Yahoo users will soon have one place where they can manage all the services they use on the popular website. The company has begun a mammoth re-engineering project that will unify the disparate services Yahoo runs.

It hopes the project will transform the site into a vast social network where Yahoo users can quickly find and communicate with each other…

By re-engineering its internal workings it hopes to tear down the walls between its web sites and services so each user only has to visit one place to view and manage everything they do at Yahoo…

Mr Balogh said the changes would give users more control over how much information they share and make it much more straightforward to set up ad-hoc social networks with friends and family.

“We are not building another social network,” said Mr Balogh. “We are building social into everything we do.”

Being the sort of crank that I am, I hardly participate in “social” anything. But, it will be interesting to see what this does for Yahoo.

  1. Ah_Yea says:

    Is this what Microsoft wants to buy, along with Alibaba?

  2. bobbo says:

    I used Yahoo when I got my first computer, yes it was pre-installed. Then I kept it for 2-3 years because everytime I tried to quit they gave me 3 free months.

    I can see newbies like me going with the flow, but after a few months/years how can anyone stay with bundled pay for services when the same or better services are “everywhere” for free?

    Can anyone state a “value added” service that Yahoo provides?

  3. Esteban says:

    I thought they did a good job of parodying social networks on last nights episode of The Office. Dunder Mifflin, a paper company, decided to incorporate social networking features into its website, and soon found that the network was taken over by sexual deviants.

  4. .

    now that Bezos, Allen, Musk and other web-billionaires invest in their own “” companies (SpaceX, etc.) I’ve suggested to the Yahoo founders to SELL Yahoo to Microsoft and use the $4+ Bn earned to start their own Space company or a “NASA 2.0”

    however, Apple can do more with it’s $18 Bn cash… like (maybe) BUY the existing NASA and rename it as “i-NASA” 🙂


  5. zeph says:

    Kidding, right? You haven’t watched this before?

    Their wonderful vision will be many years late, it won’t work remotely as advertised, and the company will sink into insignificance.

  6. GregAllen says:

    Seems overdue. I was – and still want to be — a big fan of Yahoo. But I’ve mostly migrated to Google because they do most things better than Yahoo.

  7. the answer says:

    I still use yahoo greatly. I can’t get into using Goggle. It’s too much Do-It-Their-Way B.S.

    Yahoo has my groups, Upcoming, and everything else like maps and such. Go yahoo!

    As for the whole rewiring. damn good luck. You have better have a wire for every different color in the rainbow to keep that all in line.


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