Slate – Chris Wilson – April 24, 2008

Even as Hillary Clinton trails Barack Obama in pledged delegates, the popular vote, and number of states won, she has made it clear that she plans to stay in the race for the nomination. All of which brings me to this logical conclusion: It is time for Barack Obama to drop out.

Obama drops out next week, stating that although he could almost certainly win the nomination by fighting it out until the convention in August, he is simply not willing to drag the party through a battle that will cripple its chances against John McCain. He then pledges to help support Sen. Clinton in her bid—with full knowledge that she will not take him up on the offer.

In one stroke, Obama will regain his messiah creds by making the ultimate sacrifice for the good of the party. His followers will be furious. The mere mention of Clinton’s name will provoke unspeakable acts. They will abandon Clinton in numbers sufficient to hand McCain the election in November.

McCain will be eminently more beatable in 2012. Demographics will continue to shift in Obama’s favor as his 14- to 17-year-old supporters come of voting age. Anyone foolish enough to challenge Obama for the nomination—and don’t rule out Clinton—will go nowhere. Obama’s utopian vision for a Democratic party unified around him will be complete.

  1. gquaglia says:

    Sounds like the ranting of some pro Clinton shill to me.

  2. Breetai says:

    Personally I think it’s too late to undo any damage. One of them should have dropped out much earlier (At the time statistically should have been Hillary) to avoid creating a minor division and damage both their reputations with a prolonged fight more nonsense i bound to surface that can only hurt em both in the long run.

  3. bobbo says:

    Huh? What did I miss?

    Why would Hillary not accept Obama’s concession? Are you f**king nuts?

    Notwithstanding the above==people predicting the future? Recognize mental masturbation when you see it and avoid the goo.

  4. pat says:

    No. He should stay. Both he and Hillary have been exposed as liars. Both have an equal chance of blowing the election.

  5. GregAllen says:

    This is such a weird, improbably scenario I’m surprised the editors of Slate even let it run.

    I can’t think of a single time in US politics when a front-runner dropped out “for the good of the party” — it’s not in a politicians DNA.

    That’s why I don’t criticize Hillary for staying in — it’s just who she is. And not just her — all these politicians stay in until it is hopeless.

  6. Seth says:

    One of them should obviously drop out of the race if they were to put the party first but that’s silly talk.

    People should vote less for the party and more for the man/woman in the election. If both Obama and Clinton feel they are the best candidate than they should fight until the finish.

    In the end, I don’t care what party is in charge. I want a competent, strong, and experienced group of people running the country.

  7. Breetai says:

    I was thinking purely tactically and by the numbers at the time it would have mattered.

    At the time one should have backed down Hillary was far enough behind to be the one who should conceded.

    Not that it matter’s to me I’m gonna throw my vote away and Vote for Ron Paul as a write in. I’m done choosing between bad and worse I’m voting for the guy I want even if it doesn’t matter.

  8. Improbus says:

    Great, what do we get if he drops out? Four more years of EPIC FAIL … no matter who is elected.

  9. brian t says:

    I can’t imagine any Democrat accepting four more years under a Republican – any Republican – as a price worth paying. Even if an Obama win could be guaranteed in 2012, which it could never be. Has there ever been an octogenarian President? Do you want to find out?

  10. pat says:

    #7 – Same option if he stays in…

  11. Esteban says:

    Four years of McCain is not a price I’m willing to pay.

  12. pat says:

    #10 The dems should have fielded decent candidates. McCain is about as weak of one as the repubs could have chosen. He’s going to win against either.

  13. Ah_Yea says:

    Esteban, at this point -unless you move to another country- you probably don’t have a choice.

    The Democratic party has degenerated to a battle of egos. Not what’s good for the party, certainly not what’s good for the country.

    Unlike when Romney dropped out for the good of the Republican party, don’t expect either Hillary or Obama do the same.

  14. Hmeyers says:

    Totally gay news article, either written by an imaginative Hillary fanboy or a bored publication that needed something fresh to get some ad clicks.

  15. Jason Miller says:

    Worked for Mitt Romney….WAIT.

  16. JPV says:


    “drag the party through a battle that will cripple its chances against John McCain”


    There’s only one month of primaries left!!!


  17. JPV says:


    Why the FUCK should HE be the one to drop out???

  18. chuck says:

    Both Obama and Clinton know that if either drops out now – that’s it, they’re done.

    The system (both Democrat and Republican) doesn’t allow a 2nd chance any more.

    Years ago, you could win the nomination, lose the election, and still be a contender for the nomination.

    Now, the rules are: whoever wins, wins. Whoever loses, loses.

    Hillary can win the nomination: all she has to do is not quit. Ever. Right up to the last vote at the convention. Everyone will think she’s a bitch. She doesn’t care. If she wins, she wins.

    Obama can still lose the nomination: he has to be the “perfect” candidate until the election.

  19. bobbo says:

    For those of you who are not on repugnik mailing list, this should give you a laugh/make you cry as it strikes you:

  20. Balbas says:

    If Obama quit, he’d never be allowed a comeback in 2012. Nobody likes a quitter.

  21. tooMuchTravel says:

    The jokes on you. Obama’s ahead. This is a ruse. You’ve all swallowed it. Obama wins at the convention, then eats McCain’s lunch.

    Ho ho ho. You guys will swallow anything.

  22. bud says:

    Why go into all this weird possibilities of Obama dropping out or Ice Witch dropping out? Georgy-Porgie and Big Dick will create another 9/11 situation and declare a martial law. No matter who wins,Georgy-Porgie and Big Dick will remain in the Bleak House another 12 years. We may as well “get over it!”

  23. jim h says:

    Who could possibly have appeared more “beatable” than Bush in 2004? And yet…

  24. the answer says:

    I thought obama was still ahead. Whoever gets the nod, I’ll vote for. Their agendas in office are simmilar, and I know I ain’t going republican.

  25. Bhelverson says:

    Let’s see . . . one candidate has devoted his entire life to public service and he has fought battle after battle with our enemies and is still standing. Another candidate has come out of nowhere, she has never faced a real opponent, she has fought no battles on our behalf, and she is so conceited as to think that she is somehow qualified to be President.

    Obama will never drop out – his massive ego won’t allow it. And he will either lose to John McCain or he will win and become the least-effective President ever. But if he is elected, maybe we will finally learn where he stands on the issues. Right now, nobody knows.

  26. Mr. Catshit says:

    #12, pat,

    The dems should have fielded decent candidates.

    10,000 comedians out of work and you’re trying to be funny. The worst Democratic candidate was better than the best the Republicans fielded.

  27. Kevin says:

    Neither side’s candidates are worth a bucket of spit. Or some other four letter word beginning with s and ending the t. Like snot.

    Dems want bloat government and think Uncle Sam is the savior of the world. And they are afraid to let you know they believe this. Republicans claim to believe in the opposite and don’t want you know they also believe it. What’s left that has a chance of winning? Nada.

  28. The Pirate says:

    When is None of the Above running?

  29. MikeN says:

    #18 chuck, Al Gore ran and lost, then he became the nominee. Same for Bob Dole and John McCain. John Edwards was a serious contender after losing.

  30. MikeN says:

    Hillary is now leading in the popular vote by over 100 thousand( has the breakdown) She will likely pick up some more in West Virginia and Kentucky, and win big in Puerto Rico to end up leading by about half a million or more. She is also the leader in the electoral college vote. So by staying in Barack Obama is asking the delegates to overturn the will of the people in favor of some procedural logistical technical victories that he achieved. I guess that argument worked for George Bush, but at least his victory via the Electoral College was written into the Constitution.

    This article makes sense, but then again I wrote that a week ago on this blog.

    It doesn’t make as much sense now,since Obama is close to wrapping things up, needing only 300 more delegates. Nevertheless, the calls for Hillary to drop out are silly given her leads, and it is not impossible for her to win 432 out of 630 remaining delegates, but she probably has to get some of Obama’s superdelegates to switch.


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