BBC NEWS | Europe | Austrian detectives study cellar

Police in Amstetten, Austria, have described the cellar where a woman was allegedly held captive and sexually abused for 24 years by her father.

A series of underground rooms equipped for sleeping and cooking, and with sanitary facilities, lay behind a concealed door, police said.

The father, 73, allegedly had seven children with his daughter, now aged 42, and is under arrest.

Now the kicker is the following:

Police arrested him shortly afterwards and took the children into care, along with the three who had been adopted or fostered.

[The wife] Rosemarie appears to have been unaware of the suspected crimes of her husband.

This seems to have been going on for 24 years in the basement and the idiot wife was unaware? She should be arrested too.

  1. the_leander says:

    Wasn’t there a similar case to this not that long ago regarding a teen that had been held for a couple of years?

    What is it in mainland Europe and locking kids in basements?

  2. Mr. Catshit says:

    This is too sick for words.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    #1 – the leander – What is it in mainland Europe and locking kids in basements?

    As if weird shit doesn’t happen in Britain?

    #2 – Mr. Catshit

    Yeah, this is truly fucked up.

  4. lakelady says:

    I can’t even begin to imagine how the mother didn’t know what was going on. Where the hell did she think her daughter had gone?

  5. Elwood says:

    His wife is probably his sister.

  6. the_leander says:

    #3 Jägermeister

    There are a great many odd things that happen in Britain.

    Jersey is however, not Britain. Owned by us, but no more attached to Britain then the Falklands or Gibraltar. In short, your example sucked, especially when there were and are far far far more nasty goings on in Britain to choose from.

    Going back to my original point: This is the second story of young women being locked up by older men in the past 6 Months, iirc the last one was in Austria as well.

  7. Jägermeister says:

    #6 – the_leander – Going back to my original point: This is the second story of young women being locked up by older men in the past 6 Months, iirc the last one was in Austria as well.

    Which bring us back to… What is it in mainland Europe and locking kids in basements? Why do you say “mainland Europe” when both cases have been in one country – Austria?

  8. the_leander says:

    #7 Jägermeister

    The bit you’re ignoring is the IIRC part.

    It was 6 months ago or thereabouts, I’ve gone through an awful lot inbetween and so am not entirely certain as to the location of the previous incident, though Austria does ring a bell but I could well be mistaken (see the IIRC part of #6).

    Regardless, last I checked, Austria did indeed qualify as being in mainland Europe, as opposed to some misbegotten Island such as Jersey.

    Why are you so determined to make this such an issue?

    Oh and the story you pointed to, apparently many of the teachers are now being tracked down with a view to being questioned.

  9. 888 says:

    “where a woman was allegedly held captive and sexually abused for 24 years by her father.”

    “[The wife] Rosemarie appears to have been unaware of the suspected crimes of her husband.”

    FOR 24 YEARS?!

    It just doesn’t add up.
    There is no way someone living in the house would have not found any “concealed” doors, wouldn’t hear anything, and wouldn’t ever wonder where her husband disappeared when he go for raping spree… impossible.

    And sick even if the news is only partially true (as I suspect).

  10. Cursor_ says:

    All the women in these types of cases KNOW.

    They just put it out of their minds so that way they can still have a husband.

    You must realise, even in this day, the social pressure on women that they MUST have a spouse is still so great that women will often take whatever is available. Even if what is available is abusive or deranged.

    Women are STILL not considered complete unless they are married and have children. Despite all the advances women have made in the past 80 years, it is still a major issue, even WITH women themselves. Stay at home moms often clash with working moms on who is right and wrong.

    This woman KNEW, she didn’t want to loose her standings as a woman or the financial benefits of having a husband. This is fear, self-doubt and loathing. But undeniably collusion in the acts.


  11. brendal says:

    Hitler and Schwarzenegger both hail from Austria.

    ‘Nuff said.

  12. SJP says:

    Could you substitute the Miley Cyrus picture for this story. Eerily it seems more appropriate.

  13. lilibeth says:

    fucking ASSHOLE sick person, no i cant even call him a person he is an animal!!!


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