
Rush Limbaugh Calling For Riots In Denver

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh is sparking controversy again after he made comments calling for riots in Denver during the Democratic National Convention this summer.

He said the riots would ensure a Democrat is not elected as president, and his listeners have a responsibility to make sure it happens.

“Riots in Denver, the Democrat Convention would see to it that we don’t elect Democrats,” Limbaugh said during Wednesday’s radio broadcast. He then went on to say that’s the best thing that could happen to the country.
Limbaugh said with massive riots in Denver, which he called “Operation Chaos,” the people on the far left would look bad.

UPDATE: I have been personally listening to and following “Operation Chaos on a daily basis and can tell you that this is another example of mis-reporting. I’m sorry it showed up on here without any background. First of all RB did not call for riots. And secondly having riots is not “Operation Chaos.” Operation Chaos was Limbaugh’s scheme to have Republicans vote in Democratic primaries and vote for Hillary to extend the primary process to the end. This report from Channel 7 in Denver is very poor. In 1968 there were riots at the Dem convention so it could happen. But not because of Rush Limbaugh. Cripes.– John D.

  1. ethanol says:

    I am not a lawyer, but isn’t it against the law to incite a riot?!?

  2. Let’s get creative. Find Limbaugh’s address and send him a case of Oxycontin. With luck, he’ll OD.

  3. TheCommodore says:

    I used to enjoy listening to his show, years ago, during the Gulf War, but I’ve since decided that a little of Rush goes a long way. You can’t take stuff like this seriously. And anyone who understands the general makeup of your average Republican (by and large hard-working introverts) knows that they won’t “do” riots. If any dittoheads show up for a riot, the numbers will be too small to stir up anything.

    If anything untoward happens in Denver, it will be caused by the Democrats themselves anyway, and if so, will be caused by the Clinton camp. I’m not counting on this though – Obama will be nominated no matter who does or does not get seated at the convention.

  4. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    Operation Chaos has nothing to do with riots. Operation Chaos is a call for Republicans to register as Democrats and vote for Hillary in primaries to keep her alive and keep the Dem smackdown going.

    I won’t be surprised to see riots at both conventions, though. There are a lot of silly war protesters out here and they tend to be libs. Libs don’t respect private property and think damaging private property is covered under free speech.

    Protests to get the word out are great, but once they cross the line and interfere with others, they are over the line.

  5. Uncle Patso says:

    Isn’t inciting to riot a crime?

    A quick Google search showed me:

    “Review our Ask a Lawyer Q&A Archive on
    Inciting a riot applies to a person who organizes, encourages, or participates in a riot. It can apply to one who urges or instigates others to riot.”

    Sounds like exactly what he did…

  6. TheGlobalWarmer says:

    #3 – I agree. Rush make some good points, but pads it a lot of hot air.

    Republicans understand that riots hurt the economy so I doubt you’d see many rioting.

  7. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    If I wanted to take direction from a drug addict I would listen to my brother-in-law.

  8. Mac Guy says:

    While I’m no big Rush supporter, the full article sounds like his comments could have been taken out of context. Wow, imagine that. The leftist media taking a right-wing out of context…

  9. Improbus says:

    I used to listen to Rush in the 90s. He was a douche then and he is a hella-douche now. I hope he chokes on a sandwich.

  10. gquaglia says:

    He said the riots would ensure a Democrat is not elected as president

    The Democrats don’t need any help in this department. They’ll make it happen all on their own.

  11. Mister Mustard says:

    >>I agree. Rush make some good points

    He does? Every time I’ve tuned by mistake to a radio station where he was hissing out hot air, he seemed to be nothing more than what everybody says: an intolerant, racist, xenophobic fucktard, filled with hatred for all (except morbidly obese drug-addicted chickenhawks).

    He should have gone on disability for that anal cyst he used to get out of serving in the military.

  12. iRiot says:

    Rush’s show is a riot. Hillary’s show is a riot.

  13. Jetfire says:

    #8 They are taken out of context. Operation Chaos like #4 says, is Republicans legally voting in Dem primaries for Hillary. This would then drag out their primary. The Dem’s would not then have a clear winner by convention time. Dem’s would then Riot like they did in Chicago 1968 when they were a divided party over Presidential nominees. Their Presidential nominee of choice then lost to the Republican nominee (Nixon than, McCain now).

    He never told anyone to riot. He’s just having fun with the Dem’s primary. Operation Chaos is him just having fun that he can control everything as he’s been accused of. The article proves his point to. It makes for entertaining radio. It’s him also poking fun at people who want the “Fairness Doctrine” back.

  14. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Rush’s show is a riot. Hillary’s show is a riot.

    Yeah, but Rush is just a useless talking head (talking anal cyst?). Hillary may well be the next POTUS.

  15. Ah_Yea says:

    To add to what was mentioned above, there certainly will be demonstrations and an arrest or two at the Democratic convention. Not to mention a similar showing at the Republican convention.

    Not by Rush’s Republican conservative acolytes.

    But by Democratic Leftist Liberals.

    Can anyone recall a single riot caused by Republican conservatives?

    The Democratic party today greatly reminds me of a classic Edgar Allen Poe story, “The System of Doctor Tarr and Professor Fether”.

    Summarizing the story, “A traveler to southern France is invited to a lavish dinner in an insane asylum where a quirky staff is famous for it’s “system of soothing,” which avoids punishment and seldom applies confinement to the patients, allowing them to dress normally and wander the grounds at will. The attendants “humor” their patients by never contradicting their fantasies or hallucinations. Rather, if a man thought he was a chicken, doctors would treat him as a chicken, giving him corn to eat.”….”Suddenly the dinner is suddenly broken up and the asylum taken over by intruders whose feather coverings make them seem like orangutans. The attendants begin to act out in lunatic behaviors like the inmates they have been describing. It becomes clear that the head of the institution, Maillard himself, had lost his reason but not his wits, leading his patients into mischief. The lunatics had taken over the asylum, with the staff tarred and feathered.”

    Think of this when watching the Democratic National Convention.

  16. Viz says:

    #11 = Turned to by mistake… yeah right. You liberal dipwads have this lying thing down as standard operating procedure.

    Those of you that claim not to listen to Rush sure seem to know more than a non-listener should. Just admit that you are a habitual listener and stop lying. Now was that hard?

  17. Shubee says:

    So the far Reich is at it again. This doesn’t surprise me at all. The Nazis also used violence to discredit the opposition and were very effective in breaking up lawful anti-Nazi meetings. Reichpublicans have no scruples.

  18. Sinn Fein says:

    This generation of Dems are bunch of candyass lame-o’s who’d only riot if their little Wii Wii’s got taken from them.

    And besides, its was Sharpton’s big hot air threat to “demonstrate” if Obama got the shaft instead of the elevator.

    Like it matters, DEMS DOA IN NOV!

  19. MikeN says:

    Yea, the anti-war protesters nowadays fizzled out pretty quickly. Perhaps it’s because there’s no draft, they don’t feel as strongly about a protest. This will not be called a great generation.

  20. MikeN says:

    Though there’s still a hard core which will likely cause problems, especially in Denver, which isn’t equipped to handle things like that.

  21. Bill says:

    “There won’t be riots at our convention,” Limbaugh said of the Republican National Convention. “We don’t riot. We don’t burn our cars. We don’t burn down our houses. We don’t kill our children.”

    Correct, you send the children of other people to die in illegal and unnecessary wars while you sit on your fat ass in a climate controlled environment. You also strongly advocate sending other people to prison for the same sort of pill-popping that you have done.

    Fat, loud-pie-hole hypocrite.

  22. MikeN says:

    Is the media really that stupid? I can understand why most liberals don’t understand what Rush is saying, being so disconnected, but the reporters in the media are supposed to know better. This looks like a deliberate hit job on Rush. There is very little in direct quotes of Rush calling for a riot. Anyone have a transcript?
    The article has Rush talking about AL SHARPTON causing a riot. Last I checked, Al wasn’t a dittohead.

    The media did the same thing with the Donovan McNabb story, claiming Rush was a racist for saying ‘he hasn’t been that good. I think there’s some social concern here on the part of the media, which wants to see a black quarterback do well.’

  23. Jeffery Williams says:

    Rush: “Now, I am not inspiring or inciting riots. I’m dreaming. (singing to the tune of White Christmas) ‘I’m dreaming of riots in Denver.’ Remember 1968? And which party did that? It was the radicals in that party, the anti-war radicals, the same bunch of clowns that are running around defining the Democrat Party today. What the world thinks of us? There was an analogy just this week about somebody in the world. I’m drawing a mental blank about this. But the fact is that the Democrat Party has members in it that have already said, ‘There will be riots,’ or something to that effect.”

    Pasted from

  24. andy says:

    rush fans like to be coddled and comforted, and the delusion that their asinine ideas are supported by a charismatic blowhard gives them warm fuzzies inside.

  25. pat says:

    #15 “Can anyone recall a single riot caused by Republican conservatives?”

    No, we wait in our house for the rioters to march into our neighborhood and then shoot them with our hunting rifles if they start damaging private property. (Like the LA riots) This keeps the damage limited to areas that are heavily liberal.

  26. GigG says:

    As has been said already the quotes were taken out of context. TFA has this paragraph..

    “Limbaugh cited Al Sharpton, saying the Barack Obama supporter threatened to superdelegates that “there’s going to be trouble” if the presidency is taken from Obama.”

    Rush was responding to that basicly saying, “Great go for it it will make the Democrats look bad.”

    To #17 and your “far Reich” statement. I’m 46 years old. Every riot in the US since I’ve been around has been started and maned by either liberals or those that vote Democrat when they vote.

  27. Pmitchell says:

    I was listening when his remarks were made and you fools did just as he said you would

    twist his words and lie as usual

    He never called for riots he predicted them and laughed with glee, because it will just be one more sign that you democrat liberals are the biggest hypocrites on the block claiming your all for equality and civil rights and then rioting because you didnt get your way.even though the winner has won by rules laid out by you

    It will be priceless

  28. bobbo says:

    #26–Gig==If you study history, I think you’ll find its always the oppressed that riot. Not the oppressors, guards, henchmen, and fellow travelers.

    Hope that redraws the picture for you.

  29. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Just admit that you are a habitual listener

    Haw! Har! Nyuk nyuk nyuk! I’ve listened to that bloviating fucktard a total of two times (I could only stand it for about 10 minutes each time). And each time, I thought “that bloviating fucktard shoulda gone on disability for his anal cyst”. He’s right up there with Ann “two-dollar whore” Coulter as a “cultural phenomenon” that adds exactly nothing to society. And at least she’s cute, when she gets tarted up. Rush has no redeeming value.

  30. bobbo says:



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