Senator John McCain visited and spoke to the five remaining workers at a Fabart steel fabricating factory in Youngstown, Ohio, that had more than 100 employees a few years ago. He spoke to them about the benefits of NAFTA.

And no one threw anything or made rude noises. Way too polite.

  1. JPV says:

    When will the lynchings start?

    Americans are just too damned lazy and stupid.

  2. bobbo says:

    Yea, I get unhinged too quickly on two issues, one is treating other people poorly as justified only by some loopy religious belief===and the other is the same thing because of loopy political beliefs.

    So Pope McCain wants to continue the Bush Tax Cuts, have a gas tax holiday, and thinks “that good things are happening in the American economy.”

    Love of one’s own world view can be a very filtering thing. If you don’t count the number of jobs lost in the USA, and only count the jobs gained, things are going pretty well.

    Every time I think that such dodges are only evil propaganda pumped out by the very people who have benefited from such policies, I have to recall the religious flavor of the same turd.

    And that’s what makes evil so difficult to tell apart from stupid.

  3. green says:

    Sounds similar to life in Brantford, or Oshawa/Flint Ontario.

  4. Uncle Ben says:

    JPV When will the lynchings start?

    As soon as the lynch mob can find a really cheap illegal immigrant to do the lynching for them….

  5. ECA says:

    When us LEGAL can use HEMP to make the rope..

  6. mark says:

    McCain’s a clueless jackass. The Dems could run Charlie Manson for President and win against this idiot.

  7. JimD says:

    NAFTA – that GIANT SUCKING SOUND that Ross Perot warned us about !!! Promoted by Repukes WHO HATE AMERICAN WORKERS AND THE LABOR MOVEMENT, who won’t be satisfied until American Workers are paid NO MORE THAN CHINESE SLAVE LABORERS and FORGET ABOUT ANY “BENIFITS” – ALL THE “BENEFITS” go to the CEO !!! (he needs a third vacation home and a second yacht!!!)

  8. ethanol says:


    Are you too lazy and stupid to get a mob together and start the process?

  9. pat says:


    Promoted by Dem President and couldn’t have been possible without him. Amnesia is a bitch isn’t it?

  10. moss says:

    #9 – and passed by a Republikan Kongress.

    Hypocrisy is a habit – for some.

  11. Magnus Patris says:

    It’s over Johnny!

  12. pat says:

    #10 – Nice try. Treaties can ONLY happen with the Pres. Without him, NO treaty.

  13. MikeN says:

    Try again, it was a Democratic controlled House(257 Democrats) and A Democratic controlled Senate(56 Senators).

  14. MikeN says:

    McCain is one stubborn guy. He’s going to make you eat your vegetables.

  15. pat says:

    #15 Yep, he’s the next Pres.

    The “fix” is already in. Dems are going to vote in Florida & the ballots don’t have pictures of the candidates to circle!

  16. admfubar says:

    all politicians are not to be trusted.. period! it is what our nation is founded on…

  17. B. Dog says:

    These days China has 345,000 millionaires and 108 billionaires. I guess the thinking was that if China had more industry it would be good. Still, a $15 chip fabrication plant where Senator McCain (R) is walking would be good, also.

  18. Angus says:

    In November 1993, when NAFTA passed, the Presidency, Senate, and House were all held by Democrats. You know, the party of the little people?

  19. MikeN says:

    McCain also enjoys going around and telling people he’ll cut their subsidies.

  20. RBG says:

    I’m still crying over the loss of jobs when the buggy whip industry went under. With a little tax money, we could have kept that going for those people.


  21. bobbo says:

    #22–RBG==Buggy Whip Industry got overtaken by the car industry IN THE USA. That scenrio/reality has nothing to do with government programs encouraging the export of American jobs/industries, much less taking steps to protect them.

    but unless you are “rich” however you might like to imagine in your own fetid swamp of economic theory, its idiots like you that I fear more likely than not, will vote against their own “real” interests, and yes, McCain could easily win.

    Why does defective self destructive economic policy go hand-in-hand with defective self destructive economic policy? Its more than the fact that the latter causes the former because the Repugs offer both at the same time.

  22. RBG says:

    The example isn’t relevant if you think this factory is producing the right product, at the the right time, in the right place – which clearly it isn’t.

    Thankfully we have people like you, bobbo, to tell me, and others, what our “real” interests should be. Like maybe a centralized, protected economy? Long as you don’t mind the same thing by other countries when it comes to world-dominating US exports. You should also print a little more money too while you’re at it. Who’s gonna notice?


  23. moss says:

    Yup – I tried to rely on memory instead of Google. Trouble, of course, is that with a personal analysis that results in “a plague on both your houses” (just for you biblical types) – it’s easier to characterize most of the dullards who hate people who work for a living as Republikans – and the sell-outs who cut the ground out from under people who work for a living as Dems.

    And, we do face a track record of twerps like MikeN and pat not really knowing a hell of a lot about history – or intellectual honesty.

    So, are we to presume that you’re jollying in your shorts over McBush’s obvious plans to defend NAFTA to the death (of other people), keep the war in Iraq going long enough for your own grandsons to avoid it somehow – and maintain tax cuts for the folks least likely to either justify them or need them?

  24. Stu says:

    I’d give my opinion on NAFTA and foreign outsourcng, but it would ruin my evening.

    Please read:
    How Scientific Gains Abroad Pay Off in the U.S.
    By G. Pascal Zachary
    NY Times, April 20, 2008
    Then think about all the other things we now rely on foreign countries for – and can no longer do here.

    You will be sad. If you are young and/or have kids, be afraid. Be very very afraid.

    And for G-d’s sake do some serious questioning.

    Stop believing everything you hear.

  25. Mr. Catshit says:

    For all the wailing and gnashing of teeth, NAFTA isn’t the problem.

    NAFTA was to even out the North American market. Unfortunately, what wasn’t realized was the quick and massive tech boom by first, South Korea, Taiwan, and Malaysia and then China. Industry in Canada, the US and Mexico as well as all those sweat shops in Central America have been devastated by dumping inexpensive goods into our markets.

    The blame should (but won’t) go to our political leaders that allowed our industry to relocate to the far east and pay minimal or no tax on the income. The same leaders that allowed China to peg their currency at an artificial level. The same leaders that allowed China to abuse human rights. The same leaders that allow next to no inspection of the incoming product for contamination, WMDs, illegal immigrants, and counterfeit products.

    Yes, this is all part of the Bush legacy.


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