 operator was equipped with. Could he have tracked the phone call to an address? Should he have stayed on the line? Etc. There’s a lot of open questions that should be considered before decrying anyone as incompetent or negligent.

    But I do think the statement of “we have nothing to apologize for” is fairly unconscionable. At the very least you could offer a deepfelt apology while they look into matters.

  20. David says:

    I dialed 9-1-1 on my cell phone by accident one time. It’s actually easier than you think when the keypad is locked because most phones still let you dial 9-1-1. So if you happen to be jammed into your seat or have something on your lap and the buttons get mashed, the only ones that register are 9, then 1, then 1, then dial. No cops ever showed up though, most likely because it was a cell phone.

  21. natefrog says:


    See Anecdotal Evidence.

    Hmm, two people allegedly saved because of concealed carry, vs. thousands who die at the end of a gun barrel each year.

    Yeah, so fuck you and your inability to understand the value of multiple human lives.

  22. The Pirate says:

    Since we are just quoting bullshit statistics and throwing insults…

    Ten to one you are wrong. So now STFU Anecdotal, your point only proves you are an Ass-uming Idiot.

  23. natefrog says:


    Ten to one I’m wrong? Prove it then. Or else STFU yourself.

  24. bobbo says:

    Excellent thread with better than average links on point just a few days ago. Fun to see who will “pick and choose” their statistics avoiding the attendant conditions.

  25. peter_m says:

    In a crappy call center for telemarketers or customer services, managers have very strict rules and guidelines that they enforce on a regular basis… what makes 911 any less critical???

    The problem is three folds:
    -The policies/regulation that are too week or useless
    -The hiring process that seams to be actively looking for idiots that lack any common sense, lack compassion or that don’t value human life.
    -The managers that sit back an do nothing about it.


  26. natefag! says:

    Natefrog, whats the matter, were you ass raped at gunpoint or had a family member or friend get a buckshot facelift? What has a gun ever done to you? do you have a real reason to be such a anti gun ass hat? or are you just your “run of the mill” liberal douchebag that has ruptured at the nozzle.

  27. natefrog says:


    Got anything besides ad hominem attacks? Impress us with your intelligence.

  28. nonStatist says:

    Well technically it’s not an ad hominem attack. He would have to say your claim is wrong because you’re an anti gun ass hat.

    ad hominem
    Person A makes claim X
    There is something objectionable about Person A
    Therefore claim X is false

  29. matt9k says:

    The operator needed more training. More training requires more tax dollars to pay for it. Blame the local citizens for cheaping out on their taxes.

    This person was an operator, not a judge, lawyer or even police. But they could have had the knowledge one of those highly trained persons has, if only they had been trained better.

    Nobody wants to kills someone. I believe this operator feels remorse and wishes they had known better.

    All the finger pointing is hindsight.

  30. B. Dog says:

    Later, nearby


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