Its Jingles all the way for CBS, Burnett | Entertainment | Reuters — Cripes!

CBS ordered eight episodes of the advertiser-friendly “Jingles” working title before the Hollywood writers strike started last November. Sources said the series has started casting and preproduction, and CBS is expected to announce a summer launch within the next couple of weeks.
The one-hour competition will feature contestants writing and performing product jingles before a panel of judges.


The serenaded item can range from groceries to clothing to writing a theme song for a TV show. Viewers will pick the winning jingle each week, and the tune later will be used in a commercial.

Burnett helped pioneer product placement in reality television, through such shows as “Survivor” and “The Apprentice.” But as the entire point of “Jingles” challenges is to better sell a product, the show could take ad integration to a new level.

Ad integration indeed.

  1. framitz says:

    Thanks for the heads up. I will be sure to miss this crap.

  2. MikeN says:

    You won’t be able to miss it. This will happen more and more with Tivo and illegal downloading.

  3. kaletm says:

    And they’ll still have commercial breaks…

  4. Usagi says:

    I stopped watching TV a while ago. Is it any wonder…

  5. brendal says:

    This give me a great idea…I’m gonna write a “Cranky Geeks” jingle!! Goes something like this:

    “Oh yes, they’re Cranky Geeks…from week to week…they hit the streets…better watch out for those…


    You like that, John? It’s yours! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!

  6. brendal says:

    This gives me a great idea…I’m gonna write a “Cranky Geeks” jingle!! Goes something like this:

    “Oh yes, they’re Cranky Geeks…from week to week…they hit the streets…better watch out for those…


    You like that, John? It’s yours! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AGAIN!

  7. McCullough says:

    #5. Your day job? Embrace it.

  8. brendal says:

    #6. It was supposed to be silly. Your night job? Embrace it.

  9. The Pirate says:

    So a reality infomercial? Its time for that Burnett guy to get a new day job. Once is creative, twice is cashing in, three times is failure to be creative anymore, four or more times is just not having the intelligence to do anything else. Same with the viewers.

  10. Moj says:

    OK. New rule. Anyone who votes in a reality TV show loses their right to vote in reality.

  11. kanjy says:

    Jingles?? Commercials don’t use jingles anymore. They use irritating plot devices and sub-funny humor.

  12. notpete says:

    Hey, moderator of the site or John C. himself, I use the RSS feature for the blogposts and they are terrible. All other feeds I have will post the whole article even pictures. Your feed only posts the title of the article and your comment, it doesn’t contain any pictures or any of the actual content. I’m wondering if you are doing this to drive traffic. It’s really annoying.


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