
Rush Limbaugh Calling For Riots In Denver

Talk show host Rush Limbaugh is sparking controversy again after he made comments calling for riots in Denver during the Democratic National Convention this summer.

He said the riots would ensure a Democrat is not elected as president, and his listeners have a responsibility to make sure it happens.

“Riots in Denver, the Democrat Convention would see to it that we don’t elect Democrats,” Limbaugh said during Wednesday’s radio broadcast. He then went on to say that’s the best thing that could happen to the country.
Limbaugh said with massive riots in Denver, which he called “Operation Chaos,” the people on the far left would look bad.

UPDATE: I have been personally listening to and following “Operation Chaos on a daily basis and can tell you that this is another example of mis-reporting. I’m sorry it showed up on here without any background. First of all RB did not call for riots. And secondly having riots is not “Operation Chaos.” Operation Chaos was Limbaugh’s scheme to have Republicans vote in Democratic primaries and vote for Hillary to extend the primary process to the end. This report from Channel 7 in Denver is very poor. In 1968 there were riots at the Dem convention so it could happen. But not because of Rush Limbaugh. Cripes.– John D.

  1. #4 – TheGlobalShawarma,

    Libs don’t respect private property and think damaging private property is covered under free speech.

    Mind citing a few examples along the way of liberals not respecting private property? And while you’re at it, why not compare and contrast that with religious neocon right wing nut jobs and … oh say … abortion clinic bombings … starting wars for oil … denying health care to millions, etc.?

  2. #19 – MikeN,

    Yea, the anti-war protesters nowadays fizzled out pretty quickly. Perhaps it’s because there’s no draft, they don’t feel as strongly about a protest. This will not be called a great generation.

    Actually, it’s because the CIA has been gassing the U.S. citizenry with their new Ennui Gas.

  3. Ivor Biggun says:

    #28: There are no oppressed in this country…only the self-opressed. Anyone can climb out of whatever hole they think they are in and succeed.

    And for all you amateur lawyers out there, a radio talk show host cannot “incite a riot” unless he/she is there on the scene. There has to be a direct relationship between the incitement and the riot.

    Fact: People with jobs and lives don’t demonstrate or riot. They work and contribute to the success of this country.

  4. #29 – Mister Mustard,

    Ann “two-dollar whore” Coulter as a “cultural phenomenon” that adds exactly nothing to society. And at least she’s cute, when she gets tarted up.

    I gotta go with bobbo on this one. Annthrax is far from being attractive in any way shape manner or form. Perhaps it’s the ugliness exuded from the misplaced, badly malformed, and dyspeptic liver that functions as her brain overshadowing everything else about her.

  5. #34 – Ivor Biggun,

    I demonstrated last year and have been employed continuously for more than 25 years.

    And, in case you are unaware, we do not have 100% employment in this country. There are still more people than jobs. So, any given individual may be able to get a job and improve their life, but someone else will be knocked out of their job for it.

    Let’s also not forget that we also have a tremendous number of people who get multiple part-time jobs because no one wants to pay their health insurance if they have a full time job. So, employers continue to pay three part-timers rather than one full-timer to avoid giving benefits. It kind of makes it difficult to pull oneself up in such an environment. Not impossible, true, but very difficult.

    But, thanks for echoing the repugnican party line for us. I bet when you walk by a homeless person, you tell them to get a job.

  6. bobbo says:

    #34–Ivor==I agree “oppressed” is an overstatement for certain issues, but not for others. Making that dividing line takes analysis of the assumptions and the facts to be applied.

    Can you meet us half way and say that not everyone can work their way out of poverty?

  7. bobbo says:

    I also thank John C Dvorak in his editorial role and take the update as the truth.

    So, what are we to think of DenverCommunications? As a rule, it might behoove us not to rely on unattributed authors?

    I wonder what larger newsgroup DenverCommunications is part of, as in, how far away from George Soros??

    Fun facts I wish I knew.

  8. RBG says:

    That an “Operation Chaos” is even theoretically possible makes American politics and democracy such a joke. Along with the whole convoluted, wasteful, arbitrary, manipulative, anti-democratic primary system. Not to mention the billions that can be spent to buy elections via carefully crafted propaganda.

    And I support the US.


  9. Zirbert says:

    It’s good that the correction / retraction was added as an update on the front page – but why is the fake story still up at all?

  10. bobbo says:

    #41–Zirbert==the original should stay. Everything should stay and remain a record of what happened. Here, a news story form a “reputable” source was taken at face value. I have listened to Rush a total of 30 minutes myself, but JCD is a professional and trained to abuse himself for our edification.

    Now, we have an excellent example of how MM (Mainstream Media–but applies to that other MM as well) should not be trusted “automatically.”

    The process of arriving at the truth is far more valuable than thinking you can post the truth only.

  11. Ivor Biggun says:

    I think that everyone “can” lift themselves up out of poverty, but clearly not all will. Life is not fair and cannot be made fair by governmental action. There can be no level playing field. Governmental action merely throws the tilt in another direction to “get even” with those who are perceived to have had it easy.

    And #36 Misanthropic Scott, do you really believe that if someone gets a job, someone else must lose one? Marx and Engels would be proud of you! How do you account for economic growth? We all know that there will never be 100% employment, but some of those are by choice and some are forced.

    Many people could avoid the “multiple part time jobs” syndrome if they were willing to move to another location. People have freedom of choice to live wherever they want and sometimes that means not getting the job they want or finding it necessary to be creative about their employment. No one causes that situation but the individuals themselves.

  12. James Hill says:

    Uncle Dave fails at life.

  13. JPV says:

    John Dvorak wrote:

    “I’m sorry it showed up on here without any background.”

    Why be sorry.

    You guys CONSTANTLY report erroneous garbage that isn’t checked up on.

    I thought that was the point of this site.

  14. bobbo says:

    #43–Ivor==thanks, more reasonable than most of your pack.

    I like the notion of the playing field being tilted. Yes, we need more tilt.

  15. #43 – Ivor,

    I think you’re horribly deluded. I do not think that one unfortunate individual can increase the employment rate. Yes. I do think that on average if 100 people that didn’t have jobs find them, approximately 100 people will lose theirs.

    To think that the control over this comes from the bottom up is horribly naive. Look to the power, not the powerless, when trying to find the sources of problems that need to be solved.

  16. RBG says:

    From the link above:

    Limbaugh cited Al Sharpton, saying the Barack Obama supporter threatened to superdelegates that “there’s going to be trouble” if the presidency is taken from Obama.

    Several callers called in to the radio show to denounce Limbaugh’s comments, when he later stated, “I am not inspiring or inciting riots, I am dreaming of riots in Denver.”

    I guess there is a difference.


  17. JimD says:

    John, in ’68 there was a POLICE RIOT at the Democratic Convention in Chicage !!! The POLICE ATTACKED DEMONSTATORS – WITH THE WHOLE WORLD WATCHING !!! Let’s not forget !!!

  18. bobbo says:

    #49–JimD==thank you. I’ve been wrestling with that “Only liberals riot”
    argument. As usual, I was thinking too liberally–I got as close to the Bush Cabal staging a fake riot in the Florida Primaries but that was too small. Abortion clinic bombings strike me as more a religious nutbag activity==very close and very overlapping, but still not close enough. Maybe I got fairly close by thinking of needlessly initiated warfare, but I thought that was too complex.

    But (smack my forehead) of course the chickenhawk repugs would never take to the streets==they pay others to do it for them, or more often, illegitmately use the functions of government instead. Smack, smack, smack.

    Thanks for restoring order to my universe.

  19. Mister Mustard says:


    Yes == Bobster, == Cute. You should see her when she’s tarted up like a two-dollar whore. Heck, I’d pay $1.10, even though she’s a Nazi pig.

  20. Improbus says:


    The police are going to be bastards no matter what decade you are talking about. The are first and foremost bullies.

  21. GregAllen says:

    This attempt to mess with the election proves that Limbaugh and his Dittoheads are unworthy of American democracy.

  22. bobbo says:

    #51–Mustard==I think you have confused cute with do’able.

    cute: attractive or pretty especially in a childish, youthful, or delicate way. ((I was thinking mostly of the “especially”))

  23. #51 – Mister Mustard,

    … even though she’s a Nazi pig.

    Please … apologize to the perfectly innocent and cute pigs. They would never behave as Annthrax does.

  24. Mr. Catshit says:

    If you put a bag over her face and a flag for a sheet, I might screw her for my country. But it would take a lot of energy to get it up.

    Hell, maybe I’d just let James Hill do it. He has no class.

  25. MikeN says:

    Gregallen, how is what Rush is doing make him unworthy of democracy? He’s taking advantage of the rules as they are. This is no different from the Democrats pushing for McCain in 2000 (especially an overt effort in Michigan.)

    Why bother with Rush. I’m still considering my vote for either Hillary or Obama(better check the registration rules.)

  26. aartimus aardvark says:

    “I’m sorry it showed up on here without any background. First of all RB did not call for riots. And secondly having riots is not “Operation Chaos.” Operation Chaos was Limbaugh’s scheme to have Republicans vote in Democratic primaries and vote for Hillary to extend the primary process to the end.”

    Check again. You must have heard the wrong statement — maybe a follow-up designed to explain away what he originally said. I just finished watching Limbaugh’s Dittocamed statement on my “Tivo” (actually SageTV). MSNBC played back his statement fully and in context. He really said this: “It’s called operation chaos. The dream — I mean if people say what’s your exit strateg, strategery [sic] — the dream end of this is that this keeps up to the convention and we have a replay of Chicago 1968 with burning cars, protests, fires, literal riots, and all of that. That’s the objective here.”

    That’s a direct quote. Yes, he is really advocating civil unrest.

  27. RBG says:

    59. From that sentence, I’d say Rush could also write some pretty convincing horoscopes.


  28. RBG says:

    56 Mr. Kittypoo-poo. Your Ann Coulter rebuttal skills are something to behold.


  29. bobbo says:

    #57–Mike==your repuglikan roots are really showing: “He’s taking advantage of the rules as they are.”

    Yes, that’s called “unprincipled” and why whenever the Justice Department is allowed to function, so many repuglikans go to jail.


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