Soaring food prices and global grain shortages are bringing new pressures on governments, food companies and consumers to relax their longstanding resistance to genetically engineered crops…
In the United States, wheat growers and marketers, once hesitant about adopting biotechnology because they feared losing export sales, are now warming to it as a way to bolster supplies. Genetically modified crops contain genes from other organisms to make the plants resistance to insects, herbicides or disease. Opponents continue to worry that such crops have not been studied enough and that they might pose risks to health and the environment…
Even in Europe, where opposition to what the Europeans call Frankenfoods has been fiercest, some prominent government officials and business executives are calling for faster approvals of imports of genetically modified crops. They are responding in part to complaints from livestock producers, who say they might suffer a critical shortage of feed if imports do not accelerate.
In Britain, the National Beef Association, which represents cattle farmers, issued a statement this month demanding that “all resistance” to such crops “be abandoned immediately in response to shifts in world demand for food, the growing danger of global food shortages and the prospect of declining domestic animal production.”
Most of the “resistance” to genetically modified crops is political and cultural. It’s been perfectly acceptable to refuse to examine scientific studies if they don’t cater to peoples’ fears. Fears, after all, of what our governments and corporations might do in the name of profit.
I remember the European rabid resistance to genetically modified foods, and how they though the Americans were so foolish and crazy to risk their health on these foods.
I have seen nothing but good come from genetically modified food, now that I’ve grown that third testicle I’ve always wanted.
[Doesn’t that chafe? – ed.]
The USA grows over 1/3 of our crops to go to OTHER nations…
Why cant they feed their own..
then we will have HEALTHY NATURAL crops and be able to change CROPS to Fuel..
By all means stop exporting food. What’s the worst that could happen?
… besides making a further hash of the balance of payments, devaluing the dollar to the point of junk paper, and making it impossible for the economy to recover this side of the next century.
Over-engineered crap that on average produces 10% less than “natural” selected strains.
… If I eat genetically modified foods do I not then become genetically modified – disregarding vaccines and flu shots of course.
#1 You should change your username to Triorchid.
so you believe in a WORLD economy??
People are afraid for 2 reasons, 1 they don’t get the science and don’t understand the food supply shortage, 2 these products come from companies that have been globalizing food resources and hurting local agricultural interests. Companies like Monsanto have been very agressive about seed distribution, they’re like an agricultural Microsoft. On the other hand what’s to keep these mega companies from playing the same games as the OPEC, creating shortages to later raise prices.
Oh, BTW I forgot to mention that many modified grains do not seed, so you’re obligated to get your seed grain from them intead of growing your own.
#8 – that particular criticism is little out-of-date. Monsanto tried that when they were the only game in town. Like MSoft, they still would love to continue that road; but, there are too many competitors who allow normal seed collection.
In practice, many farmers would rather repurchase new genetically-guaranteed seed, anyway. Bigger, resistant yields that don’t require expensive petro-based fertilizers are a heck of a motivator for cash crops.
Moss (#9),
You are wrong about needing less fertilizer, they need just as much as ever. The GM crops are for pest management, so the farmers spray less pesticide (in theory).
A couple of filmmakers rented an acre of land and made a documentary that appeared on PBS this last week. They used genetically engineered corn. It was in the midwest, I think Missouri. This genetically engineered corn there is now mostly used to make fodder (food for the cows) in which they grind up the entire plant, and extract corn syrup for such yummy void of nutrient treats like soda pop and the corn oil for deep frying of potatos and chicken parts. The interesting thing is that once the high yield crop matured, they tasted their harvest, munching in the field on one of the ears of corn, and spit it out cuz it tasted like crap. It is worthless for food. They feed this garbage to cows. In contrast, healthy and happy cows graze on grass. Most American cows are now penned up, and fed this genetically engineered junk. This is why most beef is loaded with fat they discovered, this genetically engineered corn is not nutritious. Grass fed cows, which are getting harder to find in America, are lean and tasty. Even those who produce them say they don’t eat the genetically engineered corn, they eat the good organic stuff. There is so much energy wasted on generating these foodstuffs that are derived from “fake corn” and in the treating of diseases that are caused by the excessive consumption of corn syrup (like diabetes) and beef fat (heart disease) that if the world was to revert back to natural organic seed and farming, IT WOULD SAVE SO MUCH ENERGY that it would be like taking 1 billion cars off the road.
#11 – not interested in wasting the morn on a Googling match. There are non-agribiz farmers in my neck of the prairie who acquire their GM seed choosing for less fertilizer as well as less pesticide. Your point works for some of agribiz types; but, it changes all the time. Your links are AG101 stuff.
As petro-based fertilizers rise in price, alternatives will push the market. And potash is a finite resource, as well.
#10 – that’s the problem with English as a 2nd language. I believe Eideard was describing the fears of the Vegetarian Left – not defining what’s profitable or not.
Not that the fears grounded in distrust of government and corporate greed are unfounded. But, the function of challenges based on reality rather than spooky misconceptions is a better way to be certain we’re not being poisoned, a more reasonable way to fight for safety.
The chemtrail crowd ain’t any sharper than the family values nutballs.
#13, moss,
There are non-agribiz farmers in my neck of the prairie who acquire their GM seed choosing for less fertilizer as well as less pesticide.
Can’t be. Any plant needs food in order to grow. Using less fertilizer will result in smaller plants and reduced yields. FarmBio 101.
Corn, in particular, is hard on the soil. It depletes most nutrients quite quickly. That is why most farmers rotate corn with other crops such as soy.
#10 – make a point. Til then you’re nub.
I’m with Moss. for some reason, I don’t feel like googling this morning.
I thought less fertilizer is always a goal of plant dna manipulators as in creating self fixing nitrogen and looking for other water, air, sunlight maximizing mechanics.
I’d be surprised if 1-2-3 plants don’t require less fertilzers.
#14–catshit==you might be confusing “nutrients” with fertilizer. Not everything comes in a bag.
Some people will never get out of the trick bag they’re in… 🙂
My advice:
Don’t fear the reaper
My body cannot handle hormon-enhanced and genetically-modified foods and cooking oils, such as standard USDA Beef loaded with growth hormones, and soybean-based cooking oils.
The only beef I can digest is the more expensive non-modified Angus and higher quality/higher priced beef products, and I cannot eat any beef/poultry/pork that has been cooked/baked/broiled in genetically-modified U.S. Vegetable Oils.
My theory is that genetically-modified and hormone-enhanced foods and cooking oils are the most likely the primary reason, besides overindulgance, for the huge outbreaks in gastrointestinal diseases, obesity, and colon cancer in the USA.
Moss and Bobbo,
No need to google.
Snippet from the bt Corn link The Bt delta endotoxin was selected because it is highly effective at controlling Lepidoptera larvae, caterpillars. It is during the larval stage when most of the damage by European corn borer occurs.
Snippet from the soy link CruiserMaxx™ Beans brand product is an insecticide and fungicide seed treatment combination that provides soybean growers with first-class protection against harmful insects and diseases that negatively affect crop quality and yield.
Nothing about reduced fertilizers all about pests
I happen to live in rural Minnesota in the middle of corn and soybean fields. The farmers around here range in age from 50 to about 95. They will all tell you the same thing. That they use the GMO seeds to reduce the amount of pesticide they have to buy and spray. They still go out every spring and use the same amount of anhydrous ammonia to sterilize/fertilize the fields before planting the corn.
#17, bobbo,
#14–catshit==you might be confusing “nutrients” with fertilizer. Not everything comes in a bag.
bobbo made a funny pun. On my name. What a guy!!!
PS, Cat litter comes in a bag.
Well, this rice has been genetically modified to require only half the normal amount of nitrogen:
Catshit==you are one smart cat.
Fascinating link about that rice!
#25–ethanol==if you are going to use facts to turn your opinion on a dime, I’ll have to watch your posts more closely!!
I tried to find gmo crops that were actually for sale and read too much with “monsanto” in the search terms before, as I said, I didn’t feel like googling. I found many monsanto sites that said “nitrogen fixation” would be added to their crops when available.
I’ve been reading about nitrogen fixation modifications for years, so I do remain surprised its not “everywhere” by now.
The first article I found that was close, I posted, but relaxed now, I’ll go back and read it. Seems it was still “experiemental?”
I can be quite loose in speculation, but try to be a bit closer when pontificating.
and AGAIN…
THE USA, FEEDS over 1billion other families around the world with the food we produce..
To countries that DONT make enough room for THEIR OWN FOOD.
Monsanto, has copy rights on MOST Crop seed, and EVEN has seed, that will NOT FERTILIZE, and requires you to BUY MORE SEED…instead of using PART of your crop for NEXT years crops. (posted here in DV).
Monsanto even SUES people that REUSE the seed for NEXT year, and WINS.(posted here in DV).
Monsanto wants to COPYRIGHT ALL food seeds and grains..
all food has been geneticly modified,
Resistance is futile………..
#27 – you’re t3h nub. That’s the point.
comment scrubs are my favourite internet rats. Fun.
I seem to recall that back in the 80’s and 90’s farmers were being paid by the US Government to stop growing crops. The reason was to reduce to the surplus and increase profits. Sounded a little strange at the time. Funny thing is we didn’t need GM seeds then why now? The BS behind GM food is too much corporate control. Let our farmers make the money and go back to locally produce foods. This will reduce the amount of gas used to ship elsewhere for processing. Creating more jobs locally and utilize wind and water powered equipment. It’s a win/win for the people not the corporations that are sucking up tax breaks to create low paying jobs with no stability.