“But mom, the doctor said I should!”

Masturbation ‘cuts cancer risk’

Men could reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer through regular masturbation, researchers suggest.

They say cancer-causing chemicals could build up in the prostate if men do not ejaculate regularly.

And they say sexual intercourse may not have the same protective effect because of the possibility of contracting a sexually transmitted infection, which could increase men’s cancer risk.

Australian researchers questioned over 1,000 men who had developed prostate cancer and 1,250 who had not about their sexual habits.

They found those who had ejaculated the most between the ages of 20 and 50 were the least likely to develop the cancer.

You may go blind and your palm may become hairy, but you’ll have the healthiest prostate on the block!

  1. MotaMan says:

    The article left out who paid for this study, any guesses?

  2. Calin says:

    As was mentioned last night on TV…it’s surprising any man gets prostate cancer.

  3. MotaMan says:

    “Happy ending massage” becomes “cancer prevention treatment”.

  4. Imposter says:

    [Comment deleted – Violation of Posting Guidelines. – ed.]

  5. The Monster's Lawyer says:

    I think I’ll self medicate myself right now.

  6. j_anis says:

    Yes, of course! Prostitutes and massage “therapists” and jerking off are the answers! God forbid anybody actually HAVE to have sex with their monogamous wives.

    I’m no scientist, but isn’t the risk of an STD little to nil if one is in a monogamous relationship? So why is jerking off the answer? Or having a hooker do it for you?

  7. Really cute baby mountain gorilla photo. I’m not sure what this has to do with masturbation or any other sexual article since that infant is probably less than a year old and very far from sexual activity. Even bonobos don’t start that young. Observant folks will even note that gorilla palms are not hairy either. So, really there is no connection. But thanks for sharing the cute gorilla pic.

    #7 – j_anis,

    Excellent points all.

  8. DjfunkmasterG says:

    Well it is good to know all this work has meant something.

  9. Li says:

    These findings may explain why celibate men suffer from so many health problems. I wonder if they also tested for fat soluble toxins, because semen might be ideal for moving those out of the body as well.

    More proof that everything in the body has at least two functions. In this case, three; pleasure, reproduction, and toxin excretion.

  10. Li says:

    As a side note, this explains why the wives of men exposed to high levels of depleted uranium often exhibit a strong allergic reaction to their semen; the DU is being excreted, and as a heavy metal it creates a toxic reaction on exposure to mucus membranes. Might suggest a possible therapy for DU exposed soldiers too, though I don’t think it would be too popular with the anti-science/anti-pleasure types.

    Well, like Rep. Paul Broun, R-Ga.


  11. Raff says:

    All I have to say is “Thank god for lasik.”

  12. RBG says:

    It’s unfortunate that these sorts of things must upset our traditions of personal civil liberties but I expect that women would recognize their overarching moral responsibility in these matters. I mean, lives are at stake here.


  13. RBG says:

    12 BryanP You took the hot air out of my sails.


  14. j_anis says:

    Ah yes, BriyanP. You have a very good point. By all means, look after your health!

  15. Les says:

    /Bad Austin Powers reference/
    I’d have to get my Masters Debaters degree.

  16. Busy says:

    Headlines should read “Internet Pron Prevents Cancer” and doctors prescribe exercise daily repeat if necessary.

  17. fulanoche says:

    The article didn´t say if the same held true for women.

  18. brian t says:

    I dunno if celibacy is a risk factor in itself – it means that you don’t get married. I do not believe, for a second, that priests (and nuns) do not take matters in to their own hands, as it were. If a guy was to tell me that he never has sex of any kind, I’d call him either a liar, or a menace to society.

  19. Borat says:

    fap, fap, fap, fap, fap, fap

  20. langley says:

    wow, an article from 2003! way to be on top of things! 😉

  21. Grandpa says:

    I always thought of it as Rosie Palmer. Sounds nicer…

  22. RBG says:

    19. I wish I had saved the reference, I think it was a University, that insisted on referring to “pregnant people” instead of “pregnant women” because otherwise their rules would somehow be sexist.


  23. bobbo says:

    #24–RBG–no, that would be stupidly redundant. Rather, it is to make clear the reference applies to human beings and not other life forms.


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