MyFox Tampa Bay

WESLEY CHAPEL – First graders at Seven Oaks Elementary School had an unusual start to their day Friday. Two school employees were yanked out of their classroom after allegations that they’d strapped a student to a chair and taped her mouth shut. Assistant Pasco County School Superintendent Renalia DuBose said “…it is an active investigation. The sheriff’s office is conducting the investigation. We’re cooperating fully.” Pasco County Sheriff’s Deputies spent much of the day on campus conducting a variety of interviews. In the meantime, parents were shocked.

Said one, “…it’s something we do not do at home. It’s not something that should be done at school.” The incident apparently occurred while the employees were attempting to maintain what was called “classroom order.” “We have school psychologists and social workers available at this time for our students,” DuBose told FOX 13 outside the school Friday. She added the employees who were removed from the classroom will not be allowed to return until the allegations are resolved. The district has refused to be more specific about who the employees are, and would not confirm if they are teachers.

We are talking about two adults involved in this, if they weren’t teachers, then what, janitors? These are six or seven year old kids, right? We have certainly been wearing out the Wacky Florida banner lately.

  1. bobbo says:

    You know, when employees act stupid, ultimately management is usually at fault.

    Bad selection, trainig, review, oversight. Lack of support etc.

    I wonder how many times the teachers have tried to discipline offending kiddies and got no support from administration?

    I very much doubt these teachers were able to get disruptive kids out of their classrooms==a fault of management.

    Or–they are exceptions to the rule.

  2. Said says:

    This brings back memories of my first day at school.

  3. Mac Guy says:

    I sure hope the teachers were hot…

  4. ruiz says:

    This school is in a nice area too… goes to show you, most of the rich parents neglect their kids just as much as the… not so rich parents in the so called bad areas. Actually, I guess money doesn’t have anything to do with it really… just sucky parenting.

    That kid probably wouldn’t shut up, wouldn’t listen to the teacher or most likely the substitute.

    I know, still doesn’t make it right for the kid to have his mouth taped right… yeah, they need to bring back the padal in schools.

  5. littlshadow says:

    @bobbo, Yes, and ultimately it’s managements, great great grand parents fault for not teaching their kids to teach their kids to teach their kids the proper work ethic so that they would manage effectively. Or, and this could be hard to swallow: it could simply be the peoples fault who bound and gagged the kid.

  6. Micromike says:

    Don’t let the Wacky News from Florida banner get worn out yet. You will need it for the next election.

  7. bobbo says:

    People do what they do and should be held accountable for it.

    Does management have any role in how people perform their assigned duties? Shouldn’t they be held for their activities too?

    Go deeper.

  8. Chris Mac says:

    Unless we teach children what it’s like to be bound and gaged at an early age, how will the ever learn to do as they’re told?

  9. Greg Allen says:

    My wife did a internship at a public school for all the kids that were kicked out of the main schools.

    Some kids are so out-of-control, so non-compliant and even violent, that options get pretty limited for the teachers.

    She said that they used this technique where they basically sat the on the kids until they stopped hitting or whatever they were doing.

    It wasn’t some improvised thing… it was official policy.

    It first struck me as bad until I understood that some kids are just unbelievably out-of-control.

    I’m not saying this justify what happened at this school but to point out that some kids are so incredibly anti-social it’s not surprising that some teachers just lose it.

  10. Lou says:

    Send em to Gitmo

  11. Uncle Ben says:

    I am glad they have “school psychologists and social workers available at this time for our students”. Imagine how traumatic it must be for children when they are punished. I reckon we should simple sack all the teachers and replace them with psychiatrists.

    What we really need are kids that are obsessed with how they are feeling and whether they are truly happy, not well disciplined children that can pull their weight.

    Okay, personally I won’t strap a kid to a chair and tape their mouth and I’d be pretty irate if someone did that to my kids. I might even lodge a complaint with the police, but psychological councilling? I mean, come-on people!

  12. bobbo says:

    #12–Uncle Ben==whats wrong with counselling?

  13. Mister Mustard says:

    >>What we really need are kids that are obsessed
    >>with how they are feeling and whether they are
    >>truly happy, not well disciplined children that
    >>can pull their weight.

    Mission accomplished! We seem to have that already.

  14. Uncle Ben says:


    Nothing is wrong with counselling. But offering counselling to children because a teacher got in trouble or because a student was punished a bit severly seem a bit over the top.

    Too much counselling in my expert opinion (and I am a new media computer programmer which makes me an expert in pretty much everything and anything) does little except breed narcissism.


  15. bobbo says:

    #15–UB–I appreciate the self-deprecating humor but I assume the counseling would first cover the effects if any of being tied to a chair but rapidly move to why the behavior problems were there to begin with?

    I used to work around “social workers” and they were surprisingly reality oriented. I think it’s a myth that they are bleeding heart narcistic makers–some are sure.

    If we are going to assume negligent counseling services are to be provided, shouldn’t we at least flag our opinions as being rooted in such presumption?

  16. JimD says:

    Candidates for the “Department of Homeland In-Security” no doubt !!! They have to get their training somewhere, and TERRORIZING FIRST GRADERS IS A GOOD START FOR THESE BULLIES !!!

  17. Uncle Ben says:


    Good point. In which case I’ll add to conversation:

    warning! warning! warning!
    Uncle Ben assumes that most
    psychiatrists and councilors
    are crack-pots and snake oil
    salesmen. But then Uncle
    Ben is a cynical bastard with
    conflicting views and could
    probably use years of
    therapy himself.

    I do think councilling and psychiatry has its time and place, but my own rather dim view on the art of psychology is such that I think it is much over-touted.

    If you marriage is about the collapse, you can’t go a day with a drink, your kids are being brought home by the police regularly, or just witnessed a bus of school children fly off a cliff, councilling is great. If you’ve tripped and got a bobbo on your knee and now feel that you cannot cope, time to sup it up and get on it with on.

    Keeping in mind that I am an IT professional. I can code PHP as well as most teenagers can and I know how to grep, ls, and tail -f with the best of them. Therefor I am very well qualified to hold opinions on such matters.

    😀 😀 😀


  18. bobbo says:

    warning, warning, warning
    As an avid polemicist, I take pleasure in the argument itself and care little about the outcome beyond the arguments used to get there. Notwithstanding the forgoing, my initial positions are usually rooted in the neighborhood of my own beliefs.

    Who can argue with everything having its time and place?

    I have never seen a kiddie tied up and taped. Sounds like a bus over the cliff time and place to me, but maybe your own youth was more rambunctious than my own.

    Stop bragging about your computer skills. How well can the best of them do anything—actually?

  19. Uncle Ben says:

    How well can the best of them? Well, I once saw a guy grep with such speed and furry that his processor caught fire.

    Additional warning: Uncle Ben isn’t one of those
    honest uncles that tells the truth all the time.
    Sometimes he tells stories.

  20. ok63 says:

    I belive that punshing kids like that is RONG!!
    I mean they are onlyb 6 or 7! I agree with RUIZ, If you want disiplin you should bring back the paddel in some schools!

  21. Phillbo817 says:

    Or maybe you should all try teaching your little bastards to stop disrespecting their elders and stop worrying about how everyone feels, suck it the hell up and move on, no one gives a flying f### how you feel, we all have things we have to deal with.

  22. Phillbo817 says:

    Or maybe you should all try teaching your little bastards to stop disrespecting their elders and we should stop worrying about how everyone feels. Suck it the hell up and move on, no one gives a flying f### how you feel. We all have things we have to deal with.


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