
  1. RASTERMAN says:

    PETA sandwich.



  2. Les says:

    Just hanging around.


    I’m better than Flatnose, the tree climbing dog.

  3. The Grumble says:

    Friends don’t let friends chase cats drunk.

  4. Jeffery Williams says:

    “That ‘Hang in there’ cat is working too hard.”

  5. Swampper says:


  6. Jurjen says:

    English lesson number 17: the words “between” and “among”.
    It is “the dog remained among the trees”, not “between”.
    Oh, wait…

  7. Peter iNova says:

    Thank you for not implementing a bark pun.

  8. mjstarks says:

    “Dog tries to get wood – Ends up looking like pussy.”

  9. Uncle Patso says:

    So there I was minding my own business…

    How’m I supposed to know it’s an Ent?

  10. thomas says:

    “Hey! They came onto me!”

  11. ECA says:

    I think this is a little RUFF…Rough?

    Forget it, Im barking up the wrong tree..

  12. Hmeyers says:

    “I hid up here to get away from Bob Barker”.

  13. Z says:


  14. bac says:

    “As I hang here, I am wondering if dogs really are the most intelligent species on the planet”.

  15. ChuckM says:

    What do I want on my jumbo ballpark hotdog? A little ketchup, mustard, relesh…

  16. Mr. Catshit says:

    YA ??? Well I got TWO woodies !!! Both bigger than your’s.

  17. Mrs Bobbo says:

    Doin’ the bobbo dance

  18. Dspencer says:

    “The one on the right is named ‘Rock.'”

  19. Trimble Epic says:

    “Man who catch dog with chopsticks accomplish anything”

  20. Mac Guy says:

    “Hi, I’m Larry. This is my brother Darryl, and this is my other brother Darryl.”

    “Damn it, I said I wanted a tight pussy, not an uptight bitch!”

  21. Improbus says:

    I guess I better say the course. Victory is mine!

  22. widgethead says:

    “Freakin’ Squirrels!!”

  23. Mr Zippy says:

    WOW.So thats what a dogwood tree looks like.

  24. Dan says:

    “I’m with stupid”

  25. Sinn Fein says:

    The Democratic Party…stuck between two stiffs.

  26. Ben says:

    Sampson the Dog: right before the end

  27. dejavuyou says:

    ehhhh… I think I should’ve made a left at Albuquerque…

  28. Ash says:

    Damn, not again. . .

  29. Kleener says:

    “So I stopped to take a leak and the next thing I know…”

  30. roemun says:

    Oh. You said TRUCK, sit in the TRUCK. OK, help me down. C’mon


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