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The exhumed body of Padre Pio, a saint considered a miracle worker by his devotees, attracted thousands of pilgrims on Thursday when it went on display 40 years after his death…

The economy of this southern town revolves exclusively around the cult of Padre Pio and heaving crowds waited to see his body, displayed in a crystal sepulcher in the crypt of the monastery where he spent most of his life.

His face was covered by a silicone mask because it was apparently too decomposed to show…

He was dogged during his life and after his death by accusations of fraud. A book last year suggested he was a self-harming man who might have used carbolic acid to cause his wounds.

Stone Age genes certainly persist…

  1. god says:

    Tee hee

  2. Noam Sane says:

    heaving crowds waited to see his body

    Wow. The smell must have been really bad.

  3. admfubar says:

    you’d heav at a rotting corpse as well….

    these people need some hobbies out there… \or maybe they should be made to drink gatoraid

  4. TVAddict says:

    This is interesting…the article indicates Italians pray to this dead dude like Jesus and Mary. This may be the beginning of a new religion…Let’s watch as it evolves…Religions are needed to keep the sheep inline and this certainly will be perfect for that role what with all the self flagellation and all…

  5. RBG says:

    As opposed to the Rolling Stones going on display. Speaking of stone age genes.


  6. JimD says:

    RELIGION – IT’S ALL ABOUT THE MONEY !!! Profets or Profits ??? Stay away from ALL CULTS, keep your children away, and KEEP YOU WALLET CLOSED !!!

  7. devil.boy says:

    People have worshipped Padre Pio for years. The dude really cornered the stigmata market.

  8. M Garrett says:

    [edit: see comments guide]


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