1. jasontheodd says:

    WOW! This piece of crap will be stuck in my head all day…… “talkin ’bout eeeeeeewoks……”

  2. Gasparrini says:

    There’s a trick to get a song unstuck from your head, sing ‘Jingle bells’ in your head, and after a while your problem should be fixed.

  3. Magnus Patris says:

    I hate the Ewoks even more than before!

  4. Breetai says:

    Right there with ya Magnus.

  5. Improbus says:

    MY EYES!

  6. jbenson2 says:

    I thought it might get better toward the end.


    It was just painful to watch.

  7. ZeroMyHero says:

    Gasparrini –

    It’s Andrew from Runawaybox, the creator of the Ewok Gospel video.

    Despite the reaction of your commenters, I’m really flattered that you chose to post my video to share with your readers. Thanks so much for the support!

    – Andrew

  8. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    Cuter than some of the videos we get around here. I think those complaining the loudest were still just a gleam in their daddy’s eye for the original Star Wars series.

  9. Harlo says:

    That was beautiful and changed my outlook on ewoks. Don’t listen to the haters, Andy. This is Dvorak’s site after all and curmudgeonry must, of course, run rampant. This video made my day.

  10. andy says:

    skipped ahead to look for the cameo, otherwise skipped it after the first few seconds when i saw it a while back

    ewoks don’t deserve all the hate, still on the lame side though

  11. Gasparrini says:

    #8, I never really understood the hate towards Ewoks. I remember liking them when I saw ROTJ when I was a kid. For a while it was my favourite of the original trilogy. I still get chills from the chorus music when Luke screams ‘Nooooo’ and fights Darth Vader, cutting Vader’s hand. The thing is, as I got older I started to like ESB more than the other two; for ROTJ I would skip ahead to the space battle and the Jedi fight, ignoring the Endor moon battle. I can’t say I hate the Ewoks, I just don’t care about them 😉

  12. m.c. in l.v. says:

    How can the greatest space epic of all time (the original trilogy) end with dancing bears?!?! All Ewoks must die!

    Lando had better head back to Cloud City, earth’s gravity has not been kind to him.

    Funny video though. May the Force be with you!


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