Obama and Granny

Obama Circling the Drain as the Pundits Get it Wrong
by John C. Dvorak

      If you listen to the media, left and right-wing versions all the chatter is about Jeremiah Wright and his emergence into the public domain to “defend” mostly himself over accusations that he is a firebrand nutcase as the conservative Rush Limbaughs and Michael’s Savages would have us believe. If you are liberal you have to go with Obama’s evaluation: Wright is beloved but a little like his crackpot old white woman Grandma.

“I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother – a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe.”

      So Wright suddenly re-emerges this week and again brings up the ‘we had 9/11 because we Americans are the terrorists and we get what we deserve’ screed. But this time he does it at the National Press Club (to applause it seems). Of course he blames the Bible for the idea. Yeah, this is helping Obama to the max.

      So you have to ask the bigger question: why is he saying anything? He is single handedly sinking the Obama campaign and nobody can do anything about it. The pundits say he is grabbing for attention to maybe do a book deal. Perhaps, but has anyone thought of the obvious reason for all this?

      Obama insulted him (disrespected, if you will) in that major Philadelphia speech about race by associating him with an old white woman who he implied was a little off her rocker. I personally do not like Wright from what I’ve seen, but I can understand his deciding to now screw over Obama to teach him a lesson about respect. And you can be sure that Wright didn’t appreciate essentially being called a woman. You become Jeremiah Wright for that moment watching that speech. What would you think as your blood pressure hit the roof? Most people didn’t catch the insult. Wright sure did.

      This was a terrible slight coming from someone who was a regular at your church, one of the flock. This is a simple vendetta now, and nothing more. And it will end the Obama chances since there seems to be no exit strategy out of this quicksand.

      See how fast it can happen? And, of course, Hillary is seen as the one who opened the can of worms so forget the massive black Democrat vote in November. — J.C.D.

  1. bobbo says:

    Mustard==so you do think atheism is a religion and groups of atheists go out “looking to get religious folks?”. I don’t think so.

    If you are thinking of Stalin, Hitler, Pol Pot etc. that subject as been convered as well.

    But, before I jump to a conclusion, is the above what you are thinking of, or something less fallacious?

  2. bobbo says:

    #30–jim==I agree most US News is what we now call “infotainment.” Not much “real” news at all.

    I disagree most palestinians want peace. They would have peace if they laid their weapons down. If the Jews laid their weapons down, they would be massacred if the popularly elected government of Gaza had their way.

    That’s not an equality in desire for peace. Now, even with infotainment as my source of news, I can see that and you can’t.

    How can that be possible?

  3. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    This election cycle has been very entertaining. Since we’re screwed no matter who gets in, just gotta enjoy the show.

  4. Mister Mustard says:

    Bobbo, you’ve done it again. You’ve talked me to death. You know what I think, so there’s little up-side for me getting callouses on my fingertips typing it out again for you.

    For a guy who portrays himself as the King of All Logic, you certainly can be very illogical.

  5. bobbo says:

    #35–Mustard, I agree. If I were you, I too would be tired of discussing it. But in this thread you have assembled the pieces of your understanding in a different order almost giving me a new insight into how you maintain your position.

    It is your position that atheism is a religion. You should know that is against the dictionary definition and quite a minority view. You should expect to be challenged whenever you hold to such idiosyncratic beliefs. If you are tired of defending it, you should not mention it, change your mind, or develop a complete argument that would be easy to cut and paste.

    Less than that, is to be quite dogmatic. Your choice.

  6. tmiller51 says:

    I think you’re making too much of this. The conservatives being riled by this never would have voted for Obama anyway. All that is in the news today is the negatives of Hillary and Obama. Wait until one finally drops out and the magnifying lens is focused on McCain. By then the public will tire of the conservative press bringing up the same old negatives of Obama, instead a new wave of (negative) interest will shine on McCain at the worst time close to the election.

  7. JimD says:

    Wright “speaks truth to power” and they try to curcify him – like Jesus !!! Wright is just telling the historical truth as it happened and the WASP Power Structure is WHINING LIKE STUCK PIGS !!! Well “Uncle Sam” has BLOOD ON HIS HANDS and wants everyone to look the other way !!! Listen to Wright’s COMPLETE SERMONS and not sound bites – out of context !!!

  8. Savantish says:

    David Gergen said it best: “If this man cares one wit about electing an African-American to the highest office in the land, he should get off the national stage.”

  9. bobbo says:

    #39–JimD==what truth did Wright speak? That blacks think differently than whites? I wouldn’t hand the white devil arguments like that.

  10. jim says:

    #33Again, I don’t want to turn this into a thread about the Israeli/Palestinain conflict. But, I will say that after 6 years working in both Israel and Palestine, the Israelis and Palestinians that I’ve meet and worked with would total disagree with your assessment, as do I. I think you would be very surprised if were to read Israeli news papers on the conflict. It’s very different from the news you get on CNN.

  11. smartalix says:

    I wrote this back in ’03, and it still applies:

    “When a large number of crabs are in a bucket, it is not neccessary to place a lid on said bucket to keep them in. This is due to the crabs’ habit of pulling and tugging on one another, so that when one is about to escape over the top,the freedom-loving crab’s compatriots pull him or her back in.

    This term is often used to describe the behavior of subcultures in society who seem to do everything in their power to destroy the ambitions of those among them who wish to improve themselves. Examples include what is called the “alamihi crab syndrome” in Hawaii, and the behavior of inner-city Blacks on the mainland calling their compatriots who diverge from the subculture as “oreo” or worse.”

    Wright and his ilk are pissed that their way is being marginalized by reality, and if they can’t be the ones calling the shots anymore they will be the dog in the manger. As long as there are those who feel their value comes from confrontation we will have to endure this idiocy.

  12. bobbo says:

    #42–Jim==you are just being a bit too cute. You are dismayed people don’t read about the Gaza turmoil but you don’t want any discussion about it?

    Why don’t you post a world news item that you do feel is worthy of discussion?

    Your tight circle of friends in Gaza and Israel is really irrelevant. Is it the stated goal of Hamas to sweep every Israeli into the see and take back all the land or not?

    Stop being a disingenuous pussy-footing, mealy mouthed apologist. I think I actually prefer the know nothing and not interested consumers of the USA==but you make it a close call.

  13. Dennis says:

    Whats that old biblical saying…..”Pride goeth Before the fall”
    Arrogance and pettiness? Coming from a Preacher? Say it isn’t so, and that there is NO surprise there. Politics and Religion- The two things that should NEVER be mixed, yet always seem to be.
    Lets leave our imaginary friends at the door, and all start behaving like the adults we purport to be……oh wait, this IS politics……Nevermind.

  14. jim says:

    [violation of posting guidelines..OFF TOPIC RANT]

  15. emailc says:

    John, if Obama wins the Presidency, YOU should retire. Why? Because it will show how completely out of touch with society you are. And people with your job are supposed to be in touch.

  16. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    #45, smartalix,

    Another fine sample of the wisdom you are renown for. I wish you would visit more often.

  17. bobbo says:

    #48–jim==get stuffed? Why I can’t believe you would talk to me that way. You mean you would respond to me just as I treated you?

    But all I want is peace! Now give me your land, possessions, your life.

    More pro-palestinian articles you think we should read but you don’t want to discuss? Haw, Haw!!!!

    So, does Hamas want to kill all the Jews or not? Keep dancing until you get the beat right.

  18. Mr. Gawd Almighty says:

    Mr. Mustard & bobbo,

    Would you two just shut the fuck up !!! Your constant sniping and attacking is really pretty lame at this point. Geeze, you two need to be bound and gagged in a chair like the little kids you act like.

    Mr. Mustard.

    Please accept that many regulars here are not religious. You aren’t going to change that.


    Often you are right, but more often you are not. Try to remember that.

  19. jbenson2 says:

    Wow, Dvorak finally puts up an article on the O-man’s meltdown.

  20. jescott418 says:

    So a black man is going to ruin another black mans run for the White House??? So how is the black community going to spin this to blame the Whites? Obama really needs to distance himself from this preacher and fast! But just the fact that Obama knew the preacher and attended his church has probably hurt him big time on voter’s on the fence between Clinton and Obama.

  21. bobbo says:

    #52–Gawd==right and wrong? Very easy to have fun in both camps.

  22. jdwegner says:

    Wright is just as much a politician as Obama. He must maintain his cred with his constituency.

  23. jim says:

    “More pro-palestinian articles you think we should read but you don’t want to discuss? Haw, Haw!!!!”
    It’s an Israeli news source dick-head!

  24. ethanol says:

    jim (#48),
    Fascinating article. Completely to the contrary is every article on the main page of http://www.jpost.com
    Yep, Hamas is a friendly bunch that are interested in true peace with Israel…

  25. ethanol says:

    Smartalix (#45),

    That is phenomenal and insightful. When are you going to start getting wider coverage?!?

  26. bobbo says:

    #57–Jim==if you think an article about soldiers inflicting pain on Palestinians is pro-Israel then you have a different view of popular opinion than I do.

    So, is Hamas for the total extinction of Israel or not? My belief is that they are according to newssources from both sides. That being the case, it matters not one little bit what the average Palestinian might think, although, I think after years of propaganda that is pretty clear too.

    C’mon, you can answer that can’t you?

  27. ethanol says:

    I think you are looking for this:

  28. bobbo says:

    #62–ethanol==thank you. I’m sure that is the kind of international news that jim doesn’t want us to consider.

    I’m going to bed soon so I don’t think the argument will progress to my practical solution to the mid East problem.

    That of course is the two state solution. The world is calling for this solution and Israel will have to cave in eventually. That done, Hamas or surrogate will continue launching attacks on Israel. This can be used as reason in fact to evade, conquer, and eject all non-Israeli’s from the captured lands.

    Tough outcome, but keep pulling the tigers tail and what do you think is going to happen?

  29. Smartalix says:


    Thanks. My day is full of work lately, I wish I could post more.


    If you know anyone at the networks…


  30. jim says:

    #62″I don’t think the argument will progress to my practical solution to the mid East problem.

    That of course is the two state solution”

    I’m with you on that one. I too support a two-state solution. Israel should withdraw to the ’67 borders, allow the Palestinians to live like human beings and compensate the millions of Palestinians who have been turfed out of their homes. Hamas should recognise Israel and commit to peace.


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