• Apple iTunes get to sell films on the day of the DVD release. Why is everyone in such a hurry?
  • Yahoo could owe songwriters $100 million in royalties.
  • Ocean dead zones growing fast.
  • Sun Micro losing money, again.
  • Ballmer gets closer to final offer. I see code word.

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  1. Eideard says:

    Apple may have noted the success of similar practices from Magnolia Films/HDNet.

    When Mark Cuban’s company debuts as movie in theatres, 2 showings are offered up in HD on his Hi-Def movie channel – and the DVD generally goes public the same time, as well.

    He thinks the old studio stages/steps are dead in the water and this has given him greater sales overall.

  2. andy says:

    why the hurry on movies? if people can’t get it when they want it, they’ll find a way. that’s the theory anyway.

    brilliant article on vista, dvorak.

  3. Chris Mac says:

    Ocean dead zones growing fast.

    Scientists predict it is new oil reserves forming naturally!

  4. FRAGaLOT says:

    Why pay the same price for a movie with out all the extras the DVD offers? Bit Torrent is much better anyway.

  5. JPV says:

    Well, I see that pirates aren’t the only ones ripping off musicians.

    Gee… what a surprise.

  6. John Paradox says:

    “in short order”?

    Reminds me of a scene in The Adventures of Buckaroo Banzai: Across The Eighth Dimension

    ‘where are we going?’
    “Planet Ten”
    “Real Soon!”


  7. Uncle Patso says:

    “Apple iTunes get to sell films on the day of the DVD release. Why is everyone in such a hurry?”

    They need to get it out quick before they get scooped by the sharing sites…


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